TVD is practicing


Dying Laughing Lol GIF by Desus & Mero
I want to see alittle more innovative play-calling. I realize Emory (if he starts) is only a Frosh, with only one game under his belt. I'm okay with screens...but not 6,000 of them. I truly believe we can burn them with play- action multiple times. And for the Love of God, please incorporate our TEs with more than just blocking.
Totally agree. You brought up a good point about the second half

I didn’t hate protecting Emory a bit on short notice in the first half, but it was cool to see Dawson give him more freedom in the second half and Emory responded well

I don’t think Emory will be too limited as far as playbook so if TVD can’t go it would be cool to see. **** we need CJ involved with TVD in there anyway
The Clemson line moved either 3.5 or 4 points depending where you looked once TVD was ruled out, so no, Vegas doesn’t think Williams is better. Only this braindead fanbase would even entertain that thought.
Actually closed at 6. Moved 2 points in last 30 minutes before kickoff once TVD was announced out.
Was a comment that TVD still has a mild limp - walked with a limp during Canes walk today.