The most frustrating part

No my problem is Mario because he’s THE ******* HEAD COACH!!!!!!! Who’s hired two offensive coordinators that both do the same ****. This is much bigger than the OC. Mario is a caveman former OL that refuses to adapt.
I think we have to suffer through one more year before the toxicity gets so bad that a change needs to happen. I don’t see a W at BC and we will lose our bowl game. That’s 6-7. Next year, our obstinate cognitively challenged coach will repeat the same mistakes. There’s no way he survives here but watching this wreck unfold in slow motion will be agonizing
Imagine if fans had asked for a scheme focused HC that gets more out of the current roster instead of a coach that fans think will be able to recruit better than Saban with a treasure chest full of gold bars?

Sipping Tea Time GIF

Shake Wildlife GIF by BBC Earth
Imagine if fans had asked for a scheme focused HC that gets more out of the current roster instead of a coach that fans think will be able to recruit better than Saban with a treasure chest full of gold bars?

Sipping Tea Time GIF
It seems clear to me that in today’s age of NIL, a somewhat personable X and O’s savant on offense is >>> a coRch who’s a better recruiter.
The te is the deadliest player in todays football and then mix in defenses not being able to defend the middle of the field. It’s a travesty.
We def need a change in offensive philosophy to utilize the TE's more. But has Dawson ever been big on scheming the TE in the gameplan. Not being an *** but when the offense is split open wide it moves well but then shift to an immediate condensed set with no motion. It seems like it would be easy for a D coordinator to pick up on tendencies.
TVD said he sat down with Dawson and they talked about what he liked and didn't like. They actually talked about a game plan. Why does it take until #10 to do that? Why ?

Dawson lost me a long time ago.
I did struggle with that comment. One would sure seem to think that convo would’ve occurred when the struggle started.
This is how I know you guys aren't objective. How anybody complains about the offense after today is a little silly IMO. When you put up 500 yards of offense and score 31 points you should win the football game.

Guidry and the defense got raped today.

The offense was much improved but that just isn’t the full story. Yes the D got scorched. But despite playing pretty good overall, we went conservative on offense whenever we needed to desperately open it up to keep momentum. At the end of the day Lville is a very good offense and the refs were helping them wherever they could, so you need to score lots of points.
Is this team is actually pretty **** good but coaching continues to lose us games. Two years in a row of no discipline, conservative , predictable play calling.

Now go watch Brohm put pressure on all three levels of the defense and keep Guidry / players off balance. Yet we run into the teeth of the defense selling out on every third / fourth and short. Mario cares more about an attitude and making a point instead of scoring or getting a first down.

Fact is the evidence is starting to pile up that Mario is a stubborn , hard headed former OL that refuses to adapt or think out the box. We’re now reaching the insanity level of trying the same **** at nauseam and expecting different results.

The end of the half and the end of the game is Mario and his team in a nut shell. Third and a long two we run right into the D selling out because they know how predictable we are. They then drive down field and steal a td , taking the momentum in the half. I knew then we were f’d. To end the game we blow a timeout inside the five knowing we needed it desperately if we didn’t score. We proceed to pass three times when we should’ve tried runs. Just like we run when we should pass on third and two.

The last two nails in the coffin was as bad of personal fouls as you could get. Right in front of the ref in the final seconds. No discipline.

Mario **** near flipped the roster yet we still are an idiotic team. All of this looks horrible on him. He coaches to extend games rather than trying to win them.

Lastly could our army of clueless media ask him about his “ self scouting “? Because Hellen Keller knows what we’re doing on third and two.
Hate how conservative he is. He really needs to play CEO on Gameday. Let ur coaches coach and Mario just claps and is a rah rah guy. He continues to not have a feel for the game he talks all tough but he’s a scared *** ***** and never tried to win the game
If Restrepo looks for the ball on the slant we score!
Looked strange. In real time I thought he was held because of how he looked in the pattern. I think we was just not going full out because he expected it to be thrown elsewhere.