"We aint got no money "

And yet there are many uninformed suckers on the BoT who maintain James does a good job fundraising. Splash donations to make headlines and they take the bait. Meanwhile overall numbers are not impressive. There's a reason James has held the AD job for 8.5 years... Apathy.
No you're taking the wrong lesson from this. The person pointed out Clemson's fundraising. You cannot pin point Miami's because they dont have to disclose every detail of their donations received. They get alot of donations. Unless its explicity stated it should be spent on football like with Mrs Soffer or what the Rock donated. The administration determines where its spent.

So, we're ignoring the fact that donors make up a huge part of the budget at these factory schools? What makes Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, etc so wealthy is that their donors put up so much. Keep in mind, most of the big coaching salaries are paid by the Boosters associations, with a minimal base salary paid by the University. Therefore, the school can take their revenue and place it towards capital improvements, and even then, the donors step up on that too.

Miami on the other hand, doesn't get nearly as much support from the community, and the donor pool is significantly smaller. Therefore, Miami uses the revenue to pay for **** near everything.
But wait, there’s more!

Clemson boosters raised another $360 million over six years.

We’ll never have Clemson money man.

Well.. **** good thing we have the best fund raiser in CFB sitting in the AD seat!!

Do we have numbers for UM? I guess not, but it’d be interesting to see.
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So, we're ignoring the fact that donors make up a huge part of the budget at these factory schools? What makes Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, etc so wealthy is that their donors put up so much. Keep in mind, most of the big coaching salaries are paid by the Boosters associations, with a minimal base salary paid by the University. Therefore, the school can take their revenue and place it towards capital improvements, and even then, the donors step up on that too.

Miami on the other hand, doesn't get nearly as much support from the community, and the donor pool is significantly smaller. Therefore, Miami uses the revenue to pay for **** near everything.
Do u know how much Miami receives in donations as compared to those schools?
Revenue is probably quite a bit more than that, the private schools tend to cook the books to make it look like they aren't turning a net profit. It keeps the heat off them to say, "hey we're barely scraping by as-is, don't ask us to invest more in Title IX and other non-revenue sports." If they report higher revenue, then they will have to offset with higher expenses and that makes it too easy for someone to ask, "where is all this money you say you spent?"


A "not-for-profit" does not mean NO profit. Universities are audited (heavily) by Big 4 accounting firms. Also, a lot of "revenue" pieces are reported elsewhere, such as how much the ACC pays us, how much adidas pays us, etc. So "fudging the revenue" isn't really a big thing.

As I pointed out on other threads, the difference between UM and many other P5 football programs is (a) our booster club does not raise nearly as much revenue as other booster programs, and (b) our booster club does not NEED to do certain things that state schools have to do, such as pay the "salary overruns" on exorbitant coaching salaries in states where the legislatures have limited the amounts that universities can pay any single employee.
And yet there are many uninformed suckers on the BoT who maintain James does a good job fundraising..
College administrators like a certain kind of fundraiser in athletics: One who stays far away from the big donors to the university's academic missions and on campus facilities.

"Don't mess with MY money. Go get your own"
No question Dabo and staff earned their salaries. And it wouldn't suprise me if booster groups pay some or much of those salaries.

The point being Miami needs to be more competitive in what they spend to be more competitive on the field.
Exactly, not sure why this is so hard to understand
donations pay for a ton of the football budget at big schools. Barrys article already stated that UM doesn't really use donations to pay for the football budget (coaching salaries etc) bc those donations are earmarked somewhere
Don't venture. Give us exact figures. No one benefits more from the narrative that Miami is broke than the administration. They can keep hiring dumpster juice coaches for cheap and keep the rest of the cash or spend it elsewhere.

You’re literally doing the exact thing you’re asking others not to do with conspiracy theories like “Shrouded in secrecy “

Don’t venture, give us exact figures.

Do you honestly believe this school brings in even half that $60-$70 million from boosters every year?

A "not-for-profit" does not mean NO profit. Universities are audited (heavily) by Big 4 accounting firms. Also, a lot of "revenue" pieces are reported elsewhere, such as how much the ACC pays us, how much adidas pays us, etc. So "fudging the revenue" isn't really a big thing.

As I pointed out on other threads, the difference between UM and many other P5 football programs is (a) our booster club does not raise nearly as much revenue as other booster programs, and (b) our booster club does not NEED to do certain things that state schools have to do, such as pay the "salary overruns" on exorbitant coaching salaries in states where the legislatures have limited the amounts that universities can pay any single employee.

