Ways to improve the recruiting board

Tried it out on the Dopson threads to see how well the proposed process works.

  • First and last posts of the original thread updated.
  • Link to the old thread in the new thread (although its a few posts into the thread as I couldn't get to it in time).
Edit: I tweaked the proposed process a bit. Title updated to include "[Pre-commit] Thread"
I was going to try and link the thread within the article, but was driving while posting and couldn’t do much on the phone. Would linking within the article work with what y’all are envisioning?

Very few of the ideas posted would improve the board. I hope you don't change much. The one theme that I would endorse is simplification or condensing. Merge more threads.
Also, the loud auto-play pop-ups are brutal.
A running list of current recruits. Also a team roster and schedule would be good
This currently exists.
