When is showboating counter productive

Watching the clip I can see both sides of the argument. Based on the rules it is clear the playmaker is taunting ever so gently. But the rules are what they are, plain and simple. HOWEVER, had the rule not existed I would say man the fvck up and make him pay the next snap. Competition is healthy and has always been a part of the sport. It's difficult sometimes to control your emotions when you dominate. That holds true in just about every aspect of your life. From the bedroom, to the workplace, and to the field of play. (domination only exists in ****, so I've been told). My wife lies often
Actually, this is one of the times when it’s counterproductive...

I love low IQ plays. They are great teaching moments for low IQ players to learn from. Like head butting a wall after scoring a TD, or your fine example.
Don’t mind the kids expressing themselves, but this coach sending out that tweet sent a bad message to his players in my opinion.

Did SFE win the 7x7 tourny in LA?
Nope got beat...hence them sending post about the refs. All of the S.FLA teams lost out of state apparently.

They supposedly didnt have all the guys...BUT....said the refs were against them the whole time. Its California....they obviously have no clue how this thing gets with 7 on 7 kids from south florida. That flag wasnt CLOSE to taunting....but the s.fla 7 on 7 teams put on a SHOW...and them coming out in Power Ranger outfits and creating a buzz at the event and a crowd i guess caught the refs ears.

7 on 7 is bullsh*t so not sure why they are flaggin stuff like that anyway...considering the cb also was staring..no words were stated by either..but sfe said the ref said "he stared at him..too long". Basically BS
Watching the clip I can see both sides of the argument. Based on the rules it is clear the playmaker is taunting ever so gently. But the rules are what they are, plain and simple. HOWEVER, had the rule not existed I would say man the fvck up and make him pay the next snap. Competition is healthy and has always been a part of the sport. It's difficult sometimes to control your emotions when you dominate. That holds true in just about every aspect of your life. From the bedroom, to the workplace, and to the field of play. (domination only exists in ****, so I've been told). My wife lies often
I just think it's stupid to whine about getting flagged. As you point out, everybody knows the rules, and that's taunting. If you disagree then get to work changing what constitutes taunting, but in the meantime coach your players better. This is a failure by the coaches plain and simple.
You're not answering the question, because you know it's taunting. Now should that be a penalty? I'm not so sure, but I am sure what the intent is.
Do I consider looking at someone taunting? Not in the slightest. Should it be a penalty? Not at all. It’s a competition.
Meh. To each its own. I prefer Fitzgerald approach, silent assassin. That quietness ***** with people psyche, most people expect a response back. They trash talking, the whole time you staring at them and saying nothing. Steady breaking one off in they ***.
I mean... this question needs a more nuanced answer, because it affects all levels of the game.

Obviously, you want youths to learn how to respect others, not just elders, but others. Its a key part of growing up. Putting your hands in your hips and looking at someone is not something that should be deemed disrespectful, especially when you participate in sports. Flopping is highly disrespectful, yet I havent seen a ref throw a flag for a flop in a minute. In fact, refs actually reward flopping. If they shake hands before the game and shake hands after the game, that's the kind of respect people should have doing a sport.

When it comes to college football, I never liked the taunting and celebration rule. To me, its stupid. For a large part, these kids enjoy their last years of football playing a game that could potentially ruin their health at any significant moment at an extremely high rate. We tell kids to enjoy what they are doing and have fun, yet the moment they enter college, they cant dance in the endzone after scoring a TD? Give me a break. If you flip the ball and signal a first down, you get a flag. Come on now.

The fact that this trend has made its way into the NFL (a big thanks to the Mora family for that) is even worse. The average NFL career lasts three years. When you leave the league, your body will be full of scars from injuries suffered during your career and you will probably end up getting some more after your career because your joints are ****ed up. And people want to tell me they cant have fun celebrating a big play?

You need to be bat**** crazy to play this game. Like, your wires in your head need to be different material and they need to be put in different places. Its a ******* dangerous game and there is a ****load of emotion within the game that needs to get out somehow. Every play has a calculated risk that you might end up in a hospital with a really bad injury that could affect your life. Yet, when you do a big play, you are expected to just walk back to the huddle as if nothing happened.

I dont understand it. Let people have fun doing what they like doing. Theres enough times in life where we have to be like robots. Not during sports.