Whats funny is that there will be people claiming that Coach D suddenly changed or got better. As if he suddenly gained 50 football IQ points. Folks, he's the same guy he's always been from an X's and O's standpoint, his Jimmy's and Joe's are improved and he can do more. It's really that simple
It's like boxing, trainers, when they dont have elite fighters, suddenly arent' as smart. And guess what, they're doing the exact same things as they have always done. George Gainford, the manager of Sugar Ray Robinson was once asked how good he was at his job and he replied,"Well, when Ray is in my corner, I'm a **** genius."
Bottom line, Buddy Ryan or Bud Carson weren't going to do much with last years unit
The clowns will never get that simple concept no matter how many ways you break it down for them. Bad results=the coach sucks. That's all it's ever going to be with the simpleton. They see valid reasons as "excuses" when they get an agenda rolling. Wasn't nobody going to do anything with that personnel last year. No one.
Bill Belichick is renowned as a defensive genius. What happened to his defenses in New England when his personnel was down? They stunk. Same guy. Same genius. Different results.
Chise, being a guy who covers boxing and is in LA, I know Freddie Roach real well, for a period of 5 years, he literally, never lost a big fight. Well, suddenly, some stuff happened and he hit a rough stretch. But in being at the Wild Card Boxing Club a lot, I can bear witness to the fact he isn't doing anything differently
I interviewed him before Ruslan Provodnikov rattled the cage of Tim Bradley as a big underdog and I jokingly asked him,"Hey, when did you forget everything about boxing and become so stupid?" We both laughed, because he knew what I was getting at
I mean, to go even further, Jethro Franklin suddenly looks like a lot better coach, doesn't he?