Texas DL Coach Loses His ****!!!

If his players have bought into him as a coach then this stuff might work. If not then it's just noise. I have no idea either way because he's getting vouched for here but then again one of his players is recording him too.

All that said, Washington's AD just somehow suspended him for Texas' next game. (Watch her somehow get an interview here if we can Blake)
No problem whatsoever here! At least he did this in the bus, my high school D. Coordinator flipped the entire table of Gatorade, while cussing us out at half time. All because we allowed a touchdown before the end of the half preventing a shutout. Bet they didn’t score again though. 😂
The only one I feel sorry for is the coach. Yes, these guys get paid quite well, but to have your job security depend on the self-discipline and judgment of 18-22 year olds would drive me crazy.

I used to be in the always blame the coaches for everything group, but I guess I am becoming a bitter old man because I'm thinking more shade needs to be thrown the way of the players, especially since now many of them are finally able to get some income.

****….I like this guy’s style.

This is a guy who is older, busted his *** for his teammates, sacrificed as a player. A guy you want in your foxhole. Unfortunately, most kids are not wired that way anymore and he lost his *****. I am not faulting the kids or him, just different times. I am older so I love the fire and the passion. I love the use of the word F&ck. The way he says it is glorious. Feel bad for the dude, just different times.
nothing wrong with yelling, doesnt mean its going to make them good though. U can yell at a kid to do his homework 100 times he aint doing it lol.