US District courts have opened a case against Attorney Perez

Ouch! Simply ouch! She is on her way to a new career all of which makes what the NCAA did look even more improper.......................

For some of you yocal lawyers...chances this chick gets the hammer?

Like anything else in life, follow the politics and the paper. Pig ***** Perez is not politically or financially connected as far as I know. Don Donna and UM are both of those. PWP wronged the wrong crew here when she was so brazen in her contempt for UM during this whole debacle. PWP will get band by the Florida Bar for some period of time. On top of Don Donna's political and financial connections, PWP actually committed willful violations in that bankruptcy proceeding and likely before and after it, so the ban will be just.

I think its a close call. She is taking the position that Nevin was the sole client and the NCAA was only the bill payer. This happens all the time . . . like when parents pay for their child's lawyer). So long as you the lawyer are loyal to the client and take direction only from the client and not the payor, you good. She is going to take the position that these depositions were necessary for Nevin to prove that he gave the money away that he said he did. And that money is really the bankrupt estate's money. That would be an acceptable area of inquiry. When she starts asking about recruiting violations at Dan Marino's unrelated to trying to get $$$ back she's out on a limb. But the devil will be in the details and I dont know ish.

I don't believe this is a good analogy. There is no tripartite relationship here as there is in civil litigation with an insurance carrier, the policyholder and defense counsel. In the subject case, there is no contractual relationship nor other grounds for commonality of interests between the NCAA and Shapiro. Using the attorney that represents the person that brought the allegations to your attention is unethical on so many different levels.
A prominent poster on grassy is in that cc list.


Library refers to a physical place, not a person. That's where they store all the documents. Although it's possible for a person to have the last name "Library", I'm sure that the first name or title would have been included.

Thank you for clarifying that for me, good sir. I thought I remembered a Library posting on greasy back in the 90s.
Ouch! Simply ouch! She is on her way to a new career all of which makes what the NCAA did look even more improper.......................

yeah the news story will be "Attorney disbarred for complicity with NCAA in unethical dealings during miami investigation!" (NCAA guilt by association, still more bad news to come for the NCAA.) Negative news story after negative news story, bad press, bad press, bad press, constant media rehash of NCAA investigative f**k-ups.

Is their PR guy impaired? What are they thinking?

Emmert on vacation in Hawaii!- Coming soon to your newspaper "Emmert hulas while while NCAA burns!"
prepare thy Pig Hole
Also, UM settled out in the bankruptcy proceeding prior to that, so what $ was she chasing? Money from Pee Wee? He was an employee/agent of UM's at the time that UM settled w/ the bankruptcy estate, no? So that settlement should cover him as well. Sorry if this point was made later in the thread, I haven't read through it yet.
So for the people that hate all things legal, what does that mean? Is she getting prison ****ed or just a slap on the wrist?

What happened, and in most all probability, what this means is:

that as MEP was (is) not federally licensed in New Jersey's federal court (and was most likely admitted there on a temporary basis, pro haec vice, for the single bankruptcy case) sanctions out of that new jersey court would have a limited impact on her. "hey, MEP, you can never practice in new jersey federal court again!" No biggie to her she doesn't regularly practice there.

Instead, in all probability, what happened here is the New Jersey bankruptcy judge refered the question of the ethical propriety of her conduct to the sister federal court in florida where MEP is regularly licensed, where she regularly practices and BTW where she is (was), apparently, on probation for other allegations of unprofessional conduct.

This is not to say that the NJ bankruptcy judge could not still entertain an order to show cause, why MEP and/or the NCAA should not be held in contempt - for abuse of bankruptcy court processes - if a motion to that end were filed in New Jersey by lets say a ceridtor/victim/party to the bankruptcy.

For the time being, and absent such motion, hmmmmmm, this is the easiest move for the bankruptcy judge to get MEP's conduct reviewed.

However, this is a move directed at MEP's federal licensure, her ability to practice in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, although the federal court will likely make a referral of the same matter to the state bar for its independant review, for its action on her ability to practice in Florida.

At this point, none of these inquiries raise criminal charges, none tag the NCAA, rather the inquiries concern whether based on the allgations, MEP should be allowed to continue to practice law.

Contempt proceedings in NJ involving either or both MEP and the NCAA are not out of the range of possibility, someone has to kick that off to make that happen, like a victim/creditor.

