You are wrong guy. None of us are saying we have superior talent on defense. We are saying we have enough talent to not give up 500 yards to garbage offensive teams every game like VT, Pitt, WF, etc.
No, I am right. You obviously don't read entire posts or you are retarded. I am not interested in beating Duke, WF, or VT. I am interested in beating FSU, Bama, OSU, etc. If you had read my entire post you would have seen that I said that the DC must be replaced AND the talent level needs a serious upgrade. I don't care about winning the coastal and losing to Clemson or FSU every year. Why is that so hard for you to understand.
Thanks for being an idiot. You criticize my post by doing the exact same thing you're criticizing my post for. I said you are wrong because according to you noone is admitting we have a lack of talent. My response was specifically in regards to your statement about what other people think of our talent. So like a ****** would, or someone who did not read my entire post, you completely misunderstood what I was saying.
Now back to the topic. Most of us understand 100% we don't have big time talent. We are not going to win national titles with our current talent. We are not going to stop FSU level teams from having their way with us (Do you understand this or was that difficult for you?). So since you say we only see in black and white, tell me why we need a championship level team to avoid giving up 500 yards per game to garbage offenses. Offenses like Pitt, WF, and Virginia (Are you still following? Do I need to slow down?).
You say people can't give credence to the lack of talent, even though we already have, because we think it will hurt our argument about how dnofrio and scheme sucks.
I say people are so busy blaming our talent to hide the fact that our scheme sucks (which you did say as well). People seem to think we just want to hate on dnofrio or think we have championship talent when in reality we just don't understand how many of you find it excusable for us to give up 500 yards per game to garbage offenses in year 3. If we don't have the talent by year 3, even with the NCAA crap, to stop
GARBAGE OFFENSES from regularly putting up 500 yards of offense on us and 30-40 points every game, then the problem is more than a talent issue (as you also said.
Problem is you got butt hurt because I said you were wrong about the fact that we dont give credence to the lack of talent). Even if we don't have the talent to beat duke, we have the talent to not average giving up 500 yards every game to bad offenses that get owned by scrub teams (like Marshall) with less talent than us.
Nice try. Maybe the staff should offer you a scolarship as well as you backpedal. Yet again you didn't read. Try one more time and concentrate this time. When you are done copy and paste the part where I stated that "no one is admitting we have a lack of talent". I will be interested to see that. While you are searching for that you will also not see anywhere that I said we dont have the defensive talent right now to play with Duke, UVA, or WF. You remind me of Nights the way twist (change) people's posts to fit your argument.
I don't know how much more clear I could have been. I stated that if we had a qualified DC we would be playing in the ACCCG next week. I also stated that we would get smashed in that game as well as in games against other elite teams. I want to beat elite teams and until we make the necessary changes to the staff AND talent level we won't be able to do that. It seems like we are arguing the same points but because you either didn't read the entire post or don't comprehend it very well you decided to pick a fight. I am not butt hurt, as you put it for two reasons. I wasn't wrong and because the whole point of your argument is based on something I never wrote. Does this make sense to you now or do I need to slow down? Now then....who is the idiot or ******? I think the answer is clear.
Lets try this again. You said (in reference to those hating on dnofrio and scheme) that,
"You can't give any credence to the lack of talent on this defense because you feel like that will take attention away from your hate for D'onofrio and the scheme."
Definition of the word credence as per the webster dictionary - belief that something is true
Interpretation to those who see black and white according to you: They refuse to believe that the lack of talent is the reason our defense sucks, because it would take attention from the their hate for dnofrio.
Problem: The refusal to believe in a lack of talent = people saying they refuse to admit we have a lack of talent.
Tell me that's wrong. If I misunderstood what you wrote, then fine, but you wrote it and that's how it reads.
As far as you not saying we don't have the talent to beat Duke UVA Pitt. The whole point of MOST people's argument is not about whether we should or should not beat them (please backpedal now, because I never said anything about beating them). The argument is we have enough talent to not get embarrassed by them and give up 500 yards. My statement is on the premise of giving up ridiculous yards and scoring to bad offenses which is what most are complaining about. Most people are not complaining that FSU put up yards, because we don't have that talent level.
You said since we see in black and white and can't give credence to the lack of talent and then you say, "But to make a statement like "we returned 9 starters and most of our two deep" and try to play it off like it was a huge disappointment is laughable and very transparent. When those returning starters and much of the two deep include 31, 34, 59, 51, 22, 30 there is a serious problem with the talent level, especially when you are trying to run this system. When the argument is about how bad our defense is, not whether or not we have the talent to win games, but to have the talent to not look like a joke against scrub offenses, then you are saying we are not willing to believe we dont have the talent to not be embarrassed by scrub offenses.
I think you were not clear in what you were trying to get across. My point in telling you that you were wrong in the first place is that we all understand we don't have elite talent, but we have enough talent to not get embarrassed by scrub offenses exactly as I said in my first post which you still seem to not understand. You might not care about beating Duke, VT, Pitt, or winning the coastal, but until we get back to making them the scrubs they are, we can't hope to beat FSU, Bama, Ohio St, and get national titles. They are an indicator that something is wrong here (as you said), but we are arguing the talent level, while not elite, is not the reason we are giving up 500 yards to scrubs.
You want to continue with the insults, that's fine. I did not start it. It's obvious you took it personally when I said you were wrong by calling me a ****** when it is you who are not clearly making your point, or it is you who is failing to understand what people are complaining about most. I answer your post and responded to each point you made with a detailed explanation for you as to why I answered the way I did since apparently me complaining about our embarrassing defensive yards given up = me saying anything about winning in your eyes.
And just to be clear for you, I understand your post and agree we need to upgrade our talent and coaching/scheme. I just don't agree with you that, "So many of you only see things in black and white. You can't give any credence to the lack of talent on this defense because you feel like that will take attention away from your hate for D'onofrio and the scheme."