"We aint got no money "

People have been *****ing because we have all been treated like garbage for years. It is not "the fan base will not donate". People can, and will, donate when EVERYONE is treated as if our contributions matter.

But how hard could it possibly be to get us to forget about being treated like garbage for years? Every year we’re all drinking the Kool-aid again… they can leverage our stupidity..

The school needs to put some skin in the game and Hire a coach and staff who gets everyone excited….then put together a M style initiative for athletics, and approach boosters, alumns, season ticket holders and everyone else who loves Miami football, and ask them to join the team. Whether it’s $5 or $5m, an excited fan base will be motivated to get involved.

Truth be told, we aren’t that far away. It wouldn’t take all that much to upgrade a complete staff, and whatever else is needed to at least pretend to want to compete.
I think there was a poster in here that lives in La.
He said the school is way into the red and only spends money on football.

The school has an academic and athletic fund. There was a smear piece I read within the last year that essentially said they were in jeopardy of shuttering some academic things due to a lack of funding. It then went on to say how the football and athletic side was flush with cash.

Since you can donate directly to the athletic department, the academic side isn't their fault. You also can't move it from there to academics, so ultimately it's on those donating. Who is anyone to tell someone where to put their money?
People make contributions to endow athletic scholarships. That money is invested. The earnings on those investments is then paid to the university for scholarships. Standard operating practice across the country. No "cooking".
This is definitely right. I don't know what his official title was, but overseeing or managing the people that make these endowment investments was exactly what my oldest brother used to do for Duke.
Not even close to a "large percentage". Even if all 85 football players lived in the dorms (which they don't, most upperclassmen live off-campus), this in no way constitutes a "large percentage". This isn't the 1980s, neither Miami nor any other university has "athletes-only" housing anymore.

As with lots of things, Beta Blake is trying to claim credit for "facilities" funded by the money that other people spend, like when Athletic Department publications tout the amount spent to renovate Hard Rock Stadium.
Not just football players live there.
I completely agree.

I just think that UM has, for far too long, been stuck in old-style thinking. Trustees who can't look at the world around them and acknowledge that things have changed. And that Miami has to change too.

Who says they have to change?

We would like a ton of money dumped into athletics, but who and what does that benefit? What is the cost elsewhere if that money isn't available for whatever other projects they have going on or planned?

Only someone with intimate knowledge of our long term spending plan could answer that. I can also say without a doubt that there isn't some large amount sitting in the bank just collecting dust.
That's the $64,000 question.

Read between the lines of some of the things that I've said, and it's easier to see the big picture. Certain Trustees are NOT saying "hey, Blake, we compared your numbers to those of other schools, and you raise more funds than most."

The "respect" that those Trustees have for Beta Blake is because he kisses their ****s. He flatters them, he caters to them, he gives them special access. They are evaluating Beta Blake on an emotional level, not on a quantitative statistical basis.

Seriously, all that needs to happen is to put the IPTAY revenue against the Hurricane Club revenue. I'm not even talking about the SEC or the Big 10. If we want to succeed in the ACC, we have to compete with Clemson, we have to beat Clemson. And spotting Clemson an extra $60 million per year (both operating revenue and fund-raising revenue) is disastrous.
It’s insanity. I guess giving your patrons kid a head coaching gig buys a lot of warm fuzzies.
Not just football players live there.

I'm aware of that. So tell me the roster of ANY sport that comes close to football? The 15 men's basketball players? The 35 baseball players? Bottom line, the NEW dorm is enormous and there still isn't a "large percentage" of that dorm filled with athletes. Have you even toured the new dorm, because I have.
Who says they have to change?

We would like a ton of money dumped into athletics, but who and what does that benefit? What is the cost elsewhere if that money isn't available for whatever other projects they have going on or planned?

Only someone with intimate knowledge of our long term spending plan could answer that. I can also say without a doubt that there isn't some large amount sitting in the bank just collecting dust.

they're not going to. whether we like Barry or not, his conversations with a random BOT member already told you their mindset -- there will be no significant changes as to the financial investment. they may fire Manny and Blake, but until the BOT change, it won't matter. Blake didn't hire himself nor did Manny. before Blake, wed have **** hires at both positions too. there has to be a top down change in mindset. they don't want to be a program that is heavily invested in football. they believe they'll get Clemson lucky where a failed staff interim hire turned into an elite HC. it hasn't happened in the last 20 years so why change lol.
Who says they have to change?

We would like a ton of money dumped into athletics, but who and what does that benefit? What is the cost elsewhere if that money isn't available for whatever other projects they have going on or planned?

Only someone with intimate knowledge of our long term spending plan could answer that. I can also say without a doubt that there isn't some large amount sitting in the bank just collecting dust.
Football program success is highly correlated with rising academic ranking and revenues in general. They don’t need to look very far to see evidence of this fact… they just need to step outside.

