Thoughts on how South Carolina HC Shane Beamer handled it?

This is funny.

They're in school. Playing a game.

You may try to re-live your life through the efforts of other young men - somehow trying to grab a bit of what you failed to do when you were their age - but guess what?

Not gonna happen.

Mr. Perfection.

You made YOUR bed - YOU sleep in it.

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They're in school. Playing a game.

You may try to re-live your life through the efforts of other young men - somehow trying to grab a bit of what you failed to do when you were their age - but guess what?

Not gonna happen.

Mr. Perfection.

A lot of projecting in that post.

They are adults who are making a whole lot of money.
A lot of projecting in that post.

They are adults who are making a whole lot of money.

A lot of projecting on your part, friend. Lots of negative projecting.

As far as them making money - the football players didn't create the ability for players to get paid - that was done by adults - so they could get their gains out of the kids getting money. Tilt the table. Stack THEIR team.

The players - didn't make these decisions. Only a fool would leave money on the table - and their parents, coaches, and attorneys make those decisions. Everyone gains monetarily.

Who put the money there?

You don't really delve into the multiple elements of a system, do you?
Hey! The players didn't set the rules!

I've NEVER in my life seen a perfect system - anywhere - as you've got dumbazzes everywhere - always based on personal gain of money or influence.

I see adults - legally adults - attack players time and again, run them into the ground, just sadistic comments when anyone with an ounce of sense would realize the players don't make the calls -

You're pizzed. I get it. This was a team loss - from HC down, including the bench warmers.

We got better.

Get over it. If you're perfect - you know where all the blame lies - you know the specific solutions to correct all these problems with UM football and NCAA football - get off your *** and get them fixed.

When the Christ was standing before Pilate (this is the Xmas season) - and the crowd was yelling for death - I can picture someone with this attitude yelling the loudest.

You're either part of the problem - or you're part of the solution.

Whatchu gonna do?

I'm not sure what exception you are taking with regards to my post or if you simply shared a general observation. As I noted, I put most of the blame on the adults, including coaches, ADs, School Deans and President, TV networks and the agents and grifters. They are the ones who are destroying the game.
A lot of projecting on your part, friend. Lots of negative projecting.

As far as them making money - the football players didn't create the ability for players to get paid - that was done by adults - so they could get their gains out of the kids getting money. Tilt the table. Stack THEIR team.

The players - didn't make these decisions. Only a fool would leave money on the table - and their parents, coaches, and attorneys make those decisions. Everyone gains monetarily.

Who put the money there?

You don't really delve into the multiple elements of a system, do you?

That went about a thousand miles away from "they're just kids going to school and playing a game". No they're not. They are adults making a whole lot of money.
I'm not sure what exception you are taking with regards to my post or if you simply shared a general observation. As I noted, I put most of the blame on the adults, including coaches, ADs, School Deans and President, TV networks and the agents and grifters. They are the ones who are destroying the game.

He has gone on some weird tangents in this thread.
I'm not sure what exception you are taking with regards to my post or if you simply shared a general observation. As I noted, I put most of the blame on the adults, including coaches, ADs, School Deans and President, TV networks and the agents and grifters. They are the ones who are destroying the game.

General Observation.

When I use the word "you," it's to whatever reader the comment applies to.

The English language doesn't have a graceful word to fill that gap.
He's referring to Emory in that part of the sentence.

I assume you were present and witnessed all of the statements and decisions of the coaches and Cam when this determination was made.

How it was made. For what purpose it was made. What parties were involved in the decision.

I don't awaken with the idea that my opinion is the only one that counts - nor with the concept that anyone gives a tinkers dam what my opinion is.

What I see here - just based on casual observation - is some miserable SOB's that just need to criticize every element of other behaviors, failings, mistakes, judgements, or decisions - that don't agree with theirs.

I've never seen such a collection of self-important cry babies and b*tches so concentrated in one group.

We got better - the win/loss number says so.

Take it - leave it - but the players should be left alone. They're kids, for God's sake.

You want to whiz on the coaches - help yourself. I'll help too.

Not that your opinion will alter one play, one decision, one timeout, or one element.

Time to cowboy up - check to make sure you whiners actually have a pair - and honestly - STFU on the players.

Only the cu-nts will lay into youngsters. Who don't make the decisions and have little control over a game plan and game decisions.
What in gods name is this crap.

1 - You sound emotional. And your long response has nothing to do with my comment. Nothing in my comment was self important

2- there being a ton of over reactionary retards on this board has nothing to do with my comment in which you responded to.

3- in your response, you failed to address my point. That the general consensus has not been “crucifying” cam, it has merely been some criticism.

4- I was on the boards and I was one of the ones criticizing cam. My opinion is play the whole game or don’t play at all. That’s independent on whether it was planned or not. In fact, I think it likely was planned in advance. Whether planned in advance or not doesn’t change my opinion regarding suiting up for the whole game. Again, stating this is not “crucifying” cam.

5- regarding your last statement - these dudes may be young but they are still adults and a lot of them millionaires. They want to be paid and treated like professionals, then they dont mega fan like you shielding them with the “they’re just kids” bs. That mentality was totality sound before nil but it’s out the window in 2024/2025, especially for the superstars making serious money playing a game.
Yeah, never envisioned Romans and ****** Messiah in a thread about the ills of NIL in college football, but here we are!

Analogies are difficult to perceive at times - and of course - one must be familiar with the facts of each event to see the connection.

The clot shots you got are obviously working as designed - don't miss out on the current Bird Flu shot - they're available.

Just a friendly reminder.
What in gods name is this crap.

1 - You sound emotional. And your long response has nothing to do with my comment. Nothing in my comment was self important

2- there being a ton of over reactionary retards on this board has nothing to do with my comment in which you responded to.

3- in your response, you failed to address my point. That the general consensus has not been “crucifying” cam, it has merely been some criticism.

4- I was on the boards and I was one of the ones criticizing cam. My opinion is play the whole game or don’t play at all. That’s independent on whether it was planned or not. In fact, I think it likely was planned in advance. Whether planned in advance or not doesn’t change my opinion regarding suiting up for the whole game. Again, stating this is not “crucifying” cam.

5- regarding your last statement - these dudes may be young but they are still adults and a lot of them millionaires. They want to be paid and treated like professionals, then they dont mega fan like you shielding them with the “they’re just kids” bs. That mentality was totality sound before nil but it’s out the window in 2024/2025, especially for the superstars making serious money playing a game.


So on Cam - you were not piling on and crucifying Cam - you were just CRITICIZING.

Thank you for that clarification.

I'm sure that will make your momma proud.

And thanks for the other clarification - those student athletes PRIOR to 2024/2025 were justifiably considered kids - but suddenly we had some time warp advance - and TODAY those same kids - are suddenly NOT kids - because adults offered them MONEY.

Ho Li Chit.