USC guilts Matt Thomas into sticking with his plan....

What some of you guys don't understand is that there still haven't been any in-home visits by Allan Goldman.

When Al Golden steps into Matt Thomas' house wearing a $5,000 suit and starts sweet-talking momma Thomas, it's a wrap. Done. Case closed. C'est fini.

Just picture this scenario - January 28, Jimbob Fister flies down to Miami with his dumbo ears and lands right outside of Thomas' home for his visit. He's wearing some navy slacks he got at JCPenney for 60% off and a tweed jacket from 1980 that doesn't even remotely match his pants. He looks like a ****** idiot. Who the **** wears a tweed jacket and navy pants? And he's wearing a hat; which is shame, because he's covering up the beautiful haircut he just gave himself on Monday. Who needs to pay a barber when you have scissors at home? Then he starts talking. The dog perks his ears up immediately; he can't understand how such a high-pitched tone can come from a human larynx. He starts barking and then they have to put him in the other room. Jimbob then squeaks along for 2 hours, giving the same generic spiel he gave to Alex Collins two nights ago. Matt or his mom can't get a word in edgewise. Satisfied with his peope skills, Jimbob calls it a night at 9:30 after forgetting to compliment Mama Thomas on how good the turkey was, clicks his high heels (I forgot to mention what shoes he'd he wearing - they'll probably be 3 inch heels and red) and then goes off back to Tallahassee thinking it's a wrap. Matt and his mother aren't so sure about this guy. They spend the rest of the night wondering if he's *** or not, eventually deciding "probably."

It's January 30 now. Al Golden has a chauffeur drop him off in a Bentley. He wouldn't be seen dead driving himself to a recruits house like some kind of lowly public school coach. No ****** way. And anyway, dead guys can't drive. Maybe he brings Mario or maybe he's just going solo, depends on the night. He knocks on the door looking like a million bucks. He's wearing an impossibly black suit. Probably cost more than the house he's walking into, but there's no way to know for certain. The leather on his shoes and watch band is the finest in the world, made from the fetus' of Italian cows - it's an old trade secret that the most supple leather comes from the animal before it's born. Jimbob doesn't know that. ****, he's got cloth seats in his Subaru.

Once Al starts talking, it's over. Mama Thomas is thinking of ways to propose to Golden after 5 minutes. Matt's probably doing the same. He's charming them, making them laugh, and using the term "top 40 institution" every fifth sentence. He talks about making Matt a man, giving him an education, preparing him for the real world. Teaching him how to work, be strong, deal with adversity and overcome it. He's so god **** charming, he could take a **** in the middle of the living room while he's talking and nobody would notice or care. He stays for a good 5 or 6 hours, but it seems like no time at all. Matt loves this guy, Mama Thomas loves this guy, and Golden loves them, because that's just the kind of dude he is. It's getting late now, so he better head home. He bids everyone farewell. He shakes Matt's hand and Matt notices that right away the difference between Golden's firm handshake and Jimbob's "my hand is doing it's best impressions of my *****" dead-fish, limpdick handshake.

Golden puts his sunglasses on and walks out of the house with a huge smile on his face. He knows it's only a matter of time before Matt picks up the phone and says, "Coach, I'm ready to be a 'Cane."
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.
Last edited:
What some of you guys don't understand is that there still haven't been any in-home visits by Allan Goldman.

When Al Golden steps into Matt Thomas' house wearing a $5,000 suit and starts sweet-talking momma Thomas, it's a wrap. Done. Case closed. C'est fini.

Just picture this scenario - January 28, Jimbob Fister flies down to Miami with his dumbo ears and lands right outside of Thomas' home for his visit. He's wearing some navy slacks he got at JCPenney for 60% off and a tweed jacket from 1980 that doesn't even remotely match his pants. He looks like a ****in idiot. Who the **** wears a tweed jacket and navy pants? And he's wearing a hat; which is shame, because he's covering up the beautiful haircut he just gave himself on Monday. Who needs to pay a barber when you have scissors at home? Then he starts talking. The dog perks his ears up immediately; he can't understand how such a high-pitched tone can come from a human larynx. He starts barking and then they have to put him in the other room. Jimbob then squeaks along for 2 hours, giving the same generic spiel he gave to Alex Collins two nights ago. Matt or his mom can't get a word in edgewise. Satisfied with his peope skills, Jimbob calls it a night at 9:30 after forgetting to compliment Mama Thomas on how good the turkey was, clicks his high heels (I forgot to mention what shoes he'd he wearing - they'll probably be 3 inch heels and red) and then goes off back to Tallahassee thinking it's a wrap. Matt and his mother aren't so sure about this guy. They spend the rest of the night wondering if he's *** or not, eventually deciding "probably."

