Welcome to the U? (Ray Lewis III)

You take this commit because it will bring Ray Ray to the U sidelines more...
If he went to another school, Ray would be hanging out there and not much at the U..
Agree though wish he was paying for it..

This. Why would you want arguably your most recognizable, and motivating alum on any other sideline than your own. You take Ray Lewis' son NO MATTER WHAT. I dont care if hes a special olympian, you give that kid a ride. You want Ray Lewis on your sideline more, not less.

Ray Ray may not be a GREAT athlete, but in my opinion, kid is ONE **** of a football player! He is extremely shifty and slippery. Also seems to be pretty strong for not being a big guy. I love his instincts and his football I.Q. On several plays, he sets up his blocks so he can break away for long TD runs. On another run, he looked like he was gonna get caught and put on a serious number of moves on the guy who was about to catch him and raced into the end zone. On defense, he looked like he's very instinctive. All this plus being a HUGE legacy kid. What's not to like? Welcome to the U, Ray Ray!!!
How about this kid takes his official visit the week before the super bowl (last weekend in January), and his dad accompanies him. Anyone think that might help us close out some other kids? Bet the closed-door parents/prospects with players, no coaches around would be interdasting.
I came for some insight and got a **** thread instead. That sucks, meng.

Here is some insight. The kid doesn't have a commitable D1 offer (I refuse to believe he is going to take up a scholarship). His highlight is D2 level. He is probably a 5'9", 175, 4.8 kid if he goes to real camp (Bakas's don't count).

I have watched A LOT of football film of high schools. If you are Cane fan, and only watching Cane recruits, you see a lot of good guys for the most part. What you miss is the 'other players' that schools like Western Michigan, East Carolina, Western Kentucky, IU offer. Based solely off the highlight, and considering the comp, I would be extremely surprised if he received a D1 offer. The USF and UT offers are bogus. Neither school is recruiting him for a scholarship spot.

That's my take on the RECRUIT.
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And to further my comment on Ray Lewis not being able to help our LB's much.

What is he gonna do? He wouldn't know the plays. He can't teach them anything Coach D or Barrow can't. We are paying those guys over half a million to coach LB's...I hope we don't need ANYONE else's help. You don't want players listening to Ray Lewis if they are doing the opposite of what D and Barrow are telling them. All coaches generally teach the same ****, it just comes down to how bad the player wants to be great. Ray Lewis doesn't have some secret that will make our LB's better if he tells them. He played every play like it was his last. He kept his body in A++ condition. He stayed awake in meetings. He paid attention at practice. He is a film room junkie. Now if he is gonna review film with players then, ya...that may help, but I highly doubt Ray Lewis is gonna be doing anything more than watching practice.

If Ray wants to be a coach, then be a coach. If he wants to have a kid on the team, then be a spectator. We will use him just like we do any other former player and maybe call them in for a speech Friday night at dinner. We don't need a speech from him...was he in the Hecht for 100 hours this week? Was he out there at practice running gassers? Let the players and Golden handle the speeches...it will be 10x more effective.

Lot of people on here sounding like corches not thinking things through. There is a lot that goes into the dynamic of a team and coaching staff, you don't want ANYONE messing with that balance

I'm not trying to hate on Ray Lewis BTW. I love Ray Lewis. I'm looking at this from a business decision standpoint. If he wanted to be on the staff I think that would be a great thing. This is purely from a "son that is on the team" standpoint.

And, my question still stands, did Bama have some HOF helping this year? Did Auburn have one two years ago? Did we have one in 2001, 1991, 1989, 1987, 1983?
I am kind of torn on this one. I agree with sub150 that the kid looks like a D2 prospect. there is just nothing on that tape that flashes anything that suggests he could be a starter (or possibly even a serviceable backup) at Miami.

on the other hand, there is the whole Ray Lewis legacy which I also understand. wish we didn't have such limited spots, but I will trust AG on this one and leave it to him (have no other choice really)
Can someone explain to me how Ray Lewis would help us win more games? Keep in mind Ray Lewis is most likely a booster, unless he has never given a donation. What can he do that our current coaches can't?
Scout has him at 4.5 on the 40yd, maybe Larry or Tano could better answer who and where that was timed. A year ago it was apparently 4.7.

