"We aint got no money "

No one wants to boost this sihtshow.
I saw a news piece about textbooks….. the insane rise of prices, and how they are using internet based workbooks, with a single password assigned to each textbook, to kill the used textbook business.

This could’ve been 1 year ago, or maybe 10 years ago, I don’t know anymore. So yea maybe prices stabilized. Or not.
My kids started college in 2012 and finished officially in 2020 . My oldest child purchased textbooks the first semester and hardly ever after that. (only if it was mandated by the professor). My son, starting UM in 2016 had virtually ZERO textbooks. Everything was an on-line subscription or online textbook.
Occasionally he would "rent" something from a service called Chegg. No purchasing of books at all....
What then what is Blake raising money for that makes him so respected?

That's the $64,000 question.

Read between the lines of some of the things that I've said, and it's easier to see the big picture. Certain Trustees are NOT saying "hey, Blake, we compared your numbers to those of other schools, and you raise more funds than most."

The "respect" that those Trustees have for Beta Blake is because he kisses their ****s. He flatters them, he caters to them, he gives them special access. They are evaluating Beta Blake on an emotional level, not on a quantitative statistical basis.

Seriously, all that needs to happen is to put the IPTAY revenue against the Hurricane Club revenue. I'm not even talking about the SEC or the Big 10. If we want to succeed in the ACC, we have to compete with Clemson, we have to beat Clemson. And spotting Clemson an extra $60 million per year (both operating revenue and fund-raising revenue) is disastrous.
I would have to guess it's the I.P.F=40m/total, dorms=$255m/total, Adidas deal=$6.55m/yr, HRS deal $4.2m/yr. and the fact that he keeps operating everything at a profit.

Are you ******* kidding me? BETA BLAKE HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DORMS. That is a UM-only expenditure that has been in the planning phase long before Beta Blake became AD.

And tell me more about those other items.

The IPF? Sure, a member of our Board of Trustees gave $14 million. Another alum, Robert Finizio, gave $3 million. Another alum, some guy by the name of Mark Richt, gave $1 million. At the point where Beta Blake made UM a laughingstock by starting a GoFundMe campaign, we had raised just shy of $30 million, and he begged the alums for another $5 million. I realize the reported "price" of the IPF was $40 million, which means that UM kicked in the other $5 million. So that means that nearly 2/3 of Beta Blake's LARGEST capital campaign was paid for by 3 people, one a Trustee and one our Head Coach.

The adidas deal? Again, are you ******* kidding me? That isn't "fund-raising". If you think Miami was going to go for 10 or 15 years without SOMEBODY paying us for an apparel deal then, sure, we should give all the credit to Beta Blake. The reality is that we lost the Nike deal on Beta Blake's watch. Miami was the FIRST UNIVERSITY that Nike EVER did an all-apparel deal with. Our AD should have figured out a way to negotiate a new deal based on the longtime relationship.

Hard Rock Stadium deal? What are you talking about? Is this fund-raising? Do we have some actual choice in football stadiums and Hard Rock appreciates the fact that Miami chose HRS? Can you tell me exactly what Beta Blake did and how should get credit for whatever revenue you are referencing?
Lmao. Pointing out an obvious truth makes me a shill.

Quick question doofus, how much money have you given to the university over the last 25 years or so?

I bet the number is special.
We been pointing out the truth to u all off season.....and also since Diaz got hired. What he just did to u is what u do to us and we react just like u just did. It was obvious Diaz was trash day 1

Twilight zone
people *****ed. The issue is the fan base by and large will not donate. We won’t be able to get away w the donations Florida requIres

People have been *****ing because we have all been treated like garbage for years. It is not "the fan base will not donate". People can, and will, donate when EVERYONE is treated as if our contributions matter.

I would also add that financial transparency inspires more confidence. Beta Blake needs to put a lot more effort into convincing the $50 donors and the $500 donors and the $5,000 donors that their money is well-spent, rather than devoting all of his time to smooching ****** at the next big-donor event.
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The athletic department reimburses the cost of each players schooling to the university, which is why a lot of donors pay for players tuition…. Cookin the books

People make contributions to endow athletic scholarships. That money is invested. The earnings on those investments is then paid to the university for scholarships. Standard operating practice across the country. No "cooking".
You must walk slowly behind James Blake and whisper into his ear the past 25 years and tell Blake “Here daddy, go buy your self something pretty for you to wear at night.”

I actually just ask how much mikemike has donated.

Why don’t you tell us?
Just admit you don't understand what an EADA report is.

