Manny Navarro in his latest podcast said that Miami, as of now, has not approached any conference and no conference has approached UM for a potential move (I think and I hope he is wrong on this). He added that he thinks Miami could be left out of the two super conference scheme and that the only way that we could be more attractive is by replacing Clemson as the top dog of the ACC in the next couple of years (IMHO this is one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while, what UCLA has done on the field to justify the move of the B1G?).
Other points he made:
- The best solution for Miami is a bigger ACC, he said poaching Cal and Stanford will be a good move from an academic standpoint (LOL who f*cking cares)
- It feels that this USC/UCLA thing stole the thunder from Mario's recruiting success (Ok, I was joking: THIS is the dumbest thing I've heard EVER).
What a bunch of BS.