The OC Candidates Thread

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I trust Rad and Mario enough to fully vet this situation. They don’t want to go thru this again. Gattis was a cluster F on and off the field. Cannot let themselves get fooled twice

Yeah, and this isn't personal, but everything you say is just vague platitudes. "Won't get fooled again" is a great song, but a harder thing to pull off in real life. The reason WHY people avoid making back-to-back mistakes is by specifically avoiding what they did the first time, and I've seen plenty of real life business situations where someone "goes conservative" after making an error in judgment.

It doesn't matter if "they don't want to go through this again", but it's definitely a risk. Let's not mainline a bunch of hopium and act as if it can't happen again.

The people who are being blindly optimistic here are doing so out of "the dream" about what Frost can be at his best. Which is compelling and/or addictive. Reality? I don't know. I want to believe, but if his issues DO involve substance abuse, I think many of us have interacted with someone who BS'd us during recovery.
Here is my question regarding Frost and his allegations.

If they are real, wouldn’t Nebraska use that to NOT pay him $15 million.

Athletic departments are still a business.

Frost is a Nebraska alum. And if you've ever interacted with a Nebraska alum or fan, they conceptualize their program as some sort of paragon of virtue. So maybe they didn't try to grind out a "for cause" termination with one of their favorite sons.
Frost is a Nebraska alum. And if you've ever interacted with a Nebraska alum or fan, they conceptualize their program as some sort of paragon of virtue. So maybe they didn't try to grind out a "for cause" termination with one of their favorite sons.
That was my thought also.

But $15 million is $15 million lol
Frost's wife might not approve of South Beach. He couldn't even control himself with the Lincoln heifers.

Super short leash and AA meetings required.
Somebody introduce this man to Nebraska Co-eds, please.
Yeah, and this isn't personal, but everything you say is just vague platitudes. "Won't get fooled again" is a great song, but a harder thing to pull off in real life. The reason WHY people avoid making back-to-back mistakes is by specifically avoiding what they did the first time, and I've seen plenty of real life business situations where someone "goes conservative" after making an error in judgment.

It doesn't matter if "they don't want to go through this again", but it's definitely a risk. Let's not mainline a bunch of hopium and act as if it can't happen again.

The people who are being blindly optimistic here are doing so out of "the dream" about what Frost can be at his best. Which is compelling and/or addictive. Reality? I don't know. I want to believe, but if his issues DO involve substance abuse, I think many of us have interacted with someone who BS'd us during recovery.
For sure! You nor I know what is true or untrue as it pertains to Frost. I have no way of verifying. Any hire would be a risk. Frost would be a bigger one given the off field crap, if true. Also I’m not privy to Gattis off-field issues other than what Cribby hinted at. So I’m speaking from a place of limited information.

I dont remember there being any issues surrounding Frost at stops prior to NEB. So does that make his time and issues there an anomaly or was he able to hide them at his other stops.
Frost is such an *******...

And his offense has problems in red zone.

But there is obv some things to like about it and it's a proven upgrade.
I recognize the Frost smoke is based on verified conversations with no confirmation that an offer was extended. However, what is encouraging to me is that Frost’s offense is not “bro ball”…that makes me happy. Mario may actually hire an OC with a contemporary view on offense that takes advantage of South Florida talent…hasn’t been done in a LONG time.
We've also had coaches who loved the bottle before; not labeling him as such, but Erickson, Ed O...plenty of others. They all did fine here. And if Scott is serious about getting another chance to prove himself as an HC, he'll give it his all down here.

I think it would be an excellent hire. What he did with Mariota at Oregon, at UCF....heck even his Nebraska offenses weren't that bad.

You know I have great love and respect for you.



Ed Orgeron was fired at UM. I'm not saying he's not a helluva coach, but his problems WHILE AT UM were profound. Easily could have (some would say should have) been arrested. And I have tremendous respect for Ed O. But come on.

And as for "Drunken Dennis" as he was known...I was in school back then...the stories of Dennis drinking himself silly at The Faculty Club/Alumni House were legendary. I once had (lost it now) a FANTASTIC photo of Dennis OUT-OF-HIS-MIND drunk at the party after the 1990 Sugar Bowl (where I snuck into the party). Dennis may have pulled off a couple of great years early in his tenure, but things definitely declined in later years, when his behavior became worse.
I recognize the Frost smoke is just that … verified conversations with no confirmation that an offer was extended. However, what is encouraging to me is that Frost’s offense is not “bro ball”…that makes me happy. Mario may actually hire an OC with a contemporary view on offense that takes advantage of South Florida talent…hasn’t been done in a LONG time.
I still think looking at David Yost across town would be a low risk, better option than Frost
sing along do you wanna build a snowman GIF by Disney Parks
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