To the handlers:

Ya you nailed it. Your documentary about handlers getting several grand for a kid here, 20k for a kid there, would absolutely crush a billion dollar entity. You aren't very bright are you?

Like I said,..if your documentary came to fruition you are hurting several groups but none who intended to hurt. You hurt the kid and his family that was working with the hurt the handler, but who cares they are all scumbags right?....and you hurt the kids on that schools roster that has to sit out a bowl game or two.

The school? That check still comes I'm from CBS and ESPN.

The booster? He loses his status as an official booster. Might hurt his pride.

It would also finally give a medium for people to see why the sport is so corrupt and why these kids NEED to get paid for the sake of competitive balance. The sport is an epic cesspool right now, and your solution is to keep it going?

How am I hurting a kid? By helping expose that he is being bought like a horse and treated as such by a school? By showing that he knowingly broke the rules b/c he financially HAD to? Everything you point to would help get EVERY KID PAID.

What about the families of teams who spend their own money every year to watch their team do everything the right way, only to have Auburn beat them with a team of bought kids and 5 million dollar coaches. It's ok to rob them of what they paid for, which is supposed to be a competitive and fair sport?

MLB has dropped in popularity drastically since the advent of the free agent. Meanwhile the hard capped NFL is now 2 times more popular than MLB, and three times more popular than college ball. People love to root for a product that they feel anyone can win in. When teams are destroying the competitive balance by spending and spending illegally, the entire sport is a farce and a fraud.

quite frankly, college football is merely a microcosm of all other sports; in which if you ain't cheating, then you ain't trying.
hcanes and tokengator. Take your sociological discussion elsewhere.

Yes, the kids should be paid.

Yes the schools are a joke with slave labor.

Yes the NCAA is a sham that protects the schools from having to pay for labor.


A documentary exposing the fraud of collegiate sports would do WAY MORE to foster a move towards actually legally paying kids than just sitting on your hands and saying "oh well".

Just because I don't agree with everything that you said, it doesn't mean I was attacking you or asking you to leave. It would seem you may not be able to have a logical discussion on a topic if someone disagrees with some or all of your points...

Start another thread about the tragedy of the poor kid who deserves to be paid. ITS BEEN COVERED AD NAUSEUM and I AGREE WITH IT.

This isn't about that. This is about how the practice of schools paying kids illegally ***** up the sport and as a sports fan should not be tolerated.

Do you feel it's ok to cheat? Do you support A-Rod roiding? Corking of bats? Spygate? I mean, hey, they did what they needed to to make that buck right?

If you want to discuss the fact that the NCAA is using these kids and making millions, MAKE A THREAD FOR IT, and i'd be glad to support you in it. This thread isn't about that. It's about exposing a SEPARATE FRAUD that has resulted in the monopolizing ofr a sport by one conference.
there's a book called "the system" all about recruiting and scandals in college football.

This is a GREAT book and a must read. Some really good info in this book. And you are hearing it first hand in many accounts.

Don't believe everything you read. I know some people in that book personally, and several claim to have been misquoted.

Armen Keteyian is a *******. He taunted one of my friends after the book was published, saying "I hope you enjoyed your ride, now that it's over," and "I'm sorry I ruined your career."

He didn't ruin my buddy's career, lol, but that shows you what kind of integrity (or lack thereof) AM has.

Believe it or not, there are good people involved with 7-on-7 and not everyone has their hand out. I hate to see the actions of a very few ruin everything for everyone else.

ESPN has an agenda here, and they want to ruin 7-on-7 because they can't control it (and the some of the guys involved in it). Joe Schad is even involved in the misinformation business regarding 7-on-7.
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quite frankly, college football is merely a microcosm of all other sports; in which if you ain't cheating, then you ain't trying.

Ok so your opinion is that you should cheat as much as you can to win. Point noted.

To me, I don't watch sports to cheer for the "Best cheater". But that's just me.
Ya you nailed it. Your documentary about handlers getting several grand for a kid here, 20k for a kid there, would absolutely crush a billion dollar entity. You aren't very bright are you?

Like I said,..if your documentary came to fruition you are hurting several groups but none who intended to hurt. You hurt the kid and his family that was working with the hurt the handler, but who cares they are all scumbags right?....and you hurt the kids on that schools roster that has to sit out a bowl game or two.

The school? That check still comes I'm from CBS and ESPN.

The booster? He loses his status as an official booster. Might hurt his pride.

It would also finally give a medium for people to see why the sport is so corrupt and why these kids NEED to get paid for the sake of competitive balance. The sport is an epic cesspool right now, and your solution is to keep it going?

How am I hurting a kid? By helping expose that he is being bought like a horse and treated as such by a school? By showing that he knowingly broke the rules b/c he financially HAD to? Everything you point to would help get EVERY KID PAID.

