Trevonte Citizen injury considered serious [Sep 23 - *may* return this year]

For fūcks sake, Christ almighty, give it a fūcking break. I actually had to look this up to shut your bltch mouth up.

Only 18% of FBS teams had a freshman as their leading rusher, how many of those were true freshman i.e. first year players like Citizen, versus second year, or red shirt freshman I don’t know. I’ll let you figure that out.

Will you finally shut the fūck up and stop the derail. I’ve already spent 10 minutes on this today, that’s 10 minutes I can never get back, and you ended up being wrong anyway.

Congrats - you just proved the point I already agreed with you about So I should shut my ***** mouth up....because I'm agreeing with you?

I said - "If you said of the 120+ RB's that will be Freshman this year - a small % will play "a ton" this year, then you're absolutely correct." The data proves the point we both agree on. Even so - given 18% led their team in rushing, let's say another 12% played "a ton" (but didn't lead the team), is 30% really a small % (as I said), or "extremely uncommon" (as you said)? Probably not. We might both be wrong here.

You saying "great RB's playing right away is extremely uncommon" remains false. The data shows it's false. You can't give any data or even explain what you mean by your statement to even begin to try and prove otherwise. Until you can do either - I'll remain confused why you continue to fight this.
Congrats - you just proved the point I already agreed with you about So I should shut my ***** mouth up....because I'm agreeing with you?

I said - "If you said of the 120+ RB's that will be Freshman this year - a small % will play "a ton" this year, then you're absolutely correct." The data proves the point we both agree on. Even so - given 18% led their team in rushing, let's say another 12% played "a ton" (but didn't lead the team), is 30% really a small % (as I said), or "extremely uncommon" (as you said)? Probably not. We might both be wrong here.

You saying "great RB's playing right away is extremely uncommon" remains false. The data shows it's false. You can't give any data or even explain what you mean by your statement to even begin to try and prove otherwise. Until you can do either - I'll remain confused why you continue to fight this.

Wait so you got info from DBC about the injury and you came to the conclusion he was going to get serious burn this year.

Whoa this board get's weirder everyday.
The conclusion was drawn from the other dozens of posts here singing his praises. Multiple posters supposedly in the know have made statements such as "he'll be starting by November". DBC had nothing to do with that appraisal. 99% of this board draws conclusions from the 1% that actually know something.
The conclusion was drawn from the other dozens of posts here singing his praises. Multiple posters supposedly in the know have made statements such as "he'll be starting by November". DBC had nothing to do with that appraisal. 99% of this board draws conclusions from the 1% that actually know something.
Uhhh you do realize these posters are again going off what they saw on a High school highlight tape right. LOL
Uhhh you do realize these posters are again going off what they saw on a High school highlight tape right. LOL
Uhh, you do realize that some of these were posted after camp started, granted I have no idea how you judge play based on being in shorts and 7v7 drills. Are they premature, absolutely, it's all speculation. You're acting like I was speaking as if it were 100% fact, which I didn't. Unless someone is a player in the locker room or a coach gotta take it all with a grain of salt. Why so upset to day? It was a harmless post that you're blowing way out of proportion.
ACL tear in August is season ending.

If it was spring, early return is still a risk/reward situation. I am 7 weeks into it right now. If you come back before 9 months, you are taking a risk because of the ligamentization process. It is doable at about 6 months with BPTB if you have freak muscles to protect the graft, unbelievable PT, and phenomenal sports psychology, but any fatigue during a game puts the graft at risk. The graft really gets strong after 12 months.

Hoping no meniscus damage and a swift recovery!
Dang that sucks!! Hope u a full and speedy recovery!
Uhh, you do realize that some of these were posted after camp started, granted I have no idea how you judge play based on being in shorts and 7v7 drills. Are they premature, absolutely, it's all speculation. You're acting like I was speaking as if it were 100% fact, which I didn't. Unless someone is a player in the locker room or a coach gotta take it all with a grain of salt. Why so upset to day? It was a harmless post that you're blowing way out of proportion.
If someone on this board said citizen would take over the lead RB spot after watching them in shorts at practice they are on some good stuff that I want to smoke. That's the most ridiculous take I've ever heard. Hahaahah

Sorry if I sounded like that to you I thought we were having a good debate. 🤷‍♂️

We're both CANES in the end so cheers!!
If someone on this board said citizen would take over the lead RB spot after watching them in shorts at practice they are on some good stuff that I want to smoke. That's the most ridiculous take I've ever heard. Hahaahah

Sorry if I sounded like that to you I thought we were having a good debate. 🤷‍♂️

We're both CANES in the end so cheers!!

No worries mate. That's the problem with message boards, half the time the intent just doesn't translate well between people and silliness starts. We're all good. One thing all of can agree on is that I hope this young man heals up quick and comes back stronger than before.
No worries mate. That's the problem with message boards, half the time the intent just doesn't translate well between people and silliness starts. We're all good. One thing all of can agree on is that I hope this young man heals up quick and comes back stronger than before.
Agree and I think the way he's built he will come back stronger than ever.
For fūcks sake, Christ almighty, give it a fūcking break. I actually had to look this up to shut your bltch mouth up.

Only 18% of FBS teams had a freshman as their leading rusher, how many of those were true freshman i.e. first year players like Citizen, versus second year, or red shirt freshman I don’t know. I’ll let you figure that out.

Will you finally shut the fūck up and stop the derail. I’ve already spent 10 minutes on this today, that’s 10 minutes I can never get back, and you ended up being wrong anyway.

I doubt that will happen, my friend.