Like any university, UM could rely on donations. The same group of 123,000 donors who raised 1.6 billion a few years ago, could probably come up with the few million needed to get a legit staff. Someone’s just gotta ask. Luckily we have the worlds foremost fundraiser in the athletic department.
Who says they have to change?

We would like a ton of money dumped into athletics, but who and what does that benefit? What is the cost elsewhere if that money isn't available for whatever other projects they have going on or planned?

Only someone with intimate knowledge of our long term spending plan could answer that. I can also say without a doubt that there isn't some large amount sitting in the bank just collecting dust.

I'm not even sure what your post means, or if you know what your post means.

I have already pointed out that our lack of an on-campus stadium takes an enormous financial albatross off our backs. I'm not proud of that, but it's financial fact.

And our basketball and baseball facilities are pretty much done, though they would benefit from additional seating capacity.

But UM is not just losing the "facilities arms race", we are also losing the "analytical analysts" arms race, the "supplemental staff" arms race, the "consultants" arms race. And if we are STUCK with our current ACC annual payout and our current annual adidas payout and our ticket revenue is pretty stagnant (ticket prices haven't gone up a lot, and we STILL don't sell out), then the additional revenue needs to come from the booster club.

So if you hired ONE HUNDRED people at an average salary of $100K (and, yes, a couple of consultants would cost more, but the 22 year old stats analysts would cost less), then you are talking about $10 million per year.

Which would require the Hurricane Club to double its revenue from the recent $11 million per year number. But it also would not require us to match Clemson's $76.3 million haul from its IPTAY booster club.

Who says they have to change? Yeah, you're right, there's no reason to change. Let's just keep doing what we are doing, it has worked out sooooo well.
they're not going to. whether we like Barry or not, his conversations with a random BOT member already told you their mindset -- there will be no significant changes as to the financial investment. they may fire Manny and Blake, but until the BOT change, it won't matter. Blake didn't hire himself nor did Manny. before Blake, wed have **** hires at both positions too. there has to be a top down change in mindset. they don't want to be a program that is heavily invested in football. they believe they'll get Clemson lucky where a failed staff interim hire turned into an elite HC. it hasn't happened in the last 20 years so why change lol.

I simply want to point out...

For those who complain that Miami promoted "a coordinator from the failed former coaching staff" in Randy Shannon...and Manny Diaz...

We also promoted Beta Blake, and he came from Shawn Eichorst's disastrous run as AD.

So, yeah, not only do we have to change our culture and hiring practices, but we should have the same problems with Beta Blake's hiring that we had with Randy's and Manny's hirings.
I'm not even sure what your post means, or if you know what your post means.

I have already pointed out that our lack of an on-campus stadium takes an enormous financial albatross off our backs. I'm not proud of that, but it's financial fact.

And our basketball and baseball facilities are pretty much done, though they would benefit from additional seating capacity.

But UM is not just losing the "facilities arms race", we are also losing the "analytical analysts" arms race, the "supplemental staff" arms race, the "consultants" arms race. And if we are STUCK with our current ACC annual payout and our current annual adidas payout and our ticket revenue is pretty stagnant (ticket prices haven't gone up a lot, and we STILL don't sell out), then the additional revenue needs to come from the booster club.

So if you hired ONE HUNDRED people at an average salary of $100K (and, yes, a couple of consultants would cost more, but the 22 year old stats analysts would cost less), then you are talking about $10 million per year.

Which would require the Hurricane Club to double its revenue from the recent $11 million per year number. But it also would not require us to match Clemson's $76.3 million haul from its IPTAY booster club.

Who says they have to change? Yeah, you're right, there's no reason to change. Let's just keep doing what we are doing, it has worked out sooooo well.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one lol.
News to me. Particularly since I was a Finance major at UM.

But the Administration doesn't know that.

When the Admin extended Golden's contract - or all the other dumbass moves they've made - they don't know we have a law school, either.

They sure didn't have a problem slow-playing Butch's contract - forcing him to call in the dogs, **** on the fire - and declare his hunt over.
But the Administration doesn't know that.

When the Admin extended Golden's contract - or all the other dumbass moves they've made - they don't know we have a law school, either.

They sure didn't have a problem slow-playing Butch's contract - forcing him to call in the dogs, **** on the fire - and declare his hunt over.

I will say this, in light of all the new NIL possibilities, I would love to see the UM School of Business do more to create a SPORTS Finance & Marketing curriculum that matches our International Finance & Marketing curriculum.
It actually is the true incremental cost. Endowed athletic scholarships are invested and earn interest and dividends. That money is that paid to the university for tuition, room, and board.

Standard. Operating. Procedure. At every Division I university that has endowed athletic scholarships.

I’m referring to the full tuition being charged as an expense to the program. There is significant incremental margin. Allocating full tuition cost is not representative of the contribution margin generated by football.