UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

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Sucks if true, but we’ll see.

Def we will see.. I have questions of this Biddle character... uses instagram to break news instead of twitter? Only 11 comments on his post? **** if Terminator X said Shemar Stewart was "shutting it down" the thing would be **** near trending on twitter.

Did he do an interview with Singletary? It just looked weird to put "shutting it down" in quotes and the fact the entire 247 board is silent about it.
Def we will see.. I have questions of this Biddle character... uses instagram to break news instead of twitter? Only 11 comments on his post? **** if Terminator X said Shemar Stewart was "shutting it down" the thing would be **** near trending on twitter.

Did he do an interview with Singletary? It just looked weird to put "shutting it down" in quotes and the fact the entire 247 board is silent about it.
the post wasn’t made by him it was posted by a buckeye fan page
Ohioan here. I hated Florida because it was so **** hot every day. Ohio definitely gets cold and by no means is a great state. Fall is really where it’s at though. Not too cold, Girls all over campus in their flannel shirts and tight jeans just begging to cuddle up with someone, if you catch what I’m saying. Good time to be in Ohio
I was born and raised in Ohio. There are very few people who move to Florida and move back up there. The simple fact is south Florida is where a lot of people go on vacation because it is paradise. Not many people vacation in Ohio. Also most people who have 2 nickels to rub together move out of that **** hole and where do they move to Florida. Keep trying to sell Ohio as a decent place I lived there and it sucks!!!!!
the post wasn’t made by him it was posted by a buckeye fan page
Oh ya I saw that and thanks for posting, I just think it is funny that it is no where else. I looked up Biddle, he is editor of "bucknuts" his twitter has no mention of singletary and he is very active. Bucknuts has nothing on it, but this random "fan page" says he said it? what he do send them a carrier pigeon? Because if he did say it, he sure as **** aint broadcasting it on his platforms and his twitter alone has 30k followers. Not coming at you at all, I know you are posting what you saw, just seems off.
I was born and raised in Ohio. There are very few people who move to Florida and move back up there. The simple fact is south Florida is where a lot of people go on vacation because it is paradise. Not many people vacation in Ohio. Also most people who have 2 nickels to rub together move out of that **** hole and where do they move to Florida. Keep trying to sell Ohio as a decent place I lived there and it sucks!!!!!
It is a decent place if you like different seasons and can afford to live in a nicer area. I moved away when I graduated college. Spent two years in Florida and I hated it. But to each their own. I’m not saying I’d move back to Ohio. But I definitely wouldn’t move back to Florida. You can keep the heat and the geriatrics I’m good
Dave Biddle said this: If you believe what he (Jaheim Singletary) said he's going to shut it down and he's a solid commit. So Biddle isn't reporting what he knows. He is reporting what Singletary allegedly said. I haven't seen any Singletary quotes like that. So far multiple things have been written based off a 20 second thing from a podcast. Maybe somebody else has seen Singletary's words actual typed some place. If not, carry on with whatever optimism you may have had.

Exactly... people don't understand this. They are huge fish in a small pond. If UM gets back to pumping out first rounders and NC status, the limelight will come, but until then, you are competing with guys who have a wholeeee lotta cash. I remember being a freshman at UM trying to sneak into clubs while daddy dollars over there was buying up bottles.

Also, Bama, Clemson and Ohio State all have that "hick farm town" stigma just like Miami has the "dangerous city" stigma. Yet the first three have in large part been dominating CFP the last decade. Kids dont give a **** if it is sunny and warm, they are renting for a few years then likely never to return. Using nebraska as a comparison is paltry, the town anddddd football program sucks, that is why kids leave.
Every major city has places where the wealthy party. And then you also have a bunch of other places where normal people party and hang out.
The difference win Miami is that the normal people can hang out where women are more beautiful than anywhere else and just as beautiful as the gold diggers.

Every recruiting cycle this topic comes up. If you want to drop 2k for a bottle that cost you 50$ then you’re a moron. If you can do it because 2k to you is toilet paper money, then props to you.
Doral, Kendall, coral gables, pretty much anywhere in Miami you can hang out have drinks and there are fckng dimes everywhere.
And all you’re spending is money on a pitcher and some wings.

However, nobody is picking Clemson over Miami because of girls. If that was the major issue then we would be a top 5 class yearly cause I guarantee you that Norman, Clemson, Tuskkkaloosa and the rest have pretty girls on campus but once you stray outside it becomes slim pickings AF.
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It is a decent place if you like different seasons and can afford to live in a nicer area. I moved away when I graduated college. Spent two years in Florida and I hated it. But to each their own. I’m not saying I’d move back to Ohio. But I definitely wouldn’t move back to Florida. You can keep the heat and the geriatrics I’m good
Lol you said if you can afford to live in a nicer area, those people move out of Ohio. South Florida has people from all over the world because it is one of the nicest places in the world to live.
you may not want to live in Florida so be it there are people who chose to live in Alaska that does not mean they are smart the vast majority of people choose to live in nicer places. I would rather enjoy my shorts, and t-shirt year round with smokin hot dimes in bikinis than freeze in a cold weather location.
I don’t care what excuses people want to make for OSU it’s still in Ohio. The winters are cold as ****. The weather is ugly all the time and everywhere you go you have to bundle up. The only decent time is the summer and most of the school is not there in the summertime. Ohio sucks I would rather be in sunny warm Florida that ****ty Ohio any time!!!!!
To each their own but pretty sure the topic was why recruits go different places that aren’t big cities . Some ppl like the cold and hate the heat. Some ppl just want to see something different from what they’ve seen their whole life . You’ve made it pretty clear about your stance on Ohio not sure why it keeps getting repeated everytime someone says anything about Ohio. If all recruits thought like you OSU wouldn’t have a top 5 class every year and they get kids from all over it’s really that simple