I think it’s amazing sometimes the perception that people make about Willie. Especially in what you said about his academics and demeanor. I wish things turned out different for him.
I’ll never forget how upset I was the day Smith signed with FSU. How did that even go down? Didn’t his mom want him at Miami?
it’s funny that some posters on other boards said Butch would have been a repeat of other unsuccessful coaches making a return had he been hired over Richt. He is 69 but would have recruited an entire program of kids heading into this year. And Im sure we would be loaded.
Coach got screwed at UNC.
People always have all these conspiracy theories about why we haven't re-hired Butch, blaming everyone but him. And they say how if only we had hired him back we'd be bronzing our ****s with melted down national championship rings all day long.
To those I ask how come EVERY SINGLE POWER-5 football program hasn't sniffed him, either?
I'm sorry, not just every single Power-5 football program, but literally none of the top 100 programs in CFB? There are only 130 programs out there, and I guarantee there are about 10+ that you didn't know had a football team.
I mean... is the AD at Coastal Carolina in on this vast conspiracy? Is he in cahoots with his compatriots at UL-Monroe, Ball St., UAB and Western Michigan? Let alone middling Power-5 programs like OSU, in Butch's home state of Oklahoma. Or Arkansas where he went to school. ****, even Arkansas State hasn't come calling, or any of the zillion schools in Texas, where he was a coach on their beloved Cowboys.
This is some grassy knoll, Qanon level high level stuff.
Or maybe homie is just over the hill, and is exactly where he should be at this point in his life, and the Miami job would be about 12 feet over his head.
I will always love Butch. I'm not bagging on him. Just stating facts. He was a great Hurricane. But personally, today, in this internet-driven, modern arms race era of CFB, I am glad the coach who went 6-7 at FIU last year isn't our head coach.