Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Maudes how long ya'll gonna let a certain porster hijack each thread with his childish name calling just because he might have known Butch 30 years ago? :bobross:

1. The last time I locked one of these derailed CIO vs. The Board threads you ****ers rioted like D block at OCI when the TVs in the common area get taken away.

2. Half the people crying about CIO derailing are the same ******** who chase him around the board provoking him. He's usually not the guy to throw the first insult or slick comment. So everyone's going to act surprised when he fires off some (admittedly, typically childish) insult? Nope.

3. ~75% of this thread is a ******* derail.

My advice: anyone who doesn't want CIO derailing threads w/ message board flame wars should simply keep his name out of their posts (including obvious references to "certain posters"). And if he does fire off the handle unprovoked, report it and either I, @RVACane @JD08 @JeddTheFisch or one of the other mods/admins will boot him from the thread. But, I don't expect to see it. This board loves to poke the bear then complain when the bear angrily takes a swipe back.
Guessing here but that may be the reason we've seen a flurry of interviews recently, which means if we're down to hiring position coaches and analysts this thing may actually be over soon.
Which honestly is a smart decision. Hasn’t Saban elevated guy out of analysts positions? Who knows maybe he will give someone like Frost that opportunity since he seems to be damaged good right now. Could be his window of resurrection and if so would then we partial to staying here if the opportunity arises.
Black And White Smoke GIF
Once again “ just because the media reports somebody has interviewed doesn’t mean it’s for a play caller position“. **** somebody like Streeter could be be interviewing for analysis for all we know.
Yup. Look at all the "mid" names we've been hearing lately that everyone is freaking out about - Applewhite, Dawson, Streeter. Even @JayCane20 said his source told him Applewhite would be career suicide for Mario - as an OC. This late round of names doesn't mean Mario just whiffed on his top targets, IMO.
Mario has to get this right…the biggest problem with our program is every 2 years we are making significant changes..we have no identity as a program..we want to be a big 10 school, an upfield attacking defense, then a conservative offense to an uptempo spread, back to a power spread….we keep recruiting kids and a year from now they don’t even fit what we are trying to build anymore..
And before anyone asks "why would those guys come here just to be analysts" let me say that I think - Gattis' *****ass notwithstanding - Mario prides himself on helping his staff fail upwards. Steele is already gone to Alabama. Watch where Strong lands, I'll bet its not as a LB coach somewhere. Applewhite or Frost or whoever can come in, the offense improves dramatically, and Mario can say "well we give a lot of credit also to Coach X who really helped us turn this thing around."
Yup. Look at all the "mid" names we've been hearing lately that everyone is freaking out about - Applewhite, Dawson, Streeter. Even @JayCane20 said his source told him Applewhite would be career suicide for Mario - as an OC. This late round of names doesn't mean Mario just whiffed on his top targets, IMO.
apple white was the fake name Manny threw out there to fool the media. if he got hired by a MUCH better HC than Manny, lets just move all the money to L and turn us into a full blown basketball school
My 100% uneducated guess OC will be stand alone and Guidry will be a combo coach.

Last year Gattis was a combo and Steele was standalone.

So something like this
OC- Lavell Edwards

DC/safeties- Guidry
DT-Joe (for now?)
DE- Wright
LB-no clue
Field booted/demoted and no on-field TE coach?
And before anyone asks "why would those guys come here just to be analysts" let me say that I think - Gattis' *****ass notwithstanding - Mario prides himself on helping his staff fail upwards. Steele is already gone to Alabama. Watch where Strong lands, I'll bet its not as a LB coach somewhere. Applewhite or Frost or whoever can come in, the offense improves dramatically, and Mario can say "well we give a lot of credit also to Coach X who really helped us turn this thing around."
I dont think strong is a DC in todays game anymore tbh. the market spoke for itself a few times. he ended up being an analyst following the USF firing and you could say buyout but I doubt USF was paying Strong more than we were paying Manny in a buyout and Manny took a DC gig at PSU fresh off the miami firing. he spent time w urban as a LB coach in Jax and ended up being a LB coach here w no play calling. hes pretty much where randy is as a defensive coach at this point. Steele has been a play calling DC a lot more recently than Strong and was basically our stop gap imo bc we likely failed on Schumann if he was choice 1. **** be a stop gap at Bama. hes not a bad DC (Steele) just doesn't recruit anymore
Joe Brady was not the oc at lsu
We have been down this a million times. Emsminger (sp?) was, but somehow the results were only like that in the two years Brady was there, even accounting for their insane talent. The point is swfl somehow thinks that because his cousin has had success in the sport and because he has cooked for Butch Davis and possibly changed his depends, if he hasn’t heard of the guy it is automatically a bad hire.
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