Coaching Texas Just Guaranteed Natty 2024

Empirical Cane

We are what we repeatedly do.
Sep 3, 2018
Sark stacking rum and cokes as much as he does does savages on staff.

Natty guaranteed this season. He's playing 10d chess while the rest of college corches are ******** around with pick-up-sticks.

Stop pretending our programs are the same.

Sark stacking rum and cokes as much as he does does savages on staff.

Natty guaranteed this season. He's playing 10d chess while the rest of college corches are ******** around with pick-up-sticks.

Stop pretending our programs are the same.

Surprised Fall Out GIF
What a **** article to write. The last thing a guy wants after getting married is to have the fact his bride was a stripper broadcast to the World.
I don't know about that...

How it all started...

"...Danielle Thomas, a former exotic dancer who once appeared on The Jerry Springer Show under the name “Pole Assassin,” uses a pet monkey named “Gia” as part of her act. Thomas calls the monkey her “emotional support animal..."

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What a **** article to write. The last thing a guy wants after getting married is to have the fact his bride was a stripper broadcast to the World.

Normally I would agree putting her profession in the story as long as it was legal is wrong but the monkey biting story was pretty well discussed story when it happened and she outed herself at the time saying the monkey was part of her act.

Also he cheated on his wife and broke up his family for her so fvck him.
We will see opening weekend, they are going to the Big House. I’ll be there…
Then watch yo self cat.

I'd bring arm and shin guards to protect against monkey bites.

Also wear a cup. Those little savages aren't afraid to take a chomp chomp on the frank and beans.

Stay frosty.
