Weight Room info

You'd have to ignore what actually happened on that play in order to use that gif against our S& C program.

Has there ever been a retained coach who was part of so many failed regimes?

He's the S&C Coker. He rode in on Moffitt's coattails and has never left. Nobody will be happier when he leaves than me.
Question for Wushah and other posters who do not like Swasey...Do you give him credit for the guys that have shown improvements in the weight room? (Seantrel, Bush, Duke, Howard, Denzel, etc).. I am all for bashing the guy but I think we look at the failures and judge him off that and not look at his successes as well. Do I think he is Moffitt? **** no. But clearly we couldn't afford Moffitt and thats why LSU opened the bank vault for him and as you can see from their results the rest is history.

I think Swasey is a little above average personally. I think if you give him a natural athletic specimen like Figuroa or Terry or AQM he will make a MEAST out of him. Where I think he fails is when you ask him to take a guy like Rico Williams and make a "little Beast" out of him in 3 years or less. I think his lack of knowledge shows there. I really don't think he is a great motivator either. If a guy doesn't have that natural "want" in him I think he is a deer in headlights. But I don't think he is as horrible as some people think. JMO.
With my background I have a lot of knowledge to know/determine etc, but it is so hard to know any details of what really goes on to determine where/what are the flaws and inherent weaknesses of the training program(s) that Swasey utilizes/has utilized. For example, the nutritional component and how the players eat BK and other processed junk chemical loaded fake foods vs specific individualized nutritional focus and guidance for each individual player based on goals, prior results with constant eval and re-eval and adjustments etc - this is just a single line of thought with many other variables to look at and consider.

I think from the outside looking in - it appears that one of the big issues could be with regard to the lines (OL/DL) and functional strength etc (i.e. not getting push by OL/DL and getting pushed around).