Virginia Tech @ #7 Miami Fri, Sep 27, 2024

We getting outcoached!! They know our plays! Two times they made a read you could only make by watching film! Miami not showing anything different out there!
Pry makes Mario look like an Xs and Os guy. Taking the time out before the half rather than running the clock down and then squibbing it rather than putting us at the 25. Guy is doing his best to give it away
Don’t ask people to pack no rock man. Same old ****. This team is ******* sleep walking. Did TVD take over cam wards body. I been up
Since 3AM watching this **** man.
VT has no fear of this team
VT always play us tough.
This team should've known this, this is a rivalry game. This their fault they're laying down like they trim asf. 🤷🏿‍♂️ that's what I see. Out of position, not finishing, Ward forcing ****, ZERO CREATIVITY IN THE RUN GAME, ZERO SCREENS TO COMPLEMENT THE RUN GAME.... TF!!!