Testings results for Miami targets at the regional opening

I'd like to see these kids man up and post their 40 times, but I'm sure a bad time could possibly cost them a scholarship somewhere.

I'm finally all-in on Schwartz. I'd rather be wrong on a kid that runs a 4.3 laser time than one that doesn't run that fast.
what is the knock on Schwartz? with that size and elite speed and his HL tape, idk how he's still like 5th-7th on our WR wish list.... weak in routes? hands?
what do XWilliams, Hightower, etc have over him?

I know that nobody wants to say it out loud but....it´s anti-semitism.
Kid like Garvin in measurables---

Oladele, Kayode.. 18.. DL.. Miami Edison- FL... 6-5-H…. 234-W…. 4.87-40…. 4.7-SS…. 41-PB…. 35-V…. 103.92-SPARQ--100+ for SPARQ lineman great!!

Jonathan Garvin .. DL ... 17 .. FL .. Lake Worth.. 6-3.5-H... 222-W... 4.87-40... 4.40 -SS... 36.0-PB... 36.2-V... 97.89--SPARQ
Abudllah can add weight after he comes in. But as a LB his 40 time being better than the 40 times of our both committed elite RB's is very telling.

We took Wilder who is the same size and slower then Abdullah but we won't take Abdullah...(according to those in the know on here) Makes no sense to me.

How about skills? Way more to being a football player than size and speed.

Wilder was 190 after track season [MENTION=8136]252cane[/MENTION].

No idea what that means [MENTION=16495]Oicu812[/MENTION].

Pete said it on here that he thought Abdullah was the best player on Carol Citys defense last year. What more do we need to see here?

If we are only taking 2 LBers? Then fine. Abdullah would be out.

But if we take 3-4 LBers and Abdullah isnt one of them. That would be a head scratcher. Esp if we take Reese or Sherwood over him.

Means quite simply..our staff has already said they put a lot of value on character,.. Persona.."a fit" for what they want at the U!! Nowhere,.. In any of these statistics from these camps,.. Do you find grades on character,.. Sportmanship,.. Drive,..or "DOG"!! Samborghini tested way up there..where's he at?? How bout turning into a ***** and taking your pads off, and quitting, cause you didn't get to start? Just because you test high as an athlete,.. Doesn't mean you qualify for what our coaches want!! And thank God we finally have coaches who know what they want!!
Look at it this way. We are on the guys we want and they all top caliber talent. That doesn't mean the other kids aren't just as good.
Few things that jump out at me... DJ Ivey 4.2 shuttle and 35.8 vertical.

Kayode Oladele's numbers are ridiculous. Miami will continue to recruit him.

Dominick Watt is a grown man.

Sitkowski already 6-6 and he's not even 17.

Kayode's numbers jumped out to me the most. Have to get this kid from FSU. His raw ability and upside are bananas. Don't want to see him yearly unless he plays for us.
Tyson Campbell is SPECIAL

Dude is basically 6'3 and may still be growing. Ran an elite time of 4.47. His shuttle time is mediocre, but seeing how fluid he is on the field, that doesn't concern me at all

The shuttle is what stood out to me as well. I wonder if he stumbled or something. Your shuttle should not be slower than your 40. If it is, it raises some flags about change of direction.
TE or eventually OL?--kid is huge for TE already but turned in a 4.88 short shuttle--looks like possibly a big DE that will grow into a quick fast DT

Jackson, Jarrett 18.. TE ..Palm Beach Gardens- FL.. 6-5(H)... 257(Wt)... (no 40)... 4.6(short shuttle)... 37.5(power ball)...26.5(vertical)

Jarrett Jackson - Hudl
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James Cook 4.71


SAW THAT- As it's been said" HE AIN'T NO DALVIN" - IMO-We hit on the best 2 RB's in the state - and how bout "SKI" showing out with a 4.51? Dig that & 6'5-220 now & still only 16-Whew- this kat in 2 years with a natural growth spurt still happening and a yr in our system with the weight room-****.... Don't know if he will run often but when he does and he's allowed to get sum steam running-He's knocking es out!
Holy crap .... our next QB is 6 ft. 6 and has a shuttle time better than the best CB recruit in the State of Florida (Campbell)