It's January 30 now. Al Golden has a chauffeur drop him off in a Bentley. He wouldn't be seen dead driving himself to a recruits house like some kind of lowly public school coach. No ****in way. And anyway, dead guys can't drive. Maybe he brings Mario or maybe he's just going solo, depends on the night. He knocks on the door looking like a million bucks. He's wearing an impossibly black suit. Probably cost more than the house he's walking into, but there's no way to know for certain. The leather on his shoes and watch band is the finest in the world, made from the fetus' of Italian cows - it's an old trade secret that the most supple leather comes from the animal before it's born. Jimbob doesn't know that. ****, he's got cloth seats in his Subaru.

Once Al starts talking, it's over. Mama Thomas is thinking of ways to propose to Golden after 5 minutes. Matt's probably doing the same. He's charming them, making them laugh, and using the term "top 40 institution" every fifth sentence. He talks about making Matt a man, giving him an education, preparing him for the real world. Teaching him how to work, be strong, deal with adversity and overcome it. He's so god **** charming, he could take a **** in the middle of the living room while he's talking and nobody would notice or care. He stays for a good 5 or 6 hours, but it seems like no time at all. Matt loves this guy, Mama Thomas loves this guy, and Golden loves them, because that's just the kind of dude he is. It's getting late now, so he better head home. He bids everyone farewell. He shakes Matt's hand and Matt notices that right away the difference between Golden's firm handshake and Jimbob's "my hand is doing it's best impressions of my *****" dead-fish, limpdick handshake.

Golden puts his sunglasses on and walks out of the house with a huge smile on his face. He knows it's only a matter of time before Matt picks up the phone and says, "Coach, I'm ready to be a 'Cane."
I didn't read this, but based on the first two sentences, it had to be good.
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.

Except for my post above yours, this is the best post in this thread. I actually don't mind Thomas keeping his word and visiting USC. He's obviously a good kid and he probably felt bad for tooling the USC coaching staff around a little and cancelling his visit. He's a Cane in the end, though. No way he's not.

I actually think he's the kind of guy who would prefer a quiet visit to UM, where he could spend a lot of time with his mom and the coaches just talking about the school and seeing the sights.
man oh man, i dont post much on this site, but some of you are being negative as **** right now, we dont know how this will play out, you never know if this kid will cancel again, or if he will actually take that last visit the weekend before signing day, no one knows, should he be on campus absolutely yes, but the way some of you have turned into a bunch of negative girls about him is amazing me, a month ago everybody and i mean everybody was saying that he is a cane and this and that, now one rescheduling and you all are in panic mode.

People are posting statistics and facts about guys signing with Miami who didn't make an OV. No refuting that.

oh no, i have no problems with that, its just people are being negative and saying that this kid is not coming here and all that, WE DONT KNOW!!!!!, as someone else posted earlier it is still tuesday he can change at the end of the week, that is how recruiting is, kids canceling visits left and right,

I guess, but if he changed his mind again I'd start worrying about his mental health.

It says he's scheduled to make an OV to UGA on the 1st, hopefully that's the one he dumps for a Miami visit.

like i said im not worrying until i see him not taking any visit what so ever to the campus, and that includes a mid-week visit
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.

Except for my post above yours, this is the best post in this thread. I actually don't mind Thomas keeping his word and visiting USC. He's obviously a good kid and he probably felt bad for tooling the USC coaching staff around a little and cancelling his visit. He's a Cane in the end, though. No way he's not.

I actually think he's the kind of guy who would prefer a quiet visit to UM, where he could spend a lot of time with his mom and the coaches just talking about the school and seeing the sights.

Yeah I don't get the 'diva' vibe from 6 at all. If I did I would feel much differently about this, but IMO he set up the visits and then felt bad when he canceled on USC and they came out to see him all the way from Cali, so just like ICe says he is going to be "professional."

