TerrEnce not TerrAnce Lewis 1.0 - 5.0 (merged) - Picks Maryland

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He doesn't fit what Bama does on defense, so I wouldn't expect them to be. My point is just because Clemson gets by without 5-star LBs, lets not act like it wouldn't make life easier for us
What I think is the point - there isn’t a single top 10 program (20? I like to think we might be a top 20 program, but I’m not certain) in the country that seems to want this particular 5* lb. That is telling.

Do I think we should make room for a kid with his type of raw ability? Yes, definitely. But I don’t make a seven figure salary choosing players for my football team - and plenty of guys that do aren’t knocking on T2s door.

I'm all for working with "troubled" kids. I did it for a living.
But...we have absolutely ZERO coaches on defense who can handle a "rough" personality. Like, not one.

I'll also add that none of us know the extent of T2's issues.

We had a player at Deerfield a few years ago that Manny wanted bad! Freak athlete. Our HC coach had to save Manny by telling him the baggage that comes with him. Manny passed, the kid ended up signing elsewhere (SEC). Lasted not even one season in college. He was cursing at coaches. Not showing up to workouts. Coaches knocking on his door in the morning trying to get him to come out, he wouldn't answer the door. Just defiant as ****.
He was an alpha dog on the field though! But all that **** is null and void IF THE KID CAN'T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS TO GET ON THE FIELD.

Is T2 an "edgy" guy that's still respectful to adults? That can worked with.
Or is he the type of kid that will try adults/coaches? Even that can be worked with, but not with our coaches. We don't have one single coach on defense that will go in a kid's ****.

The fact that several coaching staffs chose not to deal with him + him almost getting his a$$ whooped by the police doesn't look good on the surface.

I'm not saying you DON'T take a chance on a kid like this, but personally I would need to know more details.
Regardless though, I don't think our staff is built for it.
Brooks is getting more snaps than McCloud at this point. Another fantastic take.
Banda has
And Oregon does?

Clemson doesn't "produce" NFL Linebackers because they don't sign NFL level talent. They sign "smart coachable" 3-star kids at LB.
Justin Flowe could sign with FAU and still go to the NFL.
Flowe would go NFL if he took off three years of college
And Oregon does?

Clemson doesn't "produce" NFL Linebackers because they don't sign NFL level talent. They sign "smart coachable" 3-star kids at LB.
Justin Flowe could sign with FAU and still go to the NFL.
My bad you right they just signed there first blue chip backer this year with T Simpson well see how that goes, but do you think blue chip backers from a talent standpoint can excell in this defense. Me personally I think T2 can be high round guy at the U because this scheme puts our guys in space soo much that you have to be uber Athletic like brooks and huff to make those sideline to sideline plays.
Without getting into specifics I did hear from some people at Chaminade that there were some issues and obviously he didn’t last there.
my vote T2 to UM

Know one knows , and many options have spoke , know matter what ‘they” are saying /opinions or predictions , KNOW ONE KNOWS where T2 will end up ! Again my vote is T2 to UM PERIOD! F@*K what you heard jit / homie / cuzo ..../ family....lol.🤣😂🤣💪🏿👍🏾
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Again, yeah losing the bet was the point of it.
Well if youre being technical, which bets are technical than he never had a bet. He had an opinion that no one called him on and challenged his opinion... That's how a bet happens when someone says I call that. As of now he was just wrong. But nothing to lose.
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