USC and UCLA to B1G

Manny Navarro in his latest podcast said that Miami, as of now, has not approached any conference and no conference has approached UM for a potential move (I think and I hope he is wrong on this). He added that he thinks Miami could be left out of the two super conference scheme and that the only way that we could be more attractive is by replacing Clemson as the top dog of the ACC in the next couple of years (IMHO this is one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while, what UCLA has done on the field to justify the move of the B1G?).
Other points he made:
- The best solution for Miami is a bigger ACC, he said poaching Cal and Stanford will be a good move from an academic standpoint (LOL who f*cking cares)
- It feels that this USC/UCLA thing stole the thunder from Mario's recruiting success (Ok, I was joking: THIS is the dumbest thing I've heard EVER).

What a bunch of BS.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that Manny has no ******* idea what he’s talking about on this one. At the time he Even recorded the podcast he was wrong on both fronts. And his analysis is almost Billy Madison level bad. Nothing is good on other days with that podcast was one of his worst misses I’ve ever heard

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Manny has no ******* idea what he’s talking about on this one. At the time he Even recorded the podcast he was wrong on both fronts. And his analysis is almost Billy Madison level bad. Nothing is good on other days with that podcast was one of his worst misses I’ve ever heard


Big 10 is not sitting around saying "hey, how can we destroy the meaning of our conference name by expanding to 20 or 24 schools for monetary purposes, BUT OH, LET'S LIMIT OURSELVES TO THE NEXT 4-8 BEST ACADEMIC SCHOOLS.

Yeah, that's not happening. Big 10 wants to get paid and laid, regardless of whether that is "the next 4 or 6 or 8 schools on the AAU list"...
His contacts are likely in the media. Not the guys who write about CFB, but the networks who are pulling the strings. Slim road to the Big 10, I guess it would be #3 on our preferred list of what I count as 5 possible outcomes.

1. Stay in ACC with Notre Dame full time and status quo for rest. 5%

2. Status Quo. 15%

3. Big 10. 10%

4. SEC. 40%

5. Left out. 30%
Maryland was an inaugural member of the ACC. I forget now. What precipitated their move to the Big 10?
With their rapidly expanding TV network, the Big 10 wanted to expand into the NY and DC TV markets so they picked up Rutgers and Maryland. Being the $$$ the Big 10 splits with its members, Maryland jumped ship.
His contacts are likely in the media. Not the guys who write about CFB, but the networks who are pulling the strings. Slim road to the Big 10, I guess it would be #3 on our preferred list of what I count as 5 possible outcomes.

1. Stay in ACC with Notre Dame full time and status quo for rest. 5%

2. Status Quo. 15%

3. Big 10. 10%

4. SEC. 40%

5. Left out. 30%
There is no way the ACC is staying because even if you got Notre Dame - the discrepancy between whatever contract ACC could get with what the Big Ten & SEC are getting is too dramatic - it would just be a halfway house on the path to the inevitable so it’s just stop and take a direct flight instead

There is no way this is hey ACC get a few more scrubs and keep the total just because you got Notre Dame. Everyone needs to understand the easy is done in Miami’s going to the Big Ten or the SEC. It is in evitable. The ACC ****ed itself not voting for the playoff and now trying to get other teams earlier to get the contract re-opened now no matter what what they do it’s going to be second here status

And if you don’t think that Dan is already multiple levels of conversations into both possibilities then I have some land to sell you in the glades
For Manny to have such **** poor information ( much worse than Cribby, for example) would mean that the UM bigs don’t trust one of the local Canes beat writers for some reason.

Any of you guys got a line on why the higher-ups don’t like Navarro?
I’m almost positive Navarro enjoys watching Miami lose. The glass is always half empty with him, too. I know a lot of people clown Gaby on this board, but at least Gaby is a die-hard Cane fan and desperately wants to see UM succeed. Navarro is the opposite.
I’m almost positive Navarro enjoys watching Miami lose. The glass is always half empty with him, too. I know a lot of people clown Gaby on this board, but at least Gaby is a die-hard Cane fan and desperately wants to see UM succeed. Navarro is the opposite.

He’s a Nole. No way he likes what he is seeing. **** that fat ****. He sucks.
Would be interesting if the BIG is working to bring Clemson and Miami as a pair.

+ Recent success/ready made contender
+ Access to Sec country recruiting grounds

+ Surging with an influx of $
+ Access to Miami recruiting grounds
+ Access to Miami tv market

The BIG may want to beat the SEC to the punch and strengthen its footprint.
You make a VERY sound point.

In Clemson they got Dabo, a proven recruiter and a 2 time NC winner.

In Miami they get Mario, a recruiting beast who may lock down the South Florida media market for them.

There's no downside to bringing Clemson AND Miami into the Conference, only they'd have to go into different Divisions.
Man I almost forgot about when Clemson and FSU nearly left the ACC for the B12. What a wild alternate timeline that would’ve produced, I was shook that we’d be left in the cold.

Good to be in the exact opposite spot as where we were then.
Pate is a guy that will occasionally **** you off but he does solid work and at least you know he's intellectually honest and not a narrative/water carrier.

The fact that he hasn't been offered a bigger job yet shows you what's wrong with the CFB media landscape.
He’s one of the better ones — very knowledgeable. I agree with you, though: he needs to be hired by ESPN or Fox.

I disagree, I think he's better off creating his own mini media empire. The amount of revenue you can create these days off successful YouTube, Pod, and SM channels is incredible. He's the real deal, and he could easily end up making $10M-$25M a year if he plays it right.
Nothing surprising here but things are moving quickly (this has Oregon and Washington mentioned as a real possibility in joining Big 12)

Nebraska is *** but their brand is a cash cow & they have the most loyal fanbase in CFB. The Big Ten will let them stick around

Agree they are safe, but if I were them I wouldn't be ruffling any feathers right now. If they weren't already in I don't think they would make the cut this round. They suck, they've sucked for a long time, their hoops suck, and there are less than 2M in the entire state. And that might include the cows.