The Penalty - My Take June 18th

The worst part, the stupidest part of that whole write-up is the part about not getting LOIC, but getting another bowl ban. I'd like the OP to point to any case in the history of the NCAA where a school has gotten a postseason ban without LOIC. I'm talking major sports, not golf or tennis, or some crap like that. The fact is, you do not get hit with a bowl ban, without LOIC.

Sad part about all this is kids (student athletes) are being punished for accepting hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks and fries while those sitting in judgement are making as much as $1.8 million a year. They're staying and eating at 4 and 5 star hotels and restaurants running up huge expense account charges telling hungry growing kids what they can eat. I say BS.

Aaaahhh!!! Here is the crux of the issue. Power, greed and money as usual. Sad thing is nothing will change. Professional sports is the monster that has changed college sports and there is no turning back.
The worst part, the stupidest part of that whole write-up is the part about not getting LOIC, but getting another bowl ban. I'd like the OP to point to any case in the history of the NCAA where a school has gotten a postseason ban without LOIC. I'm talking major sports, not golf or tennis, or some crap like that. The fact is, you do not get hit with a bowl ban, without LOIC.

Excuse my ignorance, but have we conceded that the statute of limitations will not apply to the aged claims? I haven't seen that mentioned lately.
I don't think that we should even accept scholarship reductions.

If they impose any additional penalties of any kind we should take them to court.
I don't think that we should even accept scholarship reductions.

If they impose any additional penalties of any kind we should take them to court.


Miami fully cooperated while the NCAA tried everything in their power to slam them. Miami self imposed the harshest sanctions any school ever has. Miami also hired an investigator to investigate Shapiro. When all is said and done all Shapiro did was take some recruits out for some dinner and drinks. Big Deal! Does the NCAA expect is to believe boosters at Bama, LSU, or any of the big powers that be don't recruit with dinners and drinks? GTFOOH!

Nothing but another message sent from the NCAA to tell Miami they have to play by another set of rules because they are private school that isn't a part of the good ol' boy club.
If we get another Bowl ban .. then why the **** would any other school cooperate again? Outside of Child molestation..The most Bowls that anyone would get is 2 at worst. (see USC) **** UCF got hit with LOIC and got a YEAR.

No way in **** do we get another bowl ban... no way.


UCF only got a 1 year ban, but they later appealed and won. They don't have to miss a single bowl despite LOIC.
The worst part, the stupidest part of that whole write-up is the part about not getting LOIC, but getting another bowl ban. I'd like the OP to point to any case in the history of the NCAA where a school has gotten a postseason ban without LOIC. I'm talking major sports, not golf or tennis, or some crap like that. The fact is, you do not get hit with a bowl ban, without LOIC.

Ohio State last year. (Failure to monitor, no LOIC, one year bowl ban.)

Next question.
Sad part about all this is kids (student athletes) are being punished for accepting hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks and fries while those sitting in judgement are making as much as $1.8 million a year. They're staying and eating at 4 and 5 star hotels and restaurants running up huge expense account charges telling hungry growing kids what they can eat. I say BS.

Don't forget it's perfectly acceptable to funnel $$$ on to a convicted felons prison books, but God forbid you buy a kid a frosty-freezy-freeze ice cream.
For what it's worth just heard out of Indianapolis that apparently the heated arguments heard by the press were from the coaches attorneys.
Emmert and Shalala are already talking because both have something to gain and they
will agree to a mutual solution.If Emmert tries to play"hardball",Shalala goes to court and
Emmert could lose his job.My guess,face saving 3-4 schoolies three years,no more bowl bans
no probation.
The worst part, the stupidest part of that whole write-up is the part about not getting LOIC, but getting another bowl ban. I'd like the OP to point to any case in the history of the NCAA where a school has gotten a postseason ban without LOIC. I'm talking major sports, not golf or tennis, or some crap like that. The fact is, you do not get hit with a bowl ban, without LOIC.

Excuse my ignorance, but have we conceded that the statute of limitations will not apply to the aged claims? I haven't seen that mentioned lately.

Interesting...I had forgotten about this...............
Emmert and Shalala are already talking because both have something to gain and they
will agree to a mutual solution.If Emmert tries to play"hardball",Shalala goes to court and
Emmert could lose his job.My guess,face saving 3-4 schoolies three years,no more bowl bans
no probation.

2 bowls, 1 ACCCG, already self-imposed scholarship reductions and recruiting visits, and add the that the length of the investigation. No more punishment is necessary, even without the NCAA ******** up the investigation, with the allegations that have been presented.

It was one rogue booster, not some widespread issue. This wasn't condoned by anyone. The coaches that knew they were wrong. They should be punished. Was Shannon even interviewed? I know Dee wasn't. They should have been the first people that were contacted.
The worst part, the stupidest part of that whole write-up is the part about not getting LOIC, but getting another bowl ban. I'd like the OP to point to any case in the history of the NCAA where a school has gotten a postseason ban without LOIC. I'm talking major sports, not golf or tennis, or some crap like that. The fact is, you do not get hit with a bowl ban, without LOIC.

Ohio State last year. (Failure to monitor, no LOIC, one year bowl ban.)

Next question.

Mitigating circumstances in that one, but ok. Also, we have already served two bans, so adding a third without LOIC is beyond ridiculous (which is what I was getting at).
Another bowl ban? No one will ever cooperate with the NCAA again. Penn State would have gotten off lighter than we did and all we did was give kids gin and miso soup.