The most frustrating part

It doesn't take years to understand clock management, momentum swings, understanding what your players can/can't do, demanding RESPECT/ DISCIPLINE and scheming up game plans to attack your opponents weaknesses while protecting your own.

Either you got it or you ******* don't.

Just imagine a player getting an unsportsmanlike and causing Saban a game? He could be a 1st round lock and a game changer. His *** won't play another down.

The players know this and it's why they don't do dumb ****.

We HAVENT HAD A SINGLE COACH, SINCE BUTCH DAVIS, to garner that level of respect.

Sidenote: My dawg Guidry gotta get back in the lab this off-season. His tendencies are getting picked up.

Coach Lindsey gave em **** but he at least made em punt a few times and such. Coach Brohm pulled his pants down in the cafeteria during 1st lunch. An absolute clinic he put on my boy.

Coach Brohm is a prime example of a Coach scheming around his players limitations and talents. A Coach not totally relying on his players to " beat the man in front of you" but actually playing chess against the opposing coach and moving his pieces FAR better.

Mario making this **** harder than it should be and it's evident af watching other teams.
Every yard we make is a chore
Good teams constantly get easy yards

True…The D got lit up

But honestly it's really hard to be overly critical there as the D has been our life support for about 6 weeks as we've done nothing on offense and lost close game after close game.
Sure, but if you watch the actual game and don't go into it knowing who you want to blame before the W/L result is decided, that is where the true objective fault lies today. I guarantee if we won after this offensive performance all the mario haters would be praising Dawson thankful he finally let him stop running so much bro-style. But we lost, so the offense has to get trashed.
Just go watch Brohms play calling inside the five or every third and 2-5 yards.

Aint gotta sell me on Brohm - or the family. I watched them play. I know the pedigree. Mario aint in that stratosphere. He lacks the IQ. That family is a football family. You think they wouldn't have bent the knee? Sheeit.

Blame the coaches all you want but consider this: our defensive secondary has been BAD for many years and nothing will change until we get better/smarter players. We scored enough points to win today IF we had the players to make that happen. Just keep looking at the last TD they scored......that's ALL on the players.....not Mario or any other coach!
So coaches aren't responsible for developing kids, doing film study to drill it home, and/or brining in new kids who can play to the level you want?

Responsibility lies on both sides.
How come all of CFB Including Brohm makes teams sell out for blitzing but Miami can’t ? We kept blitzing Brohm and he kept making us pay. Getting guys wide open and walking in for td’s inside the ten . We just drop our non mobile qb back and let him get treated like a piñata. You saw the play calls , who was open? What creativity did we use ? Rinse repeat every week.
got him hurt again early, too
Most of those screens initially require a block from a fellow WR, didn’t work very well.
Especially since that‘s one of the five plays we run so they were ready for it.
...still a screen though.
I get if the point is we should run at least 1 rb screen over an entire season... but no ******* way in **** should we even think about running a te screen, and anyone suggesting it should be shot for even putting that out there with our current crop of TEs.

Also I'd argue the screens didn't work well based on who we passed them to. Jacolbie George just doesn't get used downfield or over the middle ever. Yet he gets these screens that should be to Brashard and George...
TVD said he sat down with Dawson and they talked about what he liked and didn't like. They actually talked about a game plan. Why does it take until #10 to do that? Why ?

Dawson lost me a long time ago.
Yeah I mentioned this as well

First few games all was well but when teams started taking X away we started to spiral and it took too long to make any adjustments to the adjustments
Ive came to the reality of what this program is and that’s why I gave in to hiring Mario. I do think he’ll build the roster up with talent. I trust the evaluating and development to a degree. We’ll be tough, physical and talented. I said when we hired him we’d be in the 9–11 games a year ball park with the occasional big run every now and again. That was more because of the talent acquisition versus our conference. At the very best he’ll cost you one game a year with his coaching or multiple unnecessary close calls
So he’s another Jimbo Fisher.
TVD said he sat down with Dawson and they talked about what he liked and didn't like. They actually talked about a game plan. Why does it take until #10 to do that? Why ?

Dawson lost me a long time ago.
I heard this as well. Very disturbing that this is the week we are having this type of conversation.
A QB with legs will help this offense so incredibly much. Creativity be damned (and it is the ugliest/most plodding offense around).. the ability to hold a backside edge player, to extend plays, etc.. will do so much for Marioball. Now time to go do what we do best! Off-season Champs! LFG!