What did Lorenzo Lingard do to Manny? Manny really is a savage

Cam is average. Does seem to have great feet or any lateral movement. I don’t understand this at all. I really can’t stand these clowns.
That’s what makes it such a head scratcher. Cam is an average RB. Always has been. He was average in HS too. The South Florida HS honks on here overhyped the **** out of him. And Burns just runs up people’s backs. It’s almost like he’s magnetized to the OL.

I get the feeling this is rigid tough guy Penos bullshyt with Lo. But that’s just a guess. Manure is such a weak HC. He should have stepped in at some point and demanded they play Lo at least a little bit to keep him engaged.
Better based on what? His HS star rating? I know we like to think the coaches are all complete morons but they see these kids in practice everyday. And while Lingard may have elite speed that maybe all he has. Frankly in the very few highlights we have, he seemed to have little agility...

Dont get me wrong, i hope Lo stays and turns out to be our savior and i think its BS Manny wouldnt give Lo a few carries today but im tired of this board hyping of "so fla 5 star dawgs" (like Pope who is also terrible) without anything to go off of.
Exactly like it has to be more than “manny isn’t trying to play him” like we even seen him throw tate in there so he’s willing to try something new.... i feel like Lo wasn’t ready and we didn’t play him cuz of that
Only acceptable explanation is he isn't 100% and they proecting him from himself.
That's what I was on all along too, supported by the weird redshirt saga. But at this point, I think the only explanation is that it is personal between some of the staff and Lo and they aren't going to play the dude. Period. I would sure hope I am wrong about that, but no other explanation holds water to me anymore.

Good luck on the next step in your journey, Lo. I'll forever be bummed we didnt get to see what you could do here.
how can you honestly say that with what we was trotting out there. You gotta give him and burns some touches and see if something pops off.

tonight furth showed that Deejay is definitely RB1 and cam Harris is not that guy.
Not sure about that. Cam didn't get many carries and when he did he was touched immediately. I agree on DJ but still most of his big plays came in the wild cat (not all, I know). Maybe your right. I'm out there arguing Tate should get more of a chance so maybe I'm doing the same thing. Though I'd say a QB would have more impact with this offense.
Better based on what? His HS star rating? I know we like to think the coaches are all complete morons but they see these kids in practice everyday. And while Lingard may have elite speed that maybe all he has. Frankly in the very few highlights we have, he seemed to have little agility...

Dont get me wrong, i hope Lo stays and turns out to be our savior and i think its BS Manny wouldnt give Lo a few carries today but im tired of this board hyping of "so fla 5 star dawgs" (like Pope who is also terrible) without anything to go off of.
Lo is from Orlando
That’s what makes it such a head scratcher. Cam is an average RB. Always has been. He was average in HS too. The South Florida HS honks on here overhyped the **** out of him. And Burns just runs up people’s backs. It’s almost like he’s magnetized to the OL.

I get the feeling this is rigid tough guy Penos bullshyt with Lo. But that’s just a guess. Manure is such a weak HC. He should have stepped in at some point and demanded they play Lo at least a little bit to keep him engaged.

Exactly.! I feel so betrayed for the kid. I mean he could’ve gone anywhere! He chose us while we sucked! And we won’t let the kid get any burn? It’s such a huge betrayal. Cam ain’t it. I just don’t understand it. I just don’t understand it. It’s so beyond ridiculous. Unless there is some NCAA infraction involved somewhere along the line, there’s no reason why this kid shouldn’t be getting any playing time.
Well sure, but it's one thing to not put talented players in a position to succeed, it's another to not even put a player in. They put Tate in. Why not Lo? The coaches are adamant about him not playing, but it's totally unclear why.
True. Based on the known facts that our coaches suck, I go with it is their fault.