Tim Reynolds on NCAA

how did a joke tweet by tim reynolds become a 12 page thread and now a coker/shannon thread? btw a broken clock is right twice a day. if reynolds keeps saying the ncaa is going to rule any day he is actually going to be right one of these days since we all know it is coming.

Because we crazy

Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Wow, can't believe this thread has blown up like it has. If news were that bad, and people like Reynolds already know what it is, something would have leaked by now. Reynolds is either trolling or has been told news will drop "soon" and that's it. Flipping out about it won't change the outcome.
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.

If they really have heard, I am just surprised that it hasn't leaked to somebody; not necessarily if it's good or bad (b/c the school probably wouldn't even know that), but that the news is coming.
They say the university is informed of the ruling 24 hours prior to the public release.
Wow, can't believe this thread has blown up like it has. If news were that bad, and people like Reynolds already know what it is, something would have leaked by now. Reynolds is either trolling or has been told news will drop "soon" and that's it. Flipping out about it won't change the outcome.

My guess is that Reynolds hasn't been told squat, nor has anyone else.

Everyone's just putting 2 and 2 together. Given that we've all been told that the NCAA could hand down its decision any day now, it seems logical to think that the two big announcements yesterday evening (Dye kicked off team and UM canceling today's practice/media access) are in preparation for that decision.
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.

could be true but why shut down practice and lose valuable time. can't they just close practice?
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.

If they really have heard, I am just surprised that it hasn't leaked to somebody; not necessarily if it's good or bad (b/c the school probably wouldn't even know that), but that the news is coming.
Could all be preemptive. They may not even know the ruling, but just know that it is coming out in the next 24 hours. Although the timing of Dye's dismissal leads me to believe that it is no coincidence and they have an idea of what is coming. All speculation on my part (I am the furthest thing from a UM insider) but I do work in the marketing communications field and the steps they are taking right now are consistent with the steps an organization would take when big news is about to break.
I don't have blind faith in the benevolency of the NCAA, nor in the competence of a president who thought hiring Shannon was a great idea.

Doesn't make me miserable. Just like when half of you were raiving about the greatness of Coker and Shannon and I wasn't.
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.

If they really have heard, I am just surprised that it hasn't leaked to somebody; not necessarily if it's good or bad (b/c the school probably wouldn't even know that), but that the news is coming.
Could all be preemptive. They may not even know the ruling, but just know that it is coming out in the next 24 hours. Although the timing of Dye's dismissal leads me to believe that it is no coincidence and they have an idea of what is coming. All speculation on my part (I am the furthest thing from a UM insider) but I do work in the marketing communications field and the steps they are taking right now are consistent with the steps an organization would take when big news is about to break.

I understand what you are saying, but my point is that I have to believe someone (from Miami, one of the coaches accused, or the NCAA) would have leaked this to someone in the press by now if there actually had been notification. The only one who has said anything is Reynolds and he has admitted that it's speculation on his part.
Got nothing to do with Reynolds' tweet and everything to do with the program going dark suddenly. It's time.
Exactly. They are in classic PR/crisis mode. The news could be good, bad, or somewhere in between, but they are taking all of the steps an organization would typically take when you want to maintain consistency of messaging from the organization's perspective.

If they really have heard, I am just surprised that it hasn't leaked to somebody; not necessarily if it's good or bad (b/c the school probably wouldn't even know that), but that the news is coming.
Could all be preemptive. They may not even know the ruling, but just know that it is coming out in the next 24 hours. Although the timing of Dye's dismissal leads me to believe that it is no coincidence and they have an idea of what is coming. All speculation on my part (I am the furthest thing from a UM insider) but I do work in the marketing communications field and the steps they are taking right now are consistent with the steps an organization would take when big news is about to break.

I understand what you are saying, but my point is that I have to believe someone (from Miami, one of the coaches accused, or the NCAA) would have leaked this to someone in the press by now if there actually had been notification. The only one who has said anything is Reynolds and he has admitted that it's speculation on his part.

Why would they leak it to the press? If they were/are notified, I don't think they would blast out an email to all employees: "Hey guys we got the NCAA stuff, don't tell anyone please!" I'm sure only a handful of people would be in the loop.
during these situations there are leaks.. but these leaks usually are not to people who will go around putting it on message boards.. they will be to media like Tim Raynolds etc and they developed long standing relationships with these sources who tell what they can say before the announcement and what they can't.. or a simple

"we got word they will be coming to us with something this week..it sounds like they are going to give us etc etc"

basically "Get Ready"

Close it gets to something more people are notified and word starts to get out and speculations start to get around.

As of now we know this

1. there is something happening this week regarding the NCAA
2. it is very safe to assume Shalala and the lawyers know what is being discussed.
3. I look at Dye being kicked out not necessarily a good thing for us. as in its a step to resolving this which is good but the NCAA most likely let UM know that they don't believe Dye. They haven't ruled on him yet but they don't believe him. So Miami just did the inevitable.
4. Cutting the camp short was maybe to free up time for meetings with the NCAA or just to give our guys rest.
5. I love my Canes and we have been treated horribly by this investigation but I don't see us "Skating" I think it will be similar to PSU .as in .. we don't get the worst (another bowl ban) but they will go heavy on other things, Scholarship reduction etc .. and they will make a point to go after players that lied or did not cooperate.

Scholarship reduction will hurt so will recruiting reduction, Games will be forfeited, money will be returned. The good part is .. we will appeal .. all of it but as long as there is no bowl ban, we can move forward