#29 Miami $56.3 million (-4)

"Mark Richt’s final season was an ugly one that ended 7-6 with an embarrassing rout loss in the bowl to Wisconsin in NYC. Miami cooked its books to show identical $56,257,383 totals for both revenues and expenses. That’s a monumental expense number but, amazingly, not the largest in the ACC (we’ll get to it)."
And yet there are many uninformed suckers on the BoT who maintain James does a good job fundraising. Splash donations to make headlines and they take the bait. Meanwhile overall numbers are not impressive. There's a reason James has held the AD job for 8.5 years... Apathy.


This is the DEADLY circular logic. We have already established that nearly every one of the "regular" and "emeritus" Trustees got their roles via multi-million contributions. And for 8.5 years, I have railed against Beta Blake's focus on large donations and premium seating options.

But then, when it comes time for the BOT to "evaluate" Beta Blake, they think "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job". Why? Because there is a dangerous group-think that equates multi-million donations with "success". And viewed in that kind of a lens, then, sure, the BOT thinks Beta Blake is doing a heck of a job.

By the way, this perception, and this perception-becomes-reality, is reinforced by Miami being an expensive private school. Yes, we need the multi-million contributions to hit Tad Foote's and Donna Shalala's fund-raising campaign goals. I get it. But we need to change that approach when it comes to Athletics. The financial support for Athletics is MOST impacted by (a) the popularity of our teams, and [DUH] (b) winning. We need an AD who sees the most target-rich areas of "potential UM Athletics donor" as being everyone in Dade-Broward-Palm Beach, and not just "multi-millionaire households".

Sadly, the only UM sport that continues to pursue "the little guy" fan is UM Baseball. The milkshakes. The hot dogs. The "bottled wah-tah". The low ticket price. Yes, we should try to build more seating, now that UM finally has some parking garages.

But in all other respects, Beta Blake is trying to chase whales, while all the other Hurricane-fan fish swim away.
You’re literally doing the exact thing you’re asking others not to do with conspiracy theories like “Shrouded in secrecy “

Don’t venture, give us exact figures.

Do you honestly believe this school brings in even half that $60-$70 million from boosters every year?
They are shrowded in secrecy. Thats a fact. They don't have to disclose not even injuries to players. Calling them lower and upper extremities.
No you're taking the wrong lesson from this. The person pointed out Clemson's fundraising. You cannot pin point Miami's because they dont have to disclose every detail of their donations received. They get alot of donations. Unless its explicity stated it should be spent on football like with Mrs Soffer or what the Rock donated. The administration determines where its spent.


"In an unprecedented year, thanks to the exceptional support of our Hurricane family, the Hurricane Club raised close to $11 million in cash and commitments in 2019-2020. All donations directly supported our annual fund, capital projects and athletic endowment."

FOR THE RECORD, THE CLOSE OF THE HC FISCAL YEAR IS MAY 31. So, you know, just a couple of months after COVID started. And it's not like most of the money comes in during Q4. So enough of this "unprecedented year" bullcrap.

I stopped donations to the school when they :

1. Refused to guarantee that the money I donated would be spent on the football team.
2. Donna hired Shannon and went cheap even though we had made money off of our relatively recent success. Instead of expanding the football footprint she shrank it. I need to see a serious commitment to winning. Not this budget low key hires.

Every year they call and every year I emphasize these two points above. We’ll see who plays chicken first.
Hey family I know We all want the U to B back and We come on here and We vent and talk about what We like and what we don’t like..But it’s Out of our control..We don’t make the decision at the U or at No other program…We All have to Trust the process..just like these kids have to trust the process and hopefully Handy Manny can fix the issues they have…Unfortunately he’s learning on the Job…if it’s his time to Go it will happen…I’m definitely one of many that come on here and other platforms and express my frustration with Manny and the program but We’re just going to have to continue to B patient..We will B back I believe we will with or without Manny…the start of this year is exactly what the doctor ordered for the program and We will sit back patiently and hope that they the head coach and staff turn things around moving forward…it’s All about the U baby.

#29 Miami $56.3 million (-4)

"Mark Richt’s final season was an ugly one that ended 7-6 with an embarrassing rout loss in the bowl to Wisconsin in NYC. Miami cooked its books to show identical $56,257,383 totals for both revenues and expenses. That’s a monumental expense number but, amazingly, not the largest in the ACC (we’ll get to it)."

1. You are citing a Ped State writer as a source.
2. "Cooked its books" is both false and downright slanderous. By the Ped State writer, of course.
3. I am not going to go into the details of non-profit accounting (and there is a fantastic expert on this site who can), but I do find it amusing that the assumption involves manipulation of revenues rather than expenses.
4. The ranking puts us at #29 (by revenue). Do we actually think we were higher, but for the fact that we "cooked the books" to decrease revenue? Doesn't seem to be supported by logic or reality.
5. I find it hard to believe that RSM McGladrey (at least that's who it was in 2019) allowed any "cooking of the books". That's a no-no in large accounting firms. And the point of an audit is to test those results. Which the large accounting firms are VERY good at.