As long as he makes some visit to UM he's a cane.
sorry bro as i don't keep tabs, but the point is that he has been here and seen the goods. if it was a tampa/orlando/etc kid who hasn't been on campus at all or as much it would be a bigger concern.
Fine bro, I don't keep a spread sheet either, but lets just bet that its not that many. Like very few. I'll let some of those with better memories educate us all on the past to address my (somewhat) rhetorical question.

Why use up 1/5 OV's on a school a few miles from home is all i'm sayin.

Well, history shows that 99.9% of our Dade commits take a UM official visit, so Thomas not taking one is a concern.

History shows that 99.9% of the Dade county recruits that we give our full attention end up Canes.

Dude, really??
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.

Except for my post above yours, this is the best post in this thread. I actually don't mind Thomas keeping his word and visiting USC. He's obviously a good kid and he probably felt bad for tooling the USC coaching staff around a little and cancelling his visit. He's a Cane in the end, though. No way he's not.

I actually think he's the kind of guy who would prefer a quiet visit to UM, where he could spend a lot of time with his mom and the coaches just talking about the school and seeing the sights.

After my post about the Victoria's Secret panties, these 2 posts are the 2nd and 3rd best in this thread.
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.

Except for my post above yours, this is the best post in this thread. I actually don't mind Thomas keeping his word and visiting USC. He's obviously a good kid and he probably felt bad for tooling the USC coaching staff around a little and cancelling his visit. He's a Cane in the end, though. No way he's not.

I actually think he's the kind of guy who would prefer a quiet visit to UM, where he could spend a lot of time with his mom and the coaches just talking about the school and seeing the sights.

Yeah I don't get the 'diva' vibe from 6 at all. If I did I would feel much differently about this, but IMO he set up the visits and then felt bad when he canceled on USC and they came out to see him all the way from Cali, so just like ICe says he is going to be "professional."

As long as he makes some visit to UM he's a cane.

The guy is definitely not a diva. In every interview I see of him, he seems like the kind of guy who would respect Coach Golden's methods, and who Coach Golden would respect in turn. He's just enjoying the recruiting process (I'm sure Ice has reiterated to all his guys that it only happens once) and making sure he remains courteous to everyone throughout the whole ordeal.

I think he's definitely going to make a visit down here, and like you, I think that once he does, he's almost certainly going to be a Cane.
If Thomas does not sign with UM it will be the most shocking signing day decision that I can remember. Unless he never takes that mid-week official visit then I am completely certain he will be a 'Cane. I feel more confident this kid will be a 'Cane than any recruit left on the board. Thomas seems like a nice kid who wishes he could take the UM visit this weekend but like Ice said wants to keep it professional after promising USC that he will be there, especially after one of their coaches flew from California to talk to him.

There are a lot of recruits who I have gotten bad vibes from over the yeasr when it comes to canceled plans and stuff like this. Thomas isn't one of them at all.

Except for my post above yours, this is the best post in this thread. I actually don't mind Thomas keeping his word and visiting USC. He's obviously a good kid and he probably felt bad for tooling the USC coaching staff around a little and cancelling his visit. He's a Cane in the end, though. No way he's not.

I actually think he's the kind of guy who would prefer a quiet visit to UM, where he could spend a lot of time with his mom and the coaches just talking about the school and seeing the sights.

Yeah I don't get the 'diva' vibe from 6 at all. If I did I would feel much differently about this, but IMO he set up the visits and then felt bad when he canceled on USC and they came out to see him all the way from Cali, so just like ICe says he is going to be "professional."

As long as he makes some visit to UM he's a cane.

If he's not careful, he might be "professional" by the time Orgeron and those scumbags get done paying him this weekend.
What some of you guys don't understand is that there still haven't been any in-home visits by Allan Goldman.

When Al Golden steps into Matt Thomas' house wearing a $5,000 suit and starts sweet-talking momma Thomas, it's a wrap. Done. Case closed. C'est fini.

