TerrEnce not TerrAnce Lewis 1.0 - 5.0 (merged) - Picks Maryland

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THIS. I seem to remember alot of posters on here swearing that Gerald Willis wouldnt make it past a season here because he was a hot head too. Buddy ended up having the best season for a DT at UM since Warren Sapp.

So lets calm down with the "He's a hot head and has character issues" talk. We have had players like this before and we surrounded them with the right culture of players and they were just fine. Sure some fall through the cracks. (Its important to mention that Eddie Johnson and Jeff Thomas were from OOS and didnt have the support around them like T2 will)....T2 will know many people on the team and they can rally around him and keep him focused.

Who here thinks some hillybilly kids at Aub or TAMU will know how to handle his "personality" better than Romello Brinson, James Williams, Khalil Brantly, Kam Kitchens and the rest of this class? Seriously? What are we really arguing about people. Its absurd at best to say this kid is too much of a character concern for this team.
Lets not talk about Gerald Willis having to sit out a whole year and lose a year of eligibility for unexplained reasons. So it wasn't just smooth sailing for him either. And I don't remember the smoke of potentially hitting women on Willis either.

He's not a tackle, a QB or CB. He's not as valuable as you think. I bet you if you lined up Clemson's LBs the last 4 years you wouldn't take any of them besides Simmons and he started out as a safety. And as a point Clemson aint touching him and no team who we're trying catch wants anything to do with him.
Good point however the lack of elite talent at the LB position is concerning. We need difference makers at each level of our defense to compete vs the elite.
I'm all for working with "troubled" kids. I did it for a living.
But...we have absolutely ZERO coaches on defense who can handle a "rough" personality. Like, not one.

I'll also add that none of us know the extent of T2's issues.

We had a player at Deerfield a few years ago that Manny wanted bad! Freak athlete. Our HC coach had to save Manny by telling him the baggage that comes with him. Manny passed, the kid ended up signing elsewhere (SEC). Lasted not even one season in college. He was cursing at coaches. Not showing up to workouts. Coaches knocking on his door in the morning trying to get him to come out, he wouldn't answer the door. Just defiant as ****.
He was an alpha dog on the field though! But all that **** is null and void IF THE KID CAN'T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS TO GET ON THE FIELD.

Is T2 an "edgy" guy that's still respectful to adults? That can worked with.
Or is he the type of kid that will try adults/coaches? Even that can be worked with, but not with our coaches. We don't have one single coach on defense that will go in a kid's ****.

The fact that several coaching staffs chose not to deal with him + him almost getting his a$$ whooped by the police doesn't look good on the surface.

I'm not saying you DON'T take a chance on a kid like this, but personally I would need to know more details.
Regardless though, I don't think our staff is built for it.
Sign him up the staff needs to put the full court press on him. With our best blue chip commits recruiting him while also close friend James as well we know he'll be a good fit in locker room. That hot head stuff is over blown you need to be edgy and wired different mentally to play the linebacker position period. Also we had Gerald Willis here for multiple years and he excelled, plus with Reed here he can help all these guys become better men. I never forget that's what Tae Williams said right after he signed
Honestly, I appreciate all he brings to the board but man some of @dsddcane posts really hit a nerve for me, especially with how incompetent we are as a university and a football staff. By this point, you just think it's too much to overcome and all we'll have left is YouTube highlights from eons ago.
We'll the positive in that is I stated already we have talked to him and we've stayed in contact all along. Its nothing but my opinion why we don't end up signing him. I'm not spelling out gospel and I'm hoping that I'm wrong. Just an opinion.
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