The ReUnion

Culture is FUBAR

When a current Miami Hurricanes player complained privately about several of his teammates breaking curfew before at least two games this past season -including the loss to FIU - this question kept coming to mind:Would this type of thing happen with the great UM teams?

A couple of former players insisted to me that it would not. The reason? As Canes greats Bennie Blades and Ed Reed said Wednesday, the players on those teams policed themselves.

“How can we right a ship if you’re not willing to right the ship?” Blades told me on Wednesday, while making the rounds on Radio Row in advance of Super Bowl 54. “It comes down to players. Don’t give coaches credit or discredit for what players do.

“The night before the game, your mind should be on the game itself. Jerome Brown, Melvin Bratton, Alonzo Highsmith, Winston Moss, all those guys would say, ‘Coach, can we talk to the players for a minute?’”

Blades said he could only imagine “the rippings we would have gotten” from teammates if those players broke curfew or did something to cost their team before a game.

“It’s all about us in this room,” Blades said of players policing each other. “And that’s what it needs to get back to - police each other.
These guys seem mythological at this point in comparison to what we've been witnessing for 15 years.
Similar to the old dolphins that cheer every time the last undefeated team loses. Hopefully we can win something before we end up like that.
My thought on the incident in Atlanta is, by their own admission the other group had guns and fired repeatedly into the limousine that Ray and his crew were in with intent to kill. After knowing that, all bets are off. It's a shame for all parties involved.