TVD starting?

You guys were expecting WAY too many big changes if you thought Mario was going to say it would a a 50-50 snap count for the UNC and this would be ongoing for the rest of the season. I do think this is TVDs last chance to take back the reins of this job full time and snap out of whatever funk he is in. I dont think he will be given alot of slack moving forward. Any signs of the shenangans we saw in MTSU game and hes gonna pull him for good this time.

I also think Gattis should be put on notice here too. Shouldnt be all on TVD to take the fall. Gattis needs to throw his playbook in the trash and start fresh with giving TVDs opportunities to get out of this funk. Gattis isnt helping TVD out here either.
We both know this adjustment Mario is talking about is not gonna end well for Gattis not TVD.
It’s been bad everything play, it’s just easy to throw all of the mess on one guys back. He’s the new scape goat, the wr‘s being awful is so two weeks ago.
Add in a scheme from 1986 that almost no one in college football plays anymore. It's painful to watch.
You guys were expecting WAY too many big changes if you thought Mario was going to say it would a a 50-50 snap count for the UNC and this would be ongoing for the rest of the season. I do think this is TVDs last chance to take back the reins of this job full time and snap out of whatever funk he is in. I dont think he will be given alot of slack moving forward. Any signs of the shenangans we saw in MTSU game and hes gonna pull him for good this time.

I also think Gattis should be put on notice here too. Shouldnt be all on TVD to take the fall. Gattis needs to throw his playbook in the trash and start fresh with giving TVDs opportunities to get out of this funk. Gattis isnt helping TVD out here either.
I don't necessarily agree with you about TVD. IF the only reason for poor play is TVD as QB, you could be right. It assumes the rest of the offense - OL and WR - get their act together and make the plays that come their way. If it's more of the same - OL missing blocks , WR dropping balls, running their routes incorrectly, etc - I don't see TVD getting scapegoated. There's no "shenanigans".
“You are very honest about the fact that Tyler played great football here for a long time and you don’t turn on your quarterback because you had a bad day for your program,” “You work to solve things, go with that. At the same time you recognize and acknowledge that Jake did a great job and has a super bright future at Miami.”

"Tyler has done a really good job making sure he does everything possible to get better and improve, and we’ve done a better job communicating, making sure we can do things that fit our personnel at the current time.”

“There’s no controversy to be starter, a narrative to create – the message is honesty. The message has always been real. We are here for real purposes and we have to go forward with real.”

“Competitors, what do they do, they’re resilient,” “He’s shown that and he’s ready to attack every opportunity that he has. You improve and move forward or you unravel and fall apart. That’s something we won’t allow in the program. Tyler has done a really good job making sure he does everything possible to get better and improve, and we’ve done a better job communicating, making sure we can do things that fit our personnel at the current time.”
Problem with this is it's "coach" speak. Tyler didn't have a bad day, he's had a bad season. Jake looks like the better QB with the sample size we have. If I'm Jake, I have to ask what it takes for me (Jake) to be the starter. Because in most situations, Jake would be the starter moving forward.
It’s been bad everything play, it’s just easy to throw all of the mess on one guys back. He’s the new scape goat, the wr‘s being awful is so two weeks ago.
Are we going to see schematic/personnel adjustments?
I agree, but you only get to see what your team actually looks like once the season is underway.
Agreed but there were major signs against southern miss. It’s just been more glaring the last 2 games. Gattis had the run game looking nice up until MTSU, but a coordinator needs to be able to scheme for the guys he has not the guys he wants.
It’s been bad everything play, it’s just easy to throw all of the mess on one guys back. He’s the new scape goat, the wr‘s being awful is so two weeks ago.
Heck no crib. The receivers ain’t outta my doghouse that easy lol.