The Work 10-30 (Coaching Search)

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Just the sheer fear of hiring Mario while retaining Coley as OC all of a sudden makes Schiano and Chud look SOOOO much better.

This is exactly what many of us feared...even when the incompetent ******** running the program finally got around to firing Golden, there is/was no guarantees they'd have the first clue of what to look for in a replacement.
Chud and Cristobal would be an interesting combination. This morning on Joe Rose, Larry Blustein said that in his talks with high school coaches in Miami, they all favored Mario Cristobal due to his close relationship with them as an Alabama recruiter. I am upset with Cristobal bolting UM six weeks after taking the job. However, it was for Alabama, Saban and he probably was put off by Golden already.
I thought it was a silly question since Cristobal was the only active recruiter out of the candidates Joe was discussing. Plus Blu's world is all about recruiting but our biggest problem has been development and coaching
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BOT will look at Mario out of respect for an Alumni. (IMO)
More serious candidates will be Butch, Chud, Strong, Stoops, Herman, JF, Richt, I'm sure some new candidates will emerge as the season ends
fsucand uf fans laughing at us cuz butch is sitting there and they know if we get him its a wrap, miami doesnt want to win for some reason. its like going to da hospital with a gunshot wound and da surgeon there is the hest but u say no let the security guard perform the surgery. incredible miami is this dumb
someone in that circle needs to push for butch hard *** the connections and politics and do the right thing.
Really, fvck this school if they hire Mario. It just goes to show you, we can keep talking all that shlt "Miami is always only a few years away because or our local talent" but none of that matters if the administration is unbelievably incompetent.

The people in charge of this program are better suited running a high school team.
Look at whom we believe AD James has reached out to for advice,Jankovich and JJ.Both are quoted as
saying look around,don't necessarily settle for a U of M alumni,former player or coach but make it a
nationwide search-see who might be interested.Interesting what Johnson did not say....Butch Davis
was one of coaches.Remember AD James is a Midwest boy
Pete,y the way,thanks for trying to read the"tea leaves".Appreciate trying to keep us up to date.
im so mad rt now, should of just kept golden or rehire randy. going to give ***** four mill to mario lol, i would follow miami n see what he does but know faith we win develop or lockdown sfla. butch is rt dea lol, this gotta be the matrix. nikkaz slipped me the red pill, im burnt rt now.
Just switch it off. Shut the program down, and quit embarrassing UM's once-proud legacy with this 3rd world banana republic approach to hiring a football coach.
MUCH less attractive. In my opinion, that should completely disqualify him as a candidate! 100%. And replacing Coach D with an inexperienced DB coach? Really? Don't get me wrong, I want D'Onofrio out of town, but is this the best Mario can come up with? And people wonder why some of us want Butch back. I swear, if they put it out there that they are willing to spend 4 mil a tear on a coach, then settle for Mario, I will be sick. If they are serious about this being the biggest hire in years at UM, Mario simply CAN NOT be a serious candidate.
Keeping Coley?

I didn't think it was possible, but Mario just made himself an even less attractive candidate.
**Sources close to Cristobal indicate that he already has an idea of who he would include on his staff. James Coley would be retained most likely.

I stop reading right there

Beanerball. Not to be confused with Beamerball, which actually worked for a long time. Just a vomit-inducing hire. (Or should it be Banana Ball?).
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These incompetent faqguts are going to fck around so hard with puddles of watery **** like Barrio and Dud that when they wind up hiring a firmer piece of **** the fans will breathe a sigh of relief. That's what happened last time with Folden. They fcked around with goat dycks like Trestman, and when we got a guy who "turned Temple around" it was a relief.
**Sources close to Cristobal indicate that he already has an idea of who he would include on his staff. James Coley would be retained most likely.

I stop reading right there

Beanerball. Not to be confused with Beamerball, which actually worked for a long time. Just a vomit-inducing hire. (Or should it be Banana Ball?).

LULZ at Beanerball. Crying.
People need to get this bull about recruit out their head. Mario Cristobal couldn't beat anyone in recruiting at FIU, because its FIU. Win at Miami and you get kids wanna play here whoever the coach is. These clowns never learn.
Defensive Coordinator connections for Chud....

Mel Tucker (Chud's DC in Cleveland in 2013)

Todd Grantham (Currently making lots of dough at Louisville under Pertino but they hate each other. DC in Cleveland in 2007 when Chud was OC))

DJ Elliot (GA at Miami in 2001. DC at Kentucky)

Sam Mills (Carolina Defensive Quality Control 2011 with Chud)

Ken Flajole

**** no to Grantham. Georgia was so happy to get rid of him.
Y'all are getting worked up over this right now, I don't want Mario either.
Remember we are in October! We still have a month or more before we really hire anyone.. As far as Mario having a staff together... Every coach we interview will have a list... Just calm down for now
Hilarious that so many of you are believing a 19 year old and its October for crying out loud!