The OC Candidates Thread

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Why do these guys all love Coley so much? He was horrible when he was here and Texas A&M's offense was almost as bad as our's last year. I get that Jimbo is likely running the offense there but still. I don't want to hear about his legendary recruiting prowess. Mario has that covered. We need someone who can actually run an offense.
Are you asking if Coley is a good OC or WR corch? Because I don't think anyone here is in love with Coley the OC.
Now is Coley a good WR coach? Big part of that job is being a good recruiter so he has that. The technical part of the job I don't know enough about his career to say.

@RVACane @WaterburyCane @PIPO @Baba Yaga

I don't want to abuse the power given to me but I'm going to tell y'all a joke that my late grandpa told me when I was a kid.

Grandpa: "Did you hear that an actress stabbed her partner?? It was, oh gosh, what's her name? Reese. Reese with something or other..."

Me "Witherspoon?"

Grandpa: "No, with a knife silly."

Edit: @MumbleRap :ROFLMAO:

What The Fuck GIF


Stand in front of your peers chappy. @Science @PIPO

You just told a terrible Reese Witherspoon joke on a Miami Hurricanes message board full of a bunch of testosterone filled dudes. Let that sink in. Not only that, you did it about an hour and a half AFTER it was already told by @MumbleRap (I'll deal with you in a minute).

No disrespect to your grandpops...Im already a fan of his since he thinks Jay Fiedler sucks. CIS is built on accountability...whether its inside info, football talk, wooly mamoth tusks or whatever the topic. The badge isnt a license to tell a bad joke. i hate to do this, but we have to set an example if we are to be respected. Its on your record for 2023.

Internal affairs is always watching. Me and @PIPO will finish your shift today. Tomorrow you are a free man

Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre
Ok, just listened to the first 20 minutes of 247 podcast. Stopped so as not to lose my mind. David Lake is pitching James Coley as his OC choice. He rattles off stats highlighting the efficiency of his offenses and then describes his would-be hire as a "play at talent acquisition.''
If you want to bring Coley on staff as a position coach, great. Recruiting prowess is big stuff with Mario, but first and foremost OC needs to be a high-level schematic guy, play caller and QB whisper. That's not Coley.
Mario will have orchestrated a clown show if procrastinates and settles on James Coley. Then again, suspect Lake is clueless.
Someone told me a stupid pun joke of Reese once and I never forgot it..

“Did you hear about the celebrity who stabbed her husband?

Me: No way, I didn’t hear about it! who was it?

“Umm it was Reese, Reese something…”

Me: Witherspoon?!

“No man, with her knife”…


Pleasure to e-meet you. I dont think we've met. We realize @JamesQuall stole your joke, but the fact that you told a God awful joke first, doesnt make it right. It's now on your record.

episode 2 inmates GIF


@JamesQuall I got this one amigo

Stand in front of your peers chappy. @Science @PIPO

You just told a terrible Reese Witherspoon joke on a Miami Hurricanes message board full of a bunch of testosterone filled dudes. Let that sink in. Not only that, you did it about an hour and a half AFTER it was already told by @MumbleRap (I'll deal with you in a minute).

No disrespect to your grandpops...Im already a fan of his since he thinks Jay Fiedler sucks. CIS is built on accountability...whether its inside info, football talk, wooly mamoth tusks or whatever the topic. The badge isnt a license to tell a bad joke. i hate to do this, but we have to set an example if we are to be respected. Its on your record for 2023.

Internal affairs is always watching. Me and @PIPO will finish your shift today. Tomorrow you are a free man

Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre

there are at least two people who don't fill this description. one is a cross dresser and another one is also known in spanish as "piedra" or rock because he is dense.
Are you asking if Coley is a good OC or WR corch? Because I don't think anyone here is in love with Coley the OC.
Now is Coley a good WR coach? Big part of that job is being a good recruiter so he has that. The technical part of the job I don't know enough about his career to say.
No, I was referring to the ecosystem of Cane superfans/insiders who have YouTube channels and big followings on social media. They all push Coley for the OC job every time it is available.

