1. The last time I locked one of these derailed CIO vs. The Board threads you ****ers rioted like D block at OCI when the TVs in the common area get taken away.
2. Half the people crying about CIO derailing are the same ******** who chase him around the board provoking him. He's usually not the guy to throw the first insult or slick comment. So everyone's going to act surprised when he fires off some (admittedly, typically childish) insult? Nope.
3. ~75% of this thread is a ******* derail.
My advice: anyone who doesn't want CIO derailing threads w/ message board flame wars should simply keep his name out of their posts (including obvious references to "certain posters"). And if he does fire off the handle unprovoked, report it and either I,
@RVACane @JD08 @JeddTheFisch or one of the other mods/admins will boot him from the thread. But, I don't expect to see it. This board loves to poke the bear then complain when the bear angrily takes a swipe back.