UM offers 2022 CB Jaheim Singletary

This is a common refrain amongst our fan base. I know it’s really hard to believe, but not every kid is drawn to the big city life. And not every college town is boring. But mostly, I can survive anywhere if I know I’m going to be developed into a beast and cash an NFL check while also getting slipped a few bands under the table. We grossly overestimate the significance of this to recruits. Same with weather. If you want to play in the NFL, you’re playing in the cold. Both are sad tropes that do not hold up. We can land kids like Singletary with great recruiters, winning games, and showing we can develop our talent.
Not being argumentative but I think all the Florida kids leaving Nebraska might validate this "trope".

Not being argumentative but I think all the Florida kids leaving Nebraska might validate this "trope".
This trope is just as accurate as the whole "Miami is a dangerous place to send your kid to" trope. If you reeeeaaaallly want it to be true, you'll search high and low to find the slightest example and disregard evidence to the contrary. It's rather self-serving but we all do it. And trust me, Nebraska is a whole different world!

On another note, I have used the term "trope" in this thread more than I've used it in years. I just never thought I'd use it in CIS!
FWIW, I've heard from folks that Columbus is night and day what it used to be 10-20 years ago. It has a lot of hype apparently, as a really nice place to live.
I attended OSU from’s definitely not Florida ...but it’s definitely not a boring city. Some nice clubs downtown. And if you play football (or any sport really) you’re basically royalty on campus. and if you’re a good player you’re known all over the city....riding around on campus 1 player and 4 shorties In the whip...sometimes that’s more appealing than being in a city like Miami where you gotta actually be a celebrity to get treated like one . Idk I think it’s a lil harder for a broke college kid to enjoy Miami the way we enjoy Miami
I attended OSU from’s definitely not Florida ...but it’s definitely not a boring city. Some nice clubs downtown. And if you play football (or any sport really) you’re basically royalty on campus. and if you’re a good player you’re known all over the city....riding around on campus 1 player and 4 shorties In the whip...sometimes that’s more appealing than being in a city like Miami where you gotta actually be a celebrity to get treated like one . Idk I think it’s a lil harder for a broke college kid to enjoy Miami the way we enjoy Miami

Exactly... people don't understand this. They are huge fish in a small pond. If UM gets back to pumping out first rounders and NC status, the limelight will come, but until then, you are competing with guys who have a wholeeee lotta cash. I remember being a freshman at UM trying to sneak into clubs while daddy dollars over there was buying up bottles.

Also, Bama, Clemson and Ohio State all have that "hick farm town" stigma just like Miami has the "dangerous city" stigma. Yet the first three have in large part been dominating CFP the last decade. Kids dont give a **** if it is sunny and warm, they are renting for a few years then likely never to return. Using nebraska as a comparison is paltry, the town anddddd football program sucks, that is why kids leave.
FWIW, I've heard from folks that Columbus is night and day what it used to be 10-20 years ago. It has a lot of hype apparently, as a really nice place to live.

Beautiful winters. Not seeing the sun for 7 months in a row is very good for the mental side of things too
he has shut it down not the other word lmao

Have a link? I only see one post on their 247 board and they are asking for singletary news saying it is crazy nothing is out about the visit. One guy commented they "feel good" about his commitment, but know he is going to keep getting recruited and they will need to keep recruiting him for the distance.
You can tell alot of folks on here havent been to Jacksonville before or as I like to call it "South Georgia". LOL. I would argue that parts of Duval county are not too different from Columbus. In fact, Columbus is probably better in some facets.
I attended OSU from’s definitely not Florida ...but it’s definitely not a boring city. Some nice clubs downtown. And if you play football (or any sport really) you’re basically royalty on campus. and if you’re a good player you’re known all over the city....riding around on campus 1 player and 4 shorties In the whip...sometimes that’s more appealing than being in a city like Miami where you gotta actually be a celebrity to get treated like one . Idk I think it’s a lil harder for a broke college kid to enjoy Miami the way we enjoy Miami
I don’t care what excuses people want to make for OSU it’s still in Ohio. The winters are cold as ****. The weather is ugly all the time and everywhere you go you have to bundle up. The only decent time is the summer and most of the school is not there in the summer. Ohio sucks I would rather be in sunny warm Florida that ****ty Ohio any time!!!!!
Ohioan here. I hated Florida because it was so **** hot every day. Ohio definitely gets cold and by no means is a great state. Fall is really where it’s at though. Not too cold, Girls all over campus in their flannel shirts and tight jeans just begging to cuddle up with someone, if you catch what I’m saying. Good time to be in Ohio