Tyson Campbell

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If I was tutoring Campbell guy would've been committed and signed to miami months ago. Rattler doing us dirty.

If you were tutoring him he'd be considering ghey **** production companies and not major P5 schools, but I digress...

I've reported your post to the CIS mods. Hopefully you will be issued an infraction for such hateful rhetoric.

Wet stank pu55y dont even begin to decribe what you are. Man up you pompous *******

reported. [MENTION=2]DMoney[/MENTION] is this to go unpunished? rules are rules are they not?

Shut the **** up, you been crying all day. They should ban you for excessive b*^%h assness

I remember when I had to reprot to the Principal.

Worse was having to take my reprot card home to get signed.
Well I'll put it like this, I asked him if he knew where he wanted to go. The answer I got was different than the second-hand info I heard through his sister that I posted on here before. I believe his thinking has changed more than his sister misinforming me. Basically he says he wants to stay home but he owes it to himself to seriously weigh his options. He knows that for him personally, there is no bad situation football wise. He's confident that he can make an immediate impact anywhere. It's a three horse race between Us, UGA & Bama and since I heard him say he wants to stay home, I would say that we hold the lead but the competition is pulling out all the stops. I spoke with his dad for a while, and he reiterated that this is Tyson's choice alone and he'd support him wherever he goes. But he made it clear that Tyson is gonna do his due diligence to be sure he won't regret his decision in retrospect. I believe that Richt & staff will deliver the pitch necessary to keep him here...

Thanks for the info Rattler.

Does it surprise you that the kid doesn't look up to Rumph a little more or that Rumph doesn't play a bigger part in the decision? I mean the guy's coated him most of his football life?
If I was tutoring Campbell guy would've been committed and signed to miami months ago. Rattler doing us dirty.

If you were tutoring him he'd be considering ghey **** production companies and not major P5 schools, but I digress...

I've reported your post to the CIS mods. Hopefully you will be issued an infraction for such hateful rhetoric.

If you were tutoring him he'd be considering ghey **** production companies and not major P5 schools, but I digress...

I've reported your post to the CIS mods. Hopefully you will be issued an infraction for such hateful rhetoric.

What ever will I do now??? Now that you've reported me, life itself has been rendered utterly meaningless. All that's left is to drive to the apex of the Tuttle Causeway, park on the shoulder, get out & jump head-first into the bay...

I've reported this post to the mods as harassment... Please leave me alone. If the mods here actually follow their own rules, you are one strike away from getting banned.

You are a ***oot. Miss your bois Golden and D'Nofrio do ya?

Go Canes!

He misses Kevin Olsen
What ever will I do now??? Now that you've reported me, life itself has been rendered utterly meaningless. All that's left is to drive to the apex of the Tuttle Causeway, park on the shoulder, get out & jump head-first into the bay...

I've reported this post to the mods as harassment... Please leave me alone. If the mods here actually follow their own rules, you are one strike away from getting banned.

You are a ***oot. Miss your bois Golden and D'Nofrio do ya?

Go Canes!

I've reported this vicious abuse to the cis mods.

This obviously has nothing at all to do with me, but I couldn't let you soldier on any longer not knowing what a **** you are.

and a ***** snitch as well.
Can not blame Tyson for taking trips to look at some different schools. There will be some of the hottest looking blonde hostesses he has ever seen waiting on him at Bama and Ga to show him around campus and elsewhere.
Can not blame Tyson for taking trips to look at some different schools. There will be some of the hottest looking blonde hostesses he has ever seen waiting on him at Bama and Ga to show him around campus and elsewhere.

Hot blonde? Like that will play any part in his decision. Kid is going to be a cane as it has been for a while
Can not blame Tyson for taking trips to look at some different schools. There will be some of the hottest looking blonde hostesses he has ever seen waiting on him at Bama and Ga to show him around campus and elsewhere.

Hot blonde? Like that will play any part in his decision. Kid is going to be a cane as it has been for a while

He never said that would factor into his decision.
Can not blame Tyson for taking trips to look at some different schools. There will be some of the hottest looking blonde hostesses he has ever seen waiting on him at Bama and Ga to show him around campus and elsewhere.

Hot blonde? Like that will play any part in his decision. Kid is going to be a cane as it has been for a while

He never said that would factor into his decision.

Meh, blondes are overrated but kid should go get some easy trim (but remember your tackling fundamentals-
always wrap up). After he wets his beak up north, he should enroll at UM, marry some rich daddy's girl, go play in NFL, if football doesn't work out he can get a job as "senior sales manager" making $200,000 a year at rich girl's daddy's car dealership. That's REAL life planning.
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