@SWFLHurricane is a straight shooter. He provides great information that is provided to him, he doesn't add in his own editorial takes on it.

But some porsters on this board leap to HUGE and unwarranted conclusions every time they get a tiny morsel of information.

I am blessed, I can reach out to some folks and ask them questions. But I also don't go nuts on the board with crazy theories and blanket assumptions based on one tweet.

Some of y'all need to learn how to scrutinize information better...
Wait Up Joe Biden GIF by The Democrats

Hold Up Wait A Minute GIF by ABC Network

Joe Biden GIF by Election 2020

Ok, as much as I stand up for our OG posters, especially @SWFLHurricane - as my boy, TOC, you state that “some ya’ll need to scrutinize information better.”

With these receipts below, where I can understand the Parrot may have taken a **** on CIOs cell phone and thus the proper letters for typing “might not be on his own” didn’t work, he indeed doubled down based on the screenshots below:



FROST was the final answer therefore, I am classifying judgement decided: A Full Blown……….


Between CIO, the Parrots, Vultures and @Hollywood13


Awesome Let Them Fight GIF by Legendary Entertainment

Pleasure to e-meet you. I dont think we've met. We realize @JamesQuall stole your joke, but the fact that you told a God awful joke first, doesnt make it right. It's now on your record.

episode 2 inmates GIF
Idk what this post means, are jokes not allowed?

****, I’ll stick to moping about Arroyo and how Mario is taking too long. Carry on.
Not to derail but I grew up as a JW. Nothing subtle about the 'us vs. them.' I walked away from it over a decade ago when I started thinking about the nature of belief (from a human, anthropological perspective). It's not all bad and I won't disparage it (mom and much of that side of the family are devout JW's) but you miss out on a lot when you're taught that everyone and everything in the world belongs to Satan and wants to turn you away from God. Also, that everything you do is observed by God and, regardless of how good a person you are, it still may not be enough to make it into Paradise.

There's a difference between choosing a belief system vs. being indoctrinated into one.

Correct, my brother. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good things I learned from being in that religion, but it became clear that it was agenda based.

Truthfully, if u look at the history of cults, the draw is likened to rat poison. Rat Poison is effective b/c majority of its contents it’s edible, & the aroma draws them in…it’s the poison that’s hidden that kills them.

I tell everyone, go look at Jim Jones; if u were African-American listening to this dude at that time, u could’ve easily followed him, b/c he used the Bible to show equality should exist among all men b/c God is not partial. ****, if u bro would’ve died b4 the massacre, ppl would’ve remembered him as a cog in the civil rights movements, since he was the first man to help integrate Indianapolis.

JW teach a lot of good things on how to treat neighbors & be an upstanding member in the community, BUT that’s also a recruiting technique. Once u get in, u become indoctrinated to die for the religious cause (b/c u’re martyring for God), think all ones who r not JWs r going to die, everyone in Satan’s world is trying to get u, including “well meaning” family members. Crazy, bro.
What The Fuck GIF


Stand in front of your peers chappy. @Science @PIPO

You just told a terrible Reese Witherspoon joke on a Miami Hurricanes message board full of a bunch of testosterone filled dudes. Let that sink in. Not only that, you did it about an hour and a half AFTER it was already told by @MumbleRap (I'll deal with you in a minute).

No disrespect to your grandpops...Im already a fan of his since he thinks Jay Fiedler sucks. CIS is built on accountability...whether its inside info, football talk, wooly mamoth tusks or whatever the topic. The badge isnt a license to tell a bad joke. i hate to do this, but we have to set an example if we are to be respected. Its on your record for 2023.

Internal affairs is always watching. Me and @PIPO will finish your shift today. Tomorrow you are a free man

Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre
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