Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Mood Feeling GIF

Mario in deep thought, making sure he gets it right this time.
Apparently he’s contemplating while constipating
Mario will be the first coach to be conducting coordinator interviews during spring practice. We will just take turns running our schedule’s offense/defense. Good on good scout team
You might be on to something. After what happened with Gattis, Mario wants OC candidates to rotates series in the spring game to see how they handle the current roster of players. I jumped the gun on his thoroughness, chess not checkers. I must apologize.
/not an employment lawyer

The alleged "for cause" thing doesn't quite make sense timeline-wise. If Gattis did in fact do something that warranted being fired "for cause," wouldn't that have made it easier to terminate him promptly because there is a basis for firing, which usually results in a forfeit of any remaining monies on the rest of the contract (so there's not much to negotiate, if anything)? Instead, it dragged on seemingly forever. The fact that it went on so long suggested to me maybe it had something to do with a buy-out (which then wouldn't be for cause) or something else (like Mario micromanaging). IDK.
maybe an investigation was ongoing, in lieu of termination.
What I'd do: Litrell as OC/QB and try to get someone like Wes Welker as WR/PGC/OC-in-Waiting.
Bring in James Coley at RB/TE (if Fields really might move off-field).

edit: Wes Welker obviously played for Mike Leach (so theres a Leach connection with Litrell), and has coached WR 3 yrs under Kyle Shanahan, and now a year under Mike McDaniels... I think he's a dude that could easily be a CFB OC within a year or two if he wanted. But maybe he wants to stay in the NFL. But if we could get Litrell for 2 yrs, and then he moves on to be a HC again, and move Welker right in to be OC kinda like tOSU did with hartline... I feel like this could be a good move.

Or Mullen. **** bring Mullen in off field if we can regardless what happens.
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Wonder how TVD feels not having an OC or QBs coach for weeks now.Who is helping him get better as we approach spring practices.Can't imagine he thought we would be here when he decided to come back.Just heard coach Hayes bring up this point and he's right.
I also blame Mario for putting up with this nonsense. Be an alpha, Mario, like you claim to be, and tell this guy to **** or get off the pot. But don’t just sit back like a beta and let him dictate the terms.
This is like the Cormani saga. When the dude didn’t sign at early signing day it was over and Mario ended up looking like the weak one still pursuing him when it was clear as day he was gone. Sad.
for those clamoring for DVD to have an on the field coaching job, what evidence can you suggest that supports your argument?
There are position coach spots available for recruiters. Obviously you need the right balance. I see no problem with having 2 DB coaches with 1 being a recruiter like DVD. What is the evidence supporting keeping Wright on staff?
for those clamoring for DVD to have an on the field coaching job, what evidence can you suggest that supports your argument?
I’ll bite…I haven’t been clamoring, but he played CB at both the college and NFL level. I’m sure he could pass down relevant knowledge to HS kids.

I’ve seen guys that were hired as a position coach who never played the position, but were knowledgeable.

Why not @rsa coral gables ?!?
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