He looks closer to a 4.7 than a 4.5 to me. His quickness and footwork look tremendous, though.

I like the string of highlights beginning at 1:39. Good football player.


ON that YouTube description that have him at 4.7, but scout currently has him at 4.5 and in his interview with IITU he claims he was timed at 4.5, so maybe he got faster? He says he wants to be at 4.3.

Perhaps he should try running down a hill.

Remember when his father said he wanted to be the best linebacker to ever play at the University of Miami?

Welcome to the U.
And to further my comment on Ray Lewis not being able to help our LB's much.

What is he gonna do? He wouldn't know the plays. He can't teach them anything Coach D or Barrow can't. We are paying those guys over half a million to coach LB's...I hope we don't need ANYONE else's help. You don't want players listening to Ray Lewis if they are doing the opposite of what D and Barrow are telling them. All coaches generally teach the same ****, it just comes down to how bad the player wants to be great. Ray Lewis doesn't have some secret that will make our LB's better if he tells them. He played every play like it was his last. He kept his body in A++ condition. He stayed awake in meetings. He paid attention at practice. He is a film room junkie. Now if he is gonna review film with players then, ya...that may help, but I highly doubt Ray Lewis is gonna be doing anything more than watching practice.

If Ray wants to be a coach, then be a coach. If he wants to have a kid on the team, then be a spectator. We will use him just like we do any other former player and maybe call them in for a speech Friday night at dinner. We don't need a speech from him...was he in the Hecht for 100 hours this week? Was he out there at practice running gassers? Let the players and Golden handle the speeches...it will be 10x more effective.

Lot of people on here sounding like corches not thinking things through. There is a lot that goes into the dynamic of a team and coaching staff, you don't want ANYONE messing with that balance

I'm not trying to hate on Ray Lewis BTW. I love Ray Lewis. I'm looking at this from a business decision standpoint. If he wanted to be on the staff I think that would be a great thing. This is purely from a "son that is on the team" standpoint.

And, my question still stands, did Bama have some HOF helping this year? Did Auburn have one two years ago? Did we have one in 2001, 1991, 1989, 1987, 1983?

ROFLMAO @ you calling other people 'corches' in this thread. You sound like a clown. I suppose Al Golden is a Corch to you, too.

sub, you're what, 25 years old? You know a lot less about things than you think you do. You have certainty on this kid as a prospect, but you haven't begun to put the bigger picture together. You can hate on other posters for telling you as much, and you can smugly pat yourself on the back for being the whiniest naysayer around. But bottom line is the actual coach of the UM Football team took this kid's commitment. When you get through processing that, come back and call everyone a corch again.
I suppose Al Golden is a Corch to you, too.

No, because Al Golden isn't some guy that sees Ray Lewis and is like "OMG, a HOF player from UM, I need you around to give epic speeches and motivate my players. Our LB's will be all-ACC with you around". No way this kid is on scholarship.
"I was always driven to Miami as a child. Ever since I was born all I saw was Miami, all I knew was Miami. My dad went to Miami, my mom went to Miami, my godfather went to Miami. A lot of people went to Miami…" --Ray Lewis lll

A true CANE
"I was always driven to Miami as a child. Ever since I was born all I saw was Miami, all I knew was Miami. My dad went to Miami, my mom went to Miami, my godfather went to Miami. A lot of people went to Miami…" --SEAN GOLDSTEIN

A true CANE

You can insert a lot of names into that spot. Doesn't mean they deserve a scholarship.
I really don't understand all the complaining. The kid is a top 150 ESPN athlete, has offers from FSU, USF, wisconsin and Tennessee and his stats are crazy good. Seems the only reason to whine is that he's 5'9" but again he's only a JR and can easily grow another 3-4"... So shut the **** up already and welcome this kid to the U