*Welcome New Posters from Canesport Thread*

Just made the transition to Canesinsight as well, they tried to give me 3 free months and I told them to shove it! It felt good. What Gary did really had me steaming but at least I found a site that's all Canes all the time. I'm in my forties, was born and raised in Miami and love the Canes with my heart and soul. It's all about the "U" !

Welcome new guys. Come on all over the West Endzone for all your other needs (and the occasional Miami thread too.)

We've been watching, and well keep trying to get others to this refuge (no man left behind.)

I'll probably do some guerilla linking over on scout in an attempt to save those who missed the mass exodus.

Site admins: just keep bringing the content and listening to the posters.

Peter, f u. - <3 , the WEZ
Hey guys--going to cancel at CS when I get the chance. I've been a member at COH much longer than anywhere else, still post over there when I can, and travel to games with most of the folks that I met on that site...so, I still call that place my "home" as far as Canes websites goes. I rarely posted on CS, mostly lurked. Look forward to seeing what this place has to offer.
What is COH? Excuse my ignorance

Lost touch with the guys from COH, but always were good by me. Randy was a straight shooter with me and good dude in my book.
Welcome. I dropped the monthly sub to Canesport after the first purge and when Vette emerged as an "insider" (true story). I had already decided to cancel my yearly sub to Canestime before Moni hit. When D (inside info) and Lu (football analysis) started Canesinsight, it was a no-brainer.
I did one better...I called to cancel and they gave me 3 free months and a $35 gift certificate to their store. May not be a lot of money but 3months at 9.99 plus the $35 is something.

I will cancel November 1st.
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Pretty good. Haven't had a chance to road trip much lately due to my job keeping me busy during the season, but the one I did make was the Sun Bowl. Talk about a bad decision, ha. Hope to see you this year, I want to get out and see the gang again, it's been too long.
I will be at GT, Chi-town for ND, UVA, and Duke this season. Come on over to one of those and you'll see me somewhere along the way, I'm sure.
I've been on this site since it started and love it.

But I cancelled my CaneSport subscription today.....Ferman is a douche bag.
Joining as well from Canesport... Was a member for over five years... Dont really post but troll the forums and such to keep up on my canes... I wasnt there for the chat cause of work but reading it did seem slanted in a way that Robinson wasnt hashed out for his biased reporting and the inaccuracies related to his first article that were proven to be false... Yahoo does own rivals and they filtered the chat... I dont understand why all the big time posters over there and long time members questions werent posted... That is a shame for the amount of money we paid to be on a site and time spent on that site to not be heard would be more than frustrating... Sorry fellow canesport members for the BS that went down today and look forward to some good insights and football convo's with new and familiar posters... Go Canes!!!
Why did it take you guys so long to quit?

Yahoo dropped this story last year in the summer, did you just find out Rivals is a subsidiary of Yahoo?