Just picture this scenario - January 28, Jimbob Fister flies down to Miami with his dumbo ears and lands right outside of Thomas' home for his visit. He's wearing some navy slacks he got at JCPenney for 60% off and a tweed jacket from 1980 that doesn't even remotely match his pants. He looks like a ****in idiot. Who the **** wears a tweed jacket and navy pants? And he's wearing a hat; which is shame, because he's covering up the beautiful haircut he just gave himself on Monday. Who needs to pay a barber when you have scissors at home? Then he starts talking. The dog perks his ears up immediately; he can't understand how such a high-pitched tone can come from a human larynx. He starts barking and then they have to put him in the other room. Jimbob then squeaks along for 2 hours, giving the same generic spiel he gave to Alex Collins two nights ago. Matt or his mom can't get a word in edgewise. Satisfied with his peope skills, Jimbob calls it a night at 9:30 after forgetting to compliment Mama Thomas on how good the turkey was, clicks his high heels (I forgot to mention what shoes he'd he wearing - they'll probably be 3 inch heels and red) and then goes off back to Tallahassee thinking it's a wrap. Matt and his mother aren't so sure about this guy. They spend the rest of the night wondering if he's *** or not, eventually deciding "probably."

It's January 30 now. Al Golden has a chauffeur drop him off in a Bentley. He wouldn't be seen dead driving himself to a recruits house like some kind of lowly public school coach. No ****in way. And anyway, dead guys can't drive. Maybe he brings Mario or maybe he's just going solo, depends on the night. He knocks on the door looking like a million bucks. He's wearing an impossibly black suit. Probably cost more than the house he's walking into, but there's no way to know for certain. The leather on his shoes and watch band is the finest in the world, made from the fetus' of Italian cows - it's an old trade secret that the most supple leather comes from the animal before it's born. Jimbob doesn't know that. ****, he's got cloth seats in his Subaru.

Once Al starts talking, it's over. Mama Thomas is thinking of ways to propose to Golden after 5 minutes. Matt's probably doing the same. He's charming them, making them laugh, and using the term "top 40 institution" every fifth sentence. He talks about making Matt a man, giving him an education, preparing him for the real world. Teaching him how to work, be strong, deal with adversity and overcome it. He's so god **** charming, he could take a **** in the middle of the living room while he's talking and nobody would notice or care. He stays for a good 5 or 6 hours, but it seems like no time at all. Matt loves this guy, Mama Thomas loves this guy, and Golden loves them, because that's just the kind of dude he is. It's getting late now, so he better head home. He bids everyone farewell. He shakes Matt's hand and Matt notices that right away the difference between Golden's firm handshake and Jimbob's "my hand is doing it's best impressions of my *****" dead-fish, limpdick handshake.

Golden puts his sunglasses on and walks out of the house with a huge smile on his face. He knows it's only a matter of time before Matt picks up the phone and says, "Coach, I'm ready to be a 'Cane."

Short Film directed by Zoso493
Fine bro, I don't keep a spread sheet either, but lets just bet that its not that many. Like very few. I'll let some of those with better memories educate us all on the past to address my (somewhat) rhetorical question.

Why use up 1/5 OV's on a school a few miles from home is all i'm sayin.

Well, history shows that 99.9% of our Dade commits take a UM official visit, so Thomas not taking one is a concern.

History shows that 99.9% of the Dade county recruits that we give our full attention end up Canes.

Dude, really??

He said "history shows", so I'm sure he was careful to document his post thoroughly. He'd never make that stat up after saying "history shows".
It would have been nice if Liner and Williams had shown us the same courtesy and at least took the weekend trip to a world-wide hotspot, and oh yeah, got a first hand look at a premier program on the rise with a reputation of pumping out guys to NFL rosters.
That line from the interview he did with Pete a few weeks ago sticks with me regarding FSU. He said he wanted to get up there to show his Mom the classrooms, dorms, locker rooms, etc. At the time I said it read like a kid who wanted to get his Mother's blessing and show her it would be ok for him to go there. I'm starting to think that's the case more and more.


He is leaning FSU, doesn't wanna go to FSU, and wants his mom to see that that isn't the place for him, and knows that he should stay in Miami....

What I don't get is that all this throwing up the U at the all star games, and some videos where he throws up the U at all star games, you just can't take that back. When he made that huge hit on Shane Morris, his initial reaction was to throw up the U. Not the Gator Chomp, or Roll Ride, or USC or Nole bull****, he, in the heat of the moment went and threw the U.

