Travonte Valentine news ...

Not going to lie, this is the one that ****ed me off because Valentine decommitted when ****** Golden was interviewing for the PSU job. He may have been a bust in Miami too but we will never know and at that time Valentine was extremely crucial for our recruiting class.
Lol - Valentine was never getting past admissions at Miami.

A sheep actually got a degree from LSU last year just so he could tweet "I'm the first sheep to earn a sheepskin." If Valentine couldn't make it there he couldn't make it anywhere.

It really is sad that these kids don't get better guidance from adults who really give a **** about them. This is an important time in their lives, and it only comes around once. It's a shame so many **** it away for whatever reason.
It's amazing how many stud DTs act like clowns. Hope for the best for TV, but not optimistic given the trend.
Not going to lie, this is the one that ****ed me off because Valentine decommitted when ****** Golden was interviewing for the PSU job. He may have been a bust in Miami too but we will never know and at that time Valentine was extremely crucial for our recruiting class.
Lol - Valentine was never getting past admissions at Miami.

A sheep actually got a degree from LSU last year just so he could tweet "I'm the first sheep to earn a sheepskin." If Valentine couldn't make it there he couldn't make it anywhere.

fess've been dying to bust out that zinger
Dodged a bullet here:

Bruce Feldman ‏@BruceFeldmanCFB 30s31 seconds ago

#LSU has dismissed NG Travonte Valentine.. talented huge athlete who has been plagued by maturity/discipline issues.
Not going to lie, this is the one that ****ed me off because Valentine decommitted when ****** Golden was interviewing for the PSU job. He may have been a bust in Miami too but we will never know and at that time Valentine was extremely crucial for our recruiting class.
Lol - Valentine was never getting past admissions at Miami.

A sheep actually got a degree from LSU last year just so he could tweet "I'm the first sheep to earn a sheepskin." If Valentine couldn't make it there he couldn't make it anywhere.

LSU doesn't print its degrees on sheepskin. Just sayin.