What about the families of teams who spend their own money every year to watch their team do everything the right way, only to have Auburn beat them with a team of bought kids and 5 million dollar coaches. It's ok to rob them of what they paid for, which is supposed to be a competitive and fair sport?

MLB has dropped in popularity drastically since the advent of the free agent. Meanwhile the hard capped NFL is now 2 times more popular than MLB, and three times more popular than college ball. People love to root for a product that they feel anyone can win in. When teams are destroying the competitive balance by spending and spending illegally, the entire sport is a farce and a fraud.

Possibly but that is a lot of collateral damage and mostly on people just trying to put food on their table. You would be better served exposing the NCAA for the frauds that they are, but that is boring stuff.
quite frankly, college football is merely a microcosm of all other sports; in which if you ain't cheating, then you ain't trying.

Ok so your opinion is that you should cheat as much as you can to win. Point noted.

To me, I don't watch sports to cheer for the "Best cheater". But that's just me.

I never stated that it was my opinion of the way it should be, but merely a way it is.
if anyone can realize everyone cheats in college football...

and typically the only reason you get hammered is when rogue boosters blow up things like UNC with the teacher snitching or our own *** booster blowing up some sushi dates and drinks at the club
There are other ways to "put food on your table" besides pimp a 17 year old around. I'm sorry but that is deplorable behavior that no adult should be ok with.

If handlers care so much, they should be writing to their congressperson DAILY showing how the kids are taken advantage of. They should be lobbying every single day to coaches who come to recruit their kids that their kids deserve to be paid fairly. They should come to me and make those claims, so I can put it in a documentary that might get some heads turned. They should be teaching these kids to read at grade level, so when the 90% chance they don't make the league happens, they can join the workforce.

They shouldn't be manipulating a CHILD on where to go based on what school will give the handler the best piece of the pie.
quite frankly, college football is merely a microcosm of all other sports; in which if you ain't cheating, then you ain't trying.

Ok so your opinion is that you should cheat as much as you can to win. Point noted.

To me, I don't watch sports to cheer for the "Best cheater". But that's just me.

I never stated that it was my opinion of the way it should be, but merely a way it is.

"a way it is" black kids not being allowed to play at Alabama, and ND, etc. ****ed up things should change, and only total ******ts sit around and defend when things are bad bc "thats the way it is". People like you would have prevented all those SEC athletes from drinking at the same water fountain as their white coach. Well done sir! Great way to live life.....
There are other ways to "put food on your table" besides pimp a 17 year old around. I'm sorry but that is deplorable behavior that no adult should be ok with.

If handlers care so much, they should be writing to their congressperson DAILY showing how the kids are taken advantage of. They should be lobbying every single day to coaches who come to recruit their kids that their kids deserve to be paid fairly. They should come to me and make those claims, so I can put it in a documentary that might get some heads turned. They should be teaching these kids to read at grade level, so when the 90% chance they don't make the league happens, they can join the workforce.

They shouldn't be manipulating a CHILD on where to go based on what school will give the handler the best piece of the pie.

I agree on the street agents ******** the kids over, but just look at Baseball and the instructional leagues in DR. They make them pay a % of their professional salaries to pimp them out. These are the scum of the scum on the earth; however, they are playing just as much of a scummy game with boosters and rogue boosters to begin with. If the NCAA gave up on the facade of amateur sports, and instead became a minor league system that supports education in the mean time, I think that model might have a chance.
There are other ways to "put food on your table" besides pimp a 17 year old around. I'm sorry but that is deplorable behavior that no adult should be ok with.

If handlers care so much, they should be writing to their congressperson DAILY showing how the kids are taken advantage of. They should be lobbying every single day to coaches who come to recruit their kids that their kids deserve to be paid fairly. They should come to me and make those claims, so I can put it in a documentary that might get some heads turned. They should be teaching these kids to read at grade level, so when the 90% chance they don't make the league happens, they can join the workforce.

They shouldn't be manipulating a CHILD on where to go based on what school will give the handler the best piece of the pie.

I am not talking about the handlers. I am talking about the kids and their families. Most of the time handlers are just middlemen.

Not all of these guys are scumbags. Not all of these guys are in it to get money or even ask for money. And even the ones that do try to get money for the family are not all scumbags either, in fact they are looking out for the family. Stop painting with a wide brush.

Why should handlers or adviser's write congress? They are playing on the field that is provided to them. No one person is going to bring about change and who has the time and money for that **** anyway.

My entire point this whole thread was that if sec spending money down here for recruits bothers you and you want to "stop" it then exposing a school or two or three involved won't stop ****. The people most hurt will be the kids and their families...and the handler. A new handler will be dealing with the next school down here looking to buy recruits. The game won't change, just the players; but you got your "gotcha moment" which I guess is all you really care about.
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quite frankly, college football is merely a microcosm of all other sports; in which if you ain't cheating, then you ain't trying.

