The OC Candidates Thread

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Please……….. you know what? Next time I see you (you know where) I am going to

go fuck yourself middle finger GIF by IFC


He’s not my first choice by a long shot

Mario had Dennis Smith search this thread today and saw the Candle slander, so he leaked the Nuss news in order to make y’all realize how lucky we’d be to have Jason… good joke Rio, you can announce him as the next OC now.
When i was younger, someone we knew in Jamaica needed blood. His family let him die. I never forget that. I now have a friend who covert like within the past 2 years, really nice and good person, been friends since 06. She ask me to come to her church or log in online. NO

Right; another weird teaching that’s not biblical.

So fun fact:

The 2nd leader said vaccines were from the Devil. Lol. So for 20 yrs, no JWs could get vaccinated. Then the Federal Courts stepped in and said parents nor religions have a right to stop a child for getting the proper vaccines to protect themselves; then the JWs said it’s a conscience matter.

They didn’t allow their members to get organ transplants b/c they said that was a form a cannibalism. Then they changed their minds due to “new light” 10 yrs later. Wouldn’t allow their members to get blood fractions, then changed their minds. Meanwhile, ppl r dying listening to these guys, right?

For 60 yrs, blood transfusions were quite OK; then the 3rd leader made all these different rules based upon “principals” found in the Bible. The Mosaic Law forbade the consumption of blood as a food source; in Acts, that’s reiterated, to abstain from blood.

These dudes interpreted this as a medical procedure to save lives, where it’s clear the origin of the law stemmed to when meat became apart of the diet. It was the blood of animals that was not to be consumed. They didn’t do no blood transfusions back then!! Lol

What makes matters worst, this religion is notorious for misquoting ppl to validate their point. For instance, they may quote a doctor in one of their publications: Doctor X said the following: “…blood transfusions is the last resort we’ll want to use…” But, what Doctor X actually said, “When treating a surgical patient dealing w/ anemia, we’ll try to tolerate it using different methods before prescribing a blood transfusion b/c blood transfusions is the last resort we’ll want to use if other treatments are possible.”

That’s how they’ll mislead. Furthermore, God is taught to be the giver & sustainer of life. It’s clear life is more important than a law, yet no JW can reason that b/c they’ve been indoctrinated to believe dying for upholding the law brings u to God’s glory. So 10’s of thousands have died as martyrs believing they’re obeying God. Smh
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