It's not audited by the Dept of Education. These are not audited financial statements. It is not a Title IX report. It's nothing more than a survey posted on the Dept of Education website for consumers to decide if a school is treating female athlete's fairly. Schools can basically write whatever they want in the statements. Some schools will even include the cost of electricity to keep the lights on as a sports expense in the EADA reports to inflate their expenses and make it look like they are spending more money on the sports programs, even if the state 100% pays the light bill (which again, it benefits school to give the perception they are spending more money on sports).

You continue to claim the article's author defamed three schools and made false accusations about cooking the books. You must have some evidence to back that claim. Ok, what's your evidence UM didn't pull the numbers out of thin air? You should have no problem debunking it if you say all the data is out there proving UM's numbers are legitimate.

I know exactly what the EADA survey is, but continue to drag your heels and pretend that you are an expert.

Once again, you have no idea what the term "cooking the books" means, and what it involves.

But, sure, continue to defend some c0cksucking little ****ant author from some ****ty newspaper in ****hole Pennsylvania. His words are quite apparent, and his ENTIRE basis for the term "cooking the books" was the fact that the Expenses equalled Revenue. EVEN THOUGH it is clear that the EADA survey REQUIRED the university to NOT show a deficit. Yeah, you want ME to provide evidence? Get the fvck out of here.

And you are participating in the defamation by repeating, amplifying, and speculating on the University of Miami committing financial crimes of which you have no proof. You should be banned on those grounds alone.

And we wonder why Miami alums and fans might be hesitant to donate, when we have nimrods like you FALSELY claiming that UM is "cooking the books", when your SOLE evidence is the fact that a survey REQUIRED them to reduce expenditures so as not to show a deficit.

This is not name-calling. Anyone who accuses a major university of committing financial crimes, WITH NO EVIDENCE, is human trash.
We been pointing out the truth to u all off season.....and also since Diaz got hired. What he just did to u is what u do to us and we react just like u just did. It was obvious Diaz was trash day 1

Twilight zone
Just like Richt, everyone hopes that a coach will develop into a CEO style and put the right people in place. This was even more believable after Ed Orgeron won it all in 2019.

This season, the one thing that's finally become apparent to people beyond this board is that the problem is at the institution, not just the coach. It's hard to say that the very best coaches in 2 of our 3 biggest sports happen to be children of BOT members when they're not performing at an elite level. It looks like the AD is kissing *** and is only interested in being viewed in a favorable light by the BOT and to **** with everyone else. It's like Blake James is Eddie Haskell and the BOT is June Cleaver.
yes. Part of a very long term plan to upgrade every University housing building. Nothing to do with Athletic department except they use a large percentage to house athletes

Not even close to a "large percentage". Even if all 85 football players lived in the dorms (which they don't, most upperclassmen live off-campus), this in no way constitutes a "large percentage". This isn't the 1980s, neither Miami nor any other university has "athletes-only" housing anymore.

As with lots of things, Beta Blake is trying to claim credit for "facilities" funded by the money that other people spend, like when Athletic Department publications tout the amount spent to renovate Hard Rock Stadium.
This is the “cooking” part. It’s not the true incremental cost.

It actually is the true incremental cost. Endowed athletic scholarships are invested and earn interest and dividends. That money is that paid to the university for tuition, room, and board.

Standard. Operating. Procedure. At every Division I university that has endowed athletic scholarships.
People make contributions to endow athletic scholarships. That money is invested. The earnings on those investments is then paid to the university for scholarships. Standard operating practice across the country. No "cooking".
That was sort of tongue in cheek.
People have been *****ing because we have all been treated like garbage for years. It is not "the fan base will not donate". People can, and will, donate when EVERYONE is treated as if our contributions matter.

lol by and large the fanbase won't spill extra money. I've seen it w every team out here. unless its a winner, people will lose interest and not show up. it works for the pros, but it doesn't work well in college. we need the consistent support (win or lose, we still need the funds coming in esp since the school won't spend).
Nearly 10 pages in and I haven’t seen a single person say we don’t have any money.

We may not have Clemson money but we ain’t broke.

It’s an all in battle of everyone against no one

Money exists.

Clemson still raises more than $50 million per year MORE than Miami.