If he goes up to FSU, he how could he come back down here and be welcomed back? Booker T recently has been a UM pipeline, and the rivalry doesn't die. He will forever be known as a nole. I just cannot see that happening.

Sure, this USC **** is disconcerting, but when you really break it down, I think he knows where he wants to go, has known, and thats at the University of Miami.

You think he's dragging his mom up to Tally all to show her why he doesn't want to attend a school and convince her why he should attend one right down the street from her?

I think there is some confusion here. As of right now, Thomas is STILL expected to take an OV here....just not this weekend.

Alabama 01/11/2013
USC 01/18/2013
Florida State 01/25/2013
Georgia 02/01/2013

Not sure what this is supposed to mean.....

Those are his scheduled visits.......

and? that's four OV his gets five so he could still OV to UM midweek. Also Ice makes it sound like the UGA visit is off so that weekend could be open.

Makes it sound like the visit is off because he's not going to visit anyone that weekend...

Maybe he'll visit Miami that weekend.
That line from the interview he did with Pete a few weeks ago sticks with me regarding FSU. He said he wanted to get up there to show his Mom the classrooms, dorms, locker rooms, etc. At the time I said it read like a kid who wanted to get his Mother's blessing and show her it would be ok for him to go there. I'm starting to think that's the case more and more.


He is leaning FSU, doesn't wanna go to FSU, and wants his mom to see that that isn't the place for him, and knows that he should stay in Miami....

What I don't get is that all this throwing up the U at the all star games, and some videos where he throws up the U at all star games, you just can't take that back. When he made that huge hit on Shane Morris, his initial reaction was to throw up the U. Not the Gator Chomp, or Roll Ride, or USC or Nole bull****, he, in the heat of the moment went and threw the U.

If he goes up to FSU, he how could he come back down here and be welcomed back? Booker T recently has been a UM pipeline, and the rivalry doesn't die. He will forever be known as a nole. I just cannot see that happening.

Sure, this USC **** is disconcerting, but when you really break it down, I think he knows where he wants to go, has known, and thats at the University of Miami.

You think he's dragging his mom up to Tally all to show her why he doesn't want to attend a school and convince her why he should attend one right down the street from her?


Makes perfect sense. He's also taking his mom to USC to confirm his hatred of Will Farrell.
Alabama 01/11/2013
USC 01/18/2013
Florida State 01/25/2013
Georgia 02/01/2013

Not sure what this is supposed to mean.....

Those are his scheduled visits.......

and? that's four OV his gets five so he could still OV to UM midweek. Also Ice makes it sound like the UGA visit is off so that weekend could be open.

Makes it sound like the visit is off because he's not going to visit anyone that weekend...

Maybe he'll visit Miami that weekend.

Please visit that weekend him and Keef are probably the two that need the most attention so maybe it's good they're visiting alone
That line from the interview he did with Pete a few weeks ago sticks with me regarding FSU. He said he wanted to get up there to show his Mom the classrooms, dorms, locker rooms, etc. At the time I said it read like a kid who wanted to get his Mother's blessing and show her it would be ok for him to go there. I'm starting to think that's the case more and more.


He is leaning FSU, doesn't wanna go to FSU, and wants his mom to see that that isn't the place for him, and knows that he should stay in Miami....

What I don't get is that all this throwing up the U at the all star games, and some videos where he throws up the U at all star games, you just can't take that back. When he made that huge hit on Shane Morris, his initial reaction was to throw up the U. Not the Gator Chomp, or Roll Ride, or USC or Nole bull****, he, in the heat of the moment went and threw the U.

If he goes up to FSU, he how could he come back down here and be welcomed back? Booker T recently has been a UM pipeline, and the rivalry doesn't die. He will forever be known as a nole. I just cannot see that happening.

Sure, this USC **** is disconcerting, but when you really break it down, I think he knows where he wants to go, has known, and thats at the University of Miami.

You think he's dragging his mom up to Tally all to show her why he doesn't want to attend a school and convince her why he should attend one right down the street from her?

I think his brother goes to some school in Tally so his mom going up there is not a waste. I don't know if it true on not but I read somewhere that his mom had a ticket to go with him to LA too. It doesn't make his interest in USC a serious threat just because his mom is going with him.