i don't post much, i just like to read and see what people have to say.
Lammar busts a 50,60,70 yarder once in game or once every two games, that's what you see in career stats. if that's what you are looking at and you he's good player because of it then that's your opinion. to me that's not a good player ,that's an average player.
that's on o-line not really on the Lammar.
i'm looking at the 3rd and 4, 3rd and 5 situation. can Lammar set tacklers up and juke them, can he run through them, can he make one ,two ,or three miss, can he make them break your ankles types of cut.
good players or great players make alot of wow plays, you see a play run, he's surrounded and you think he's gonna get stopped but instead he squeezed out, you're like how the **** did he get outta that.
i didn't see any of that, from Lammar. more often than not i see him slowing down to make a cut or he would try to outrun the defense to make them miss (won't be able to do that in the NFL ). he doesn't make the defense pay for trying to tackle him.
sorry guys, to me Lammar is just average. i hope i'm wrong
of course this is what i see, maybe my "46" inch flat ain't seeing what everyone else is seeing
i HOPE Lammar isn't one of those big time college runningbacks, those heisman trophy winning runningbacks to bust in the NFL