Transfer Portal watch

Such an easy fix. Reinstate the one-year rule for transfers. On balance, it is what is best for the sport.
The ability to transfer isn't about whats best for the sport or competitive balance. The NCAA can't pretend to be about amateurism and then enact rules like a professional league for the sake of parity. It is meant for the student athlete and if the "adults" in this situation have decided to corrupt it then so be it.
The ability to transfer isn't about whats best for the sport or competitive balance. The NCAA can't pretend to be about amateurism and then enact rules like a professional league for the sake of parity. It is meant for the student athlete and if the "adults" in this situation have decided to corrupt it then so be it.
Of course it is. And what you just typed makes no sense.
Of course it is. And what you just typed makes no sense.
Allowing a player to transfer is about the athlete getting a chance to go somewhere else if they don't like their current situation. That is all it is for. You can't change that on the basis of Alabama and Georgia keep getting the best players so we have to make it more difficult for them. Thats what a pro league does for parity. And until the NCAA does thing like institute a salary cap and a draft you can forget about rules that limit player movement being put in place for competitive balance.