Finally, lawyers are supposed to be smart. MEP goes public with a statement like: "If I'd done anthying wrong, I'm sure I'd hear from the bankruptcy judge." That's like poking your thumb in that judges eye. How many e-mails you think that judge got after that remark, and how many referrals do you think that judge has quietly made, like to the US attorneys office for their review of the suitability of contempt proceeding. This gal is a HUGE loose cannon for the NCAA. there is absolutely no telling what she'll say...and their fate could well be in her hands!

stand by for more jaw-dropping stupid. and her licensure case before the federal is set to go off right before the COI hears the case on the U.....

Drip, drip, drip.....the NCAA's PR director should slap everyone there and settle this thing, if the NCAA had brain one....

Are you sure it was a NJ bankruptcy case? PACER shows it as Florida bankruptcy case:

09-36408-LMI Capitol Investments USA, Inc.
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: Yes Vol: i Judge: Laurel M Isicoff
Date filed: 11/30/2009 Date of last filing: 03/08/2013
So for the people that hate all things legal, what does that mean? Is she getting prison ****ed or just a slap on the wrist?

What happened, and in most all probability, what this means is:

that as MEP was (is) not federally licensed in New Jersey's federal court (and was most likely admitted there on a temporary basis, pro haec vice, for the single bankruptcy case) sanctions out of that new jersey court would have a limited impact on her. "hey, MEP, you can never practice in new jersey federal court again!" No biggie to her she doesn't regularly practice there.

Instead, in all probability, what happened here is the New Jersey bankruptcy judge refered the question of the ethical propriety of her conduct to the sister federal court in florida where MEP is regularly licensed, where she regularly practices and BTW where she is (was), apparently, on probation for other allegations of unprofessional conduct.

This is not to say that the NJ bankruptcy judge could not still entertain an order to show cause, why MEP and/or the NCAA should not be held in contempt - for abuse of bankruptcy court processes - if a motion to that end were filed in New Jersey by lets say a ceridtor/victim/party to the bankruptcy.

For the time being, and absent such motion, hmmmmmm, this is the easiest move for the bankruptcy judge to get MEP's conduct reviewed.

However, this is a move directed at MEP's federal licensure, her ability to practice in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, although the federal court will likely make a referral of the same matter to the state bar for its independant review, for its action on her ability to practice in Florida.

At this point, none of these inquiries raise criminal charges, none tag the NCAA, rather the inquiries concern whether based on the allgations, MEP should be allowed to continue to practice law.

Contempt proceedings in NJ involving either or both MEP and the NCAA are not out of the range of possibility, someone has to kick that off to make that happen, like a victim/creditor.

Finally, lawyers are supposed to be smart. MEP goes public with a statement like: "If I'd done anthying wrong, I'm sure I'd hear from the bankruptcy judge." That's like poking your thumb in that judges eye. How many e-mails you think that judge got after that remark, and how many referrals do you think that judge has quietly made, like to the US attorneys office for their review of the suitability of contempt proceeding. This gal is a HUGE loose cannon for the NCAA. there is absolutely no telling what she'll say...and their fate could well be in her hands!

stand by for more jaw-dropping stupid. and her licensure case before the federal is set to go off right before the COI hears the case on the U.....

Drip, drip, drip.....the NCAA's PR director should slap everyone there and settle this thing, if the NCAA had brain one....

Are you sure it was a NJ bankruptcy case? PACER shows it as Florida bankruptcy case:

09-36408-LMI Capitol Investments USA, Inc.
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: Yes Vol: i Judge: Laurel M Isicoff
Date filed: 11/30/2009 Date of last filing: 03/08/2013

I think the NJ action was the criminal action. I don't recall if there was a change of venue to NJ or if the matter originally was prosecuted there.
Per the Court's Order on the first page, the Southern District of Florida Disciplinary Committee report on Maria Elena Perez is due by next week 5/8. Should have good stuff to use at the COI in June.
So, in their fair, balanced and unbiased attempt to reveal the truth about what went down in Coral Gables, the NCAA enlisted the help of:

- Nevin Shapiro (in prison, felony conviction for cheating people out of hundreds of millions of dollars);
- his ex-gf (in prison, felony conviction for cheating people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars);
- their lawyer (under "probation" for lying in court);

Yet they simply ignore the denials of wrong doing by former players because.....?