That fact means something, particularly in the analysis of Beta Blake's failures.
For those of you who are subject matter experts on this please see the link below.
And someone please explain to me why compensation for Diaz is stated as $9.5m?! This has to be our total compensation to the whole football staff correct?
2019 990 form

$4M Temple buyout, grossed-up for income tax at a 40% rate, it would be $6.667 million. That's how much money we paid to Manny for his buyout. NOT $4 million.
So who's going to be the first one here to start up a CIS booster group?
The point was to show the school was not required to make public the full terms of his contract. That information is not publicly available. Public schools have to immediately report the full terms when a new contract is signed, private schools don't. For example, we know Cristobal under his new contract has a salary that goes up incrementally every year until 2025, when it hits 5 million a year. Did Richt have an escalating contract? 4.3 in 2019, 4.5 in 2020, 4.7 2021, 4.9 2022, 5 mil 2023? No one knows since UM didn't have to report the terms of his contract.

And why is this relevant? Because it goes back to the original point on the EADA. My personal opinion was that UM is actually making quite a bit more revenue than it reported in the EADA statements but it was underreporting total revenue on purpose because then people would say, "How dare you claim you don't have the money to pay for coaches!"

Then one poster particular poster claimed, "No way, they can't fake those revenue numbers, it's audited by the Big 4 firms." I then explained that these are not the auditable financials, it's not an IRS filing or Title IX official report. It's just an informational document for consumers. The EADA info can basically say whatever the school wants it to say. Schools have an incentive to overstate the expenses (especially in women's sports: scholarships, etc) because they can make it look like they are investing in women's sports programs as much as men's sports. The Dept of Education only cares that it gets reported on time, they have literally never questioned any school on the EADA data (they've also never fined any school for being late with the report. It is basically something the schools crap out with shoddy data to meet a deadline). I also quoted a newspaper columnist who said that three schools (Rutgers, UM, and I assume FSU, he wasn't clear on the 3rd) appeared to have cooked the books on the EADA data. This certain poster was indignant and said the writer clearly defamed the schools (I'm going to let his slander/libel mixup slide). So if the writer defamed the schools, then the fudged numbers he claims are in the EADA report, should in reality, match up with the other publicly available data (meaning UM accurately reported the info).

Well let's put that to the test, shall we? In the 2019 990, UM reported Richt and Larranaga's alone as totaling 6.5 million (Richt 4.3, Coach L at 2.2).

In their EADA report for that exactly same reporting period, they reported the total salary for ALL men's head coaches as 6.29 million (lists average salary of 1.04 million for men's HCs, and says there are 6 men's HCs). Why, it almost looks like the school is underreporting the men's coaching salaries on the EADA. I'm shocked. SHOCKED. Why would they do that, you may ask? Because if they showed a massive and growing disparity year to year for men's coaches over womens' coaches, people might start asking questions and say that's not gender equitable and the school isn't investing enough in women's sports. On the EADA report, the school says women's coaches in total make 1.8 million (210k avg, 9 HCs). So what does the 990 say about the women's salaries? Absolutely nothing. The school isn't required to report the salary of all the women's because it doesn't meet the reporting threshold (it also doesn't list Blake James's salary, btw). Since Miami is a private university, the 990 is basically the only publicly available information on real salaries at UM and it doesn't list the salaries for 13 out of 15 head coaches. There is no way of verifying the EADA data. The only data point we have is for men's coaching salaries, and the official total salary (from the 990) of two coaches is more than the total salary for ALL men's coaches on the EADA report. So the writer who said UM cooked the books on the EADA report might not be far off base.

You are completely ignorant.

You talk a bunch of crap to cover up your ignorance.

You are whining about the fact that UM does not IMMEDIATELY have to disclose coaching contracts, yet you don't deny that the coaches' salaries are right there on the 990.

Then you come up with some nonsense that IN YOUR OPNION, UM is making "quite a bit more revenue". But you are so full of ****e that you can't even smell yourself. The LARGEST source of UM revenue is...the ACC payout...publicly disclosed. Another major source of revenue is the adidas contract...publicly disclosed. You could do the math on ticket sales by simply multiplying the number of seats by each ticket price level. Of course, at that point, you would be overstating revenue, since there are season-ticket discounts and we don't even sell out for most games.

So please tell people where all this secret magic revenue is coming from. You can't. You won't.

You are obsessed...and wrong...and you are alleging financial fraud crimes...simply because you ASSUME that Miami has some bizarre incentive to overstate its expenses. I've never seen such delusions. What is wrong with you, and why can't you simply acknowledge that there are multiple avenues to verify revenue and to verify coaching salaries?

Instead, you keep bloviating about how Miami will "cook its books" to somehow impress recruits with our expenditure level. I guess that coaches and facilities and wins don't matter, all we REALLY need to do to improve our recruiting is falsify an EADA report.

Utter insanity. You are making yourself a laughingstock...and for what, exactly?