When is showboating counter productive

When is showboating counter productive?
Well if you've got just a minute, pull up a chair and I can tell you about a great afternoon not so long ago when showboating was just about the best thing you ever did see ...

You’re making a fool of yourself you just won’t admit it
Just go on about your business and I will pretend it didn’t happen for your own good
What is your problem? You're the one who quoted me and started in with the "You sound dumb....." line. Not much joking around with that. Then you play victim going on about "hypocrisy." AFAIK I haven't done anything to you, so why make this oddly personal? What are you on about?
This “coach” is a ******* clown. Bama dyck rider based out of S Fl. Another leach trying to find his way off the back of teenagers
I suspect the old white men of Jim Brown, Barry Sanders, Jerry Rice, Ronnie Lott, etc might, just might disagree.

It shouldn't be the "no fun league" but perhaps tremendous performance/play speaks louder volumes than the "look at me *******" after a 2yd slant amd tackle.

Get of my lawn your crazy kids!!!!!!

Literally never heard of them complaining about the celebrations.
I do agree that the past year Miami team, including celebrating a TD when being down by 30 with rings, may be the absolute dumbest thing ever and a massive joke.
If it’s a penalty in the game it should be a penalty in practice. That’s what practice is. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like the rules. They exist regardless. We have been one of the most undisciplined teams for years. Why would we complain about discipline?
I don't believe in these 15 yd unsportsmanlike penalties and never have. Call delay of game if it's truly excessive (and holding up play).

I don't something that isn't competitive play potentially deciding a game.
If it’s a penalty in the game it should be a penalty in practice. That’s what practice is. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like the rules. They exist regardless. We have been one of the most undisciplined teams for years. Why would we complain about discipline?
The problem with these types of penalties is that they never can be applied fairly and equally.

Anyone who doesn't believe that has NEVER attended a Miami game versus ANY ACC opponent.

One suggestion if you want to make sure celebration penalties are applied fairly...then they should allow players to celebrate BUT place a time limit on the celebration i.e. limit 10-15 seconds. Anything beyond that is a delay of game or unsportsmanlike penalty. Because there is no harm in celebrating.

Taunting though has no place in the game
There is a difference between celebrating and taunting. Go do a backflip for all I care...no need to pull out a sharpie and autograph someone you just caught a TD on or throw a trashbag over someone.

Which has been seen on the 7 on 7 circuit over the years...
I still don’t know what happened in the video? Is the tall kid talking trash? I’m not sure what anyone is doing wrong here
Staring another player down is considered taunting. And if you think it isn't, I'm interested to know why you think the kid is staring at the defender. The catch says "I'm better than you", but for some people that's not enough.
Just in general, I've always liked celebrations, anything that puts more fun in football. Individual expression is a good thing. Think Michael Irvin to the crowd after a catch. Controlling conservative types hate this, and they've historically hated Miami. In return, I hate them back. But I draw the line at taunting. Penalize that all you want. It's pretty easy to make the distinction.
Agreed, there is a difference between celebrating with the crowd and teammates vs. directing something at the opposing team.
Staring another player down is considered taunting. And if you think it isn't, I'm interested to know why you think the kid is staring at the defender. The catch says "I'm better than you", but for some people that's not enough.
So looking at the kid you just beat is considered taunting now? You don’t even have to actually say anything? I guess. 😐