
Might not even be real, **** YOU UNIFORM TALK.

Where did you find it? I thought it was legit since you posted it. Does look like the smoke helmets. I have low expectations and an open mind with the other helmets. But the white helmet with the regular U is sacred. Don't **** with it.
I designed it and posted it on Canesport.

The Juice uniform retweeted by Hurlie wasn't completely blackened out (like the rest). So I opened it in Photoshop to see if I could reveal more of it, and I did. Sorry for the pic quality, I had to increase the brightness and saturation A TON (distorting the pixels):


The pic y'all found was based on my analysis of Hurlie's poster -- it may not be entirely accurate (Smoke poster was used for editing):


Regarding the helmets: the facemask is definitely black but it's unclear whether the "Juice" helmets are "Smoke." Supposedly, we have 4 helmet designs..

Also, there's one detail I missed: I'm ~75% sure that there's a green line on the seam separating the shoulder from the chest, extending from the green collar to the green shoulder patch.

great job here. spot on, broski.

Might not even be real, **** YOU UNIFORM TALK.

Where did you find it? I thought it was legit since you posted it. Does look like the smoke helmets. I have low expectations and an open mind with the other helmets. But the white helmet with the regular U is sacred. Don't **** with it.
I designed it and posted it on Canesport.

The Juice uniform retweeted by Hurlie wasn't completely blackened out (like the rest). So I opened it in Photoshop to see if I could reveal more of it, and I did. Sorry for the pic quality, I had to increase the brightness and saturation A TON (distorting the pixels):


The pic y'all found was based on my analysis of Hurlie's poster -- it may not be entirely accurate (Smoke poster was used for editing):


Regarding the helmets: the facemask is definitely black but it's unclear whether the "Juice" helmets are "Smoke." Supposedly, we have 4 helmet designs..

Also, there's one detail I missed: I'm ~75% sure that there's a green line on the seam separating the shoulder from the chest, extending from the green collar to the green shoulder patch.

great job here. spot on, broski.

Dude even called the green shoulder bar
All right, seen most of what they've got to offer here.


Final tally, for me: 10/10

Absolutely love the new uniforms, all around. Orange is my least favorite, but it's still so fine and will probably look even better on white pants. Green and white are just, oh man...these uniforms, finally! We nailed it.

Actually really like the orange helmet as a change of pace.

Don't like the metallic U on the white helmets all that much and hate that they didn't put Sebastian in grey on the helmet instead of the clam. An oversized Sebastian with a traditionally colored U on a white helmet would have made these absolute perfection for me.

But we can rock the traditional helmets with any of these, too. And Lord knows we've got the best traditional helmets on the planet.

Because, you know, The U.
Not to sound like a homer or anything but....

Our Unis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fsu uni
Last time the clam was introduced we won a title 2 years later. **** it. Long live that weird looking thing.
******* clam. Worse than I originally thought. I didn't think the Unathletic Department was capable of such ******ry. Their awfulness knows no bounds.
Storm troopers are the best by far. But a storm trooper top with green bottoms are gonna look gorgeous. Wow.
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