"They wanted to pay for certain things to help Shapiro..."

I simply cannot believe how much of an idiot this girl is. It's like, "hey, I did something wrong, why don't I just up and admit to something worse, and pretend that that, too, isn't wrong?"

Just wow dude, just wow.

She really needs to just shut up for her own good.

No, she needs to keep talking, especially when she loses like she did in that initial interview. The NCAA can potentially cut scholarships and bowls, but they've opened themselves up to a serious lawsuit with this. They've overreached their power and tainted the whole investigation. I think it also shows a pattern, along with that nice letter from the attorney to the ex-players, that they had an agenda against Miami. I don't know if it was so much against Miami as they'd set up the investigation, spent money, so they WERE going to find information, no matter what it took. The fact that it was Miami they were after was just icing on the cake.

I wonder if she was already for some of her "expenses"?

If So .. the taint on this just got even bigger.

Bottom line... UM had all the cards to play on appeal OR even in a lawsuit.

NCAA should cut there losses and time served with some schollys. I think the hold up is how to deal with the coaches.


***** the schollies. No other school has ever self-imposed two bowl bans, and this whole thing is trivial relative to more serious scandals involving real money.

Believe me, I agree. But we will be hit with something. Maybe a small scholly loss or maybe even Probation (which really means nothing) in order for the NCAA not to look as it showed preferential treatment to UM and opening itself up to litigation form other schools.

I wonder if she was already for some of her "expenses"?

If So .. the taint on this just got even bigger.

Bottom line... UM had all the cards to play on appeal OR even in a lawsuit.

NCAA should cut there losses and time served with some schollys. I think the hold up is how to deal with the coaches.


***** the schollies. No other school has ever self-imposed two bowl bans, and this whole thing is trivial relative to more serious scandals involving real money.

Believe me, I agree. But we will be hit with something. Maybe a small scholly loss or maybe even Probation (which really means nothing) in order for the NCAA not to look as it showed preferential treatment to UM and opening itself up to litigation form other schools.


We already have been hit by so much bull ****.

The negative recruiting, the media backlash and the dragged out process. This is beyond insane.

We will get probation but in my opinion (dead serious) even this is unfair given the fact that it has taken 2 plus years to get NOWHERE!!!

Let's not forget we have been told we were "INCREDIBLY COMPLIANT" and have done everything we have been asked to do.
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Only teams that can have the talent to vanquish evil sec are from the state of Florida.

NCAA got tired of sec circle jerking the crystal.

Choke artists of trailer hasse had their shot.

Its time for Miami to return

Miami got its first title when star wars iv came out. It will win another the year episode vii comes out

\cue Darth Vader theme
"...where there were issues of common interests."

So according to someone who worked closely with both, the NCAA shared "common interests" with someone whose ONLY goal was to bury Miami and make headlines.

Is there any more doubt that these clowns are out to ***** us?

That she said that the NCAA (investigator) wanted to help Shapiro (cooperating witness) by paying certain of his legal fees is crushing to the NCAA's investigation. It entirely undermines the NCAA.

I wonder how much the NCAA paid for Shapiro's cooperation? How much help did the NCAA give him? What fees were paid and for what services?

The NCAA is right to be humiliated. Its conduct can't be defended here.

At this point, that's really the heart of the matter...and the reason I'm lacing up my skates and practicing my triple axels.
I simply cannot believe how much of an idiot this girl is. It's like, "hey, I did something wrong, why don't I just up and admit to something worse, and pretend that that, too, isn't wrong?"

Just wow dude, just wow.

"...where there were issues of common interests."

So according to someone who worked closely with both, the NCAA shared "common interests" with someone whose ONLY goal was to bury Miami and make headlines.

Is there any more doubt that these clowns are out to ***** us?

That she said that the NCAA (investigator) wanted to help Shapiro (cooperating witness) by paying certain of his legal fees is crushing to the NCAA's investigation. It entirely undermines the NCAA.

I wonder how much the NCAA paid for Shapiro's cooperation? How much help did the NCAA give him? What fees were paid and for what services?

The NCAA is right to be humiliated. Its conduct can't be defended here.
Good to see you around here, NZ.

Thanks, partner. Good to be around.
I simply cannot believe how much of an idiot this girl is. It's like, "hey, I did something wrong, why don't I just up and admit to something worse, and pretend that that, too, isn't wrong?"

Just wow dude, just wow.

I simply cannot believe how much of an idiot this girl is. It's like, "hey, I did something wrong, why don't I just up and admit to something worse, and pretend that that, too, isn't wrong?"

Just wow dude, just wow.

She really needs to just shut up for her own good.

No, she needs to keep talking, especially when she loses like she did in that initial interview. The NCAA can potentially cut scholarships and bowls, but they've opened themselves up to a serious lawsuit with this. They've overreached their power and tainted the whole investigation. I think it also shows a pattern, along with that nice letter from the attorney to the ex-players, that they had an agenda against Miami. I don't know if it was so much against Miami as they'd set up the investigation, spent money, so they WERE going to find information, no matter what it took. The fact that it was Miami they were after was just icing on the cake.

LOL. I agree that her talking has helped us.

My only point was that she needs to shut up for her own good because she comes off like a complete moron. :)
Negotiations should go something like this:

MIAMI: We don't sue you if you pay us $2,000,000 plus our outside legal fees and drop everything with a public apology

NCAA: How bout we give you time served and call it a day?

MIAMI: Naw Naw Naw. We don't admit to or agree to any violations. No time served. Apologize for our self imposed penalties and walk away. Final offer.
Negotiations should go something like this:

MIAMI: We don't sue you if you pay us $2,000,000 plus our outside legal fees and drop everything with a public apology

NCAA: How bout we give you time served and call it a day?

MIAMI: Naw Naw Naw. We don't admit to or agree to any violations. No time served. Apologize for our self imposed penalties and walk away. Final offer.

I would love to be privy to the conversations um legal is having with Shalala and amongst themselves.
I would love to be privy to the conversations um legal is having with Shalala and amongst themselves.

Here is a stream:

Jon Solomon ‏@jonsol
New COI member Bobby Cremins tells Sirius that NCAA should have been "really, really skeptical" of Nevin Shapiro as a source.
All that I've garnered (as a non lawyer) from the past few days is FRAUD + intent to do harm. I don't care what the NCAA processes are - they've exposed themselves to messy legal action.

Also, it's hilarious to me that those doofus's in Indianapolis are unaware that they've now exposed themselves to a So FLA style quagmire. She is going to sing, and sing, and sing to save her own ***. They obviously have no idea how screwed up this is about to get. Twists and turns are a specialty down here. The question is - how quickly do they settle and how long until Emmert resigns?

As a non lawyer, you're pretty spot on with this post. Miami is letting Emmert back out of this gracefully, but if he thinks the NCAA is going to try and salvage this investigation, then he's going to be the one spreading the NCAA's asscheeks apart.

I read on espn this morning that even ACC Commissioner Swofford has spoken out about this BS now too.

Excellent posts by you. I get the same feeling that UM is allowing Emmert to try to save some face. Meanwhile, behind the scenes we're now dictating the terms and working out the details. Emmert can later come back and say whatever he needs to say to save face as long as UM doesn't receive anything other than an additional slap on the wrist.
Jon Solomon ‏@jonsol
New COI member Bobby Cremins tells Sirius that NCAA should have been "really, really skeptical" of Nevin Shapiro as a source.

Wow, I wonder if the media should have made this a bigger deal (LIKE AT THE TOP OF THE FUCCCCCKING STORY) at the time.

What about his "personal vendetta" to destroy UM? Does that sound biased as well?