The OC Candidates Thread

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Cough cough ……I know who’s stock is suddenly climbing
not like this GIF
I am taking solace in the fact that nobody here really knows. Some may have a better “idea” based on what they have been fed, but nobody here has the answers most of us really want. It’s hard to be patient for some of us, no doubt. But we have no choice I suppose. What I can say is that I am not terribly excited about most of the names that “appear” or more likely are rumored to be legitimate candidates. But hey, I wasn’t wild about the Gattis hire so what do I know. I am probably going to do what I did then and simply say “ION Know”

depends. 7-9? 9-11 following an invitation to exit early?
7-9 88'-90'

To this day Father Izquierdo's voice for morning prayer haunts me LOL and I still crave Father Sardiña's candy which in hindsight is quite disturbing LOL
Yep. They had a big ordeal in Australia with the pedo stuff. They finally stopped with predicting the end of the world after about five misses. I believe 1975 was the last time they tried that, I remember listening to an old *** clip of the brother saying “ stay alive to 75”. All the JW’s went and quit their jobs and sold their houses preparing for the end. Oops

Nah, bro…they slightly predicted the end was going to happen in 2000, too. They said something to the effect of, “we can be certain that all these things will be fulfilled by the end of this century.” This was in a 1980’s WT. They’ve changed that to read “our lifetime”, but the original copy had our century.

They also predicted “This Generation” would never pass, meaning all those old timers from 1914 who were still alive would never taste death, & the end would happen. They all died; so they had to change the meaning that anyone who “was anointed” at any time during any of them were alive…yeah that’s what we meant. Lol

The last of them died in 1992, and there’s only a few left standing who were both “anointed” during his life span & r still living…so they have roughly about 15-20 more yrs on this latest prediction. Lol
What’s funny is that number was supposed to sealed off by 1935. Lol. The 2nd & most prominent leader came up w/ a two class system that’s nowhere in scripture, but a blatant misinterpretation of Jesus’ words found in the gospels. Basically what happened:

-The world was supposed to end in 1914, but when that didn’t happen, since WWI happened, the founder said, “see, we were right, but we just got the date wrong.” By means of the Pyramid of Giza (b/c that was supposed to be God’s stone), he then calculated the word to end in 1915, then 1918. (He died Oct 31, 1916)

-2nd leader comes & the new teaching happens: that everything was correct, but it happened invisibly. WWI proves that Jesus kicked Satan out of heaven like Revelation says & was predicted, so the yr correct, but event wrong. (Problem is, he said that was supposed to happen on Oct 1, 1914…WWI started in July, but let’s not let facts get in the way; this is something JWs still hold on to til this very day). So then supposedly Jesus had nothing to do for 5 yrs, so he reviewed EVERY religion on earth, but in 1919, he chose The JWs to be the only true religion. Again, this approval happened invisibly. Lol

-2nd founder then said he was the promised Faithful Slave (which wasn’t a promise, but an illustration of how followers should behave awaiting Christ, but let’s not let facts get in the way). He then said the Bible clearly points to 1925 being the end, & that was his big campaign for 5 yrs. In fact, his publication, “Conclusive Proof That Millions Now Living Will Never Die” converted thousands, as many were fed up with the conditions during this time, looking for hope.

Well needless to say, that failed. But wait; he then said he needed a home located in an area that’s similar to what Moses, Abraham, Issac & other Patriarchs of old could be resurrected to b/c the end is coming soon! So he had a lavish mansion in SD, CA paid for by the members, b/c they knew the end was coming any moment. Lol

-So since the end didn’t come when predicted, & the numbers of the religion was growing past that 144k teaching, he rebranded the religion, & teaching, while re-creating two different hopes.

The leaders since then have been rebranding, re-creating teachings ever since, b/c each prediction have failed; but, instead of saying we were wrong, they’ll sugar coat it & say “it wasn’t God’s time for us to fully understand, BUT NOW, we understand due to “new light.”

Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat…and many members b/c of the love bombing, the guise of unity when it’s uniformity, along w/ the fear mongering have been suspended in thought.

It doesn’t matter what facts u show regarding many weird teachings. They are taught to ignore anything negative about them, EVEN if u remind them of teachings from their literature!

If u ask the avg. JW who their mediator is, the overwhelming majority will say Jesus; but, they don’t realize their leaders teach He’s not their mediator, he’s only the mediator for the 144k (which is an illustration & figurative parable). That’s of course not what ANY scripture say, so to get around this inconvenience, the leaders have said the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is really designed for the 144k, but principles are to heeded by all. They don’t even know their religion teaches that it’s through the leaders is the only way u can have an approved relationship w/ God, even though the Bible says differently. To get around this inconvenience, again, they teach they are Christ’s brothers tasked with feeding them spiritually & directing them.

The reason no JW know or recognizes this is b/c of yet are not allowed to think for themselves; in fact, they r told not to become wise in ur own eyes, just listen, obey, & be blessed.

(Sorry for the rant, but I needed to give context)
When i was younger, someone we knew in Jamaica needed blood. His family let him die because they are JW. I never forget that. I now have a friend who converted like within the past 2 years, really nice and good person, been friends since 06. She ask me to come to her church or log in online. NO
Anything info reported at this level is almost 100% incorrect

It’s got to be some smoke screen during negotiations with the real candidate(s)
Of course. There's no freaking way that MC is really considering hitching his wagon and potential future at UM to Doug freaking Nussmeier.
Nah, bro…they slightly predicted the end was going to happen in 2000, too. They said something to the effect of, “we can be certain that all these things will be fulfilled by the end of this century.” This was in a 1980’s WT. They’ve changed that to read “our lifetime”, but the original copy had our century.

They also predicted “This Generation” would never pass, meaning all those old timers from 1914 who were still alive would never taste death, & the end would happen. They all died; so they had to change the meaning that anyone who “was anointed” at any time during any of them were alive…yeah that’s what we meant. Lol

The last of them died in 1992, and there’s only a few left standing who were both “anointed” during his life span & r still living…so they have roughly about 15-20 more yrs on this latest prediction. Lol
I was talking flat out saying it. They always leave wiggle room since 1975. It’s always the “ last days “. Whenever something big happens it’s like clock work , 911 and the pandemic. I was telling friends when the pandemic started JW’s are about to start selling that hard. And of course their numbers got a little spike. Before that they were plummeting.
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