Ok so your opinion is that you should cheat as much as you can to win. Point noted.

To me, I don't watch sports to cheer for the "Best cheater". But that's just me.

I never stated that it was my opinion of the way it should be, but merely a way it is.

"a way it is" black kids not being allowed to play at Alabama, and ND, etc. ****ed up things should change, and only total ******ts sit around and defend when things are bad bc "thats the way it is". People like you would have prevented all those SEC athletes from drinking at the same water fountain as their white coach. Well done sir! Great way to live life.....

Comparing the 2 is trying to bring your point to the point of ridiculous and adds no merit to your position due to one has completely nothing to do with the other.
There are other ways to "put food on your table" besides pimp a 17 year old around. I'm sorry but that is deplorable behavior that no adult should be ok with.

If handlers care so much, they should be writing to their congressperson DAILY showing how the kids are taken advantage of. They should be lobbying every single day to coaches who come to recruit their kids that their kids deserve to be paid fairly. They should come to me and make those claims, so I can put it in a documentary that might get some heads turned. They should be teaching these kids to read at grade level, so when the 90% chance they don't make the league happens, they can join the workforce.

They shouldn't be manipulating a CHILD on where to go based on what school will give the handler the best piece of the pie.

I agree on the street agents ******** the kids over, but just look at Baseball and the instructional leagues in DR. They make them pay a % of their professional salaries to pimp them out. These are the scum of the scum on the earth; however, they are playing just as much of a scummy game with boosters and rogue boosters to begin with. If the NCAA gave up on the facade of amateur sports, and instead became a minor league system that supports education in the mean time, I think that model might have a chance.

So your point about the Dominicans is what exactly? That's like saying Bin Laden isn't as bad as hitler b/c he killed less people. They are both ****ed up.

I do agree that the entire structure needs to be changed. It's a disaster right now, and it's why all the crazy cult southern schools are thriving while former powers are failing to keep up.
There are other ways to "put food on your table" besides pimp a 17 year old around. I'm sorry but that is deplorable behavior that no adult should be ok with.

If handlers care so much, they should be writing to their congressperson DAILY showing how the kids are taken advantage of. They should be lobbying every single day to coaches who come to recruit their kids that their kids deserve to be paid fairly. They should come to me and make those claims, so I can put it in a documentary that might get some heads turned. They should be teaching these kids to read at grade level, so when the 90% chance they don't make the league happens, they can join the workforce.

They shouldn't be manipulating a CHILD on where to go based on what school will give the handler the best piece of the pie.

I agree on the street agents ******** the kids over, but just look at Baseball and the instructional leagues in DR. They make them pay a % of their professional salaries to pimp them out. These are the scum of the scum on the earth; however, they are playing just as much of a scummy game with boosters and rogue boosters to begin with. If the NCAA gave up on the facade of amateur sports, and instead became a minor league system that supports education in the mean time, I think that model might have a chance.

So your point about the Dominicans is what exactly? That's like saying Bin Laden isn't as bad as hitler b/c he killed less people. They are both ****ed up.

I do agree that the entire structure needs to be changed. It's a disaster right now, and it's why all the crazy cult southern schools are thriving while former powers are failing to keep up.

And the only reason that the system won't is basically the plantation owners (Universities) and Media make way too much and will never release the part of the pie to the players. It's capitalism, so with the same stroke, I hope the kids can get the most they can.

Make no makes, it isn't against the law, just NCAA rules. There is a big difference.
Either way, good conversation. I am out. Good night gents.
LOLOL I'm not interested in doing this as a Canes fan. I'm interested in doin this as an opponent of cheating. As someone who finds the pimping of kids from broken homes as a disgrace. I am someone who finds it shameful that adults associated with a University can willingly cheat and take advantage of impoverished African American youth.

These kids should be paid. Legally. But the schools/handlers who operate outside the limits of fairness that have made competition about who can buy the most kids, should be punished SEVERELY.

I find a billion dollar business making its money on free labor to be ******* disgusting.

All your "research" is going to do is get some school or schools in a little trouble, mostly punishing the free labor (athlete) with no bowl games and such -- one of the few times the NCAA sanctions gifts. Maybe some of the handlers disappear but there will 20 lined up to fill the void.

If you care about the kids your anger is misguided. It is the schools that take advantage, not some middle man trying to get the most out of school, whether it is several gran or several hundred grand it is pennies compared to the schools making millions on the kid. The schools/NCAA deny these kids their earning power and now you want to blame the black market that this denial created, you're *** backwards

Didn't take you for a communist Toke. It's a contract agreed to by both parties. GTFOH with free labor. If the kids don't like it, then the free market should solve it right?