What did Lorenzo Lingard do to Manny? Manny really is a savage

Does anyone actually have information on why the staff doesn't play Lo? We know it's not injuries. Is it grades? Disciplinary issues? Doesn't practice well? Slept with a coach's wife? The situation just seems bizarre.
Talent. They have no idea what to do with it.
Lingard should’ve acted like the rest of these fools then he would’ve got some PT!

I’d be ****ed seeing Tate playing and this man took a whole month off. Jarren starting and he quitting every other week.

manny loves quitters but he’ll say he’s trying to change the culture.
Bye, Lo. We didn't even get to know ya.

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Eh, who needs large explosive fast running backs anyway. We’re averaging less than 3 yards a carry the last three games, what more can you ask for.
Talent. They have no idea what to do with it.

Well sure, but it's one thing to not put talented players in a position to succeed, it's another to not even put a player in. They put Tate in. Why not Lo? The coaches are adamant about him not playing, but it's totally unclear why.