TVD is practicing

My medical opinion from reviewing the picture is, the brace is merely cautionary and protective in nature and will not limit TVDs scrambling ability. However, UM will not be using "The South Florida Shove" in short yardage situations this week. Go Canes.
I'd still start Emory....why rush TVD back??.. If Emory plays Horrible, then TVD can come off the bench. If Emory plays well, then it's another week for TVD to be 100% healthy. I like that scenario better.
I'd still start Emory....why rush TVD back??.. If Emory plays Horrible, then TVD can come off the bench. If Emory plays well, then it's another week for TVD to be 100% healthy. I like that scenario better.
Nah, it's still TVD's team for now. If TVD is flat or off, then yes, bring in EW. But this situation should motivate both guys to play their best.
I am hopeful that TVD actually learned some things being on the bench this past weekend in terms of ball security.

TVD's issues aren't the same as Emory's.

TVD holds onto the ball too long allowing defenders to drop deeper into zones. He then forces passes into those tight windows vs taking the check down or throwing it away. Dawson has also hurt TVD by giving him too much freedom in some ways.

Emory's issue is not processing things fast